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Improper Format Scammed... TWICE!!

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by xXCoLaXx, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. xXCoLaXx

    xXCoLaXx New User

    Hello, I have been added by a person named chulaaksorn saying that he has been scammed by a person named MentalKid (his name was different at the time he has scammed). It was 7 keys and chulaaksorn has evidence that he has purchased them via steamcommunity.com/market (i will upload screenshots)
    chulaaksorn also has copy/paste evidence from how his chat went down with "MentalKid" (i will upload screenshots) I also confronted "MentalKid" and he basically tried to say that he never gave the wrong account user/password to him. Long story short, chulaaksorn wanted a new account on ROTMD (Realm Of The Mad Dogs) So he payed "MentalKid" the Keys expecting to get a real username and password but instead got a fake one.

    I have been messaged by a friend named Festive Dr.Pootis that his friend named Mister Jones has gotten scammed by MentalKid. MentalKid said that he was going to pay him 350$ for his unusual (which i have now).
    Mister Jones payed first and MentalKid ran off. Even though their is no evidence, I'm pretty sure Backpack.tf has a backpack history in which you select the date and it shows you the the backpack they had. Basically, MentalKid hopped on Pink Taco's Unusual Server and was quickselling this hat that he had scammed for
    4 Buds (the hat is worth 7-8). I figured that was an amazing price and so i payed him the 4 buds.

    MentalKid (Scammer): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041780944
    Mister Jones (Scammed his unusual): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046645229/
    chulaaksorn (Scammed 7 keys): http://steamcommunity.com/id/chulaaksorn/
    Festive Dr.Pootis (Told me about Mister Jones): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062449043/
    Me (CoLa): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063362944/

    Screenshots (will be updated):
    http://gyazo.com/8f501a12da684b00bb89b4ac148fa9f5 (my conversation with MentalKid)
  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

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