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Improper Format Scammer - 76561198060333168 - Schmidt

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by arpadex, Jan 26, 2013.

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  1. arpadex

    arpadex New User

    5:16 PM - arpadex: hi
    6:26 PM - Bill the Humper: hey sorry i was afk
    6:26 PM - Bill the Humper: e cekaj ti si bosanac :D
    6:27 PM - Bill the Humper: Hocu da ti dam 40$ za DMC
    6:27 PM - Bill the Humper has transfered 40 $ to your account,you will recieve it after the trade.
    6:29 PM - Bill the Humper: Jesi tu?
    6:37 PM - arpadex: da sad
    6:40 PM - Bill the Humper: Ok
    6:40 PM - Bill the Humper: Ajde trade sad moram brzo da idem.
    6:40 PM - arpadex: trade za sta? :D
    You have accepted the trade request from Bill the Humper.
    6:41 PM - Bill the Humper: DMC
    6:41 PM - arpadex: 18 keys
    6:41 PM - Bill the Humper: 40$
    6:41 PM - Bill the Humper has transfered 40 $ to your account,you will recieve it after the trade.
    6:41 PM - arpadex: kupi chivalry 4 pack
    6:41 PM - arpadex: i trejdaj ga
    6:41 PM - Bill the Humper: Ne mogu slusaj ja i sam mogu sebi DMC i bilo sta da kupim od ovih mojih para
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: ali mi je brat uhackovo steam i sad ne mogu nista da kupujem ;*
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: :(*
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: a u steam walletu imam 70$
    6:42 PM - arpadex: salis se jelde?
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: pa hocu da kupim dmc od tebe
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: ne ne salim se
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: Oces 50$?
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: Bac mi treba taj DMC :)
    6:42 PM - Bill the Humper: cekaj evo 50
    6:43 PM - Bill the Humper has transfered 50 $ to your account,you will recieve it after the trade.
    6:43 PM - arpadex: daj bola nadji nekog turcina ako ti se da peglat s tim scam forama
    6:43 PM - Bill the Humper: Sta?
    6:43 PM - Bill the Humper: O cemu pricas?? :O
    6:43 PM - Bill the Humper: Nisam ti ja scammer brate....
    6:43 PM - arpadex: ma ne
    6:43 PM - Bill the Humper: Nikad nisam ni bio
    6:43 PM - arpadex: valve je omogucio bas sad prebacivanje novca sa accounta na account
    6:44 PM - arpadex: uz smijesnu /me poruku
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: ?
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: Sta pricas ti ?? :O
    6:44 PM - arpadex: pretjero si
    6:44 PM - arpadex: reported
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: Cekaj brate ne razumem o cemu pricas
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: rekao mi je brat kad ocu nekom da posaljem novac napisem /me i dam mu novac
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: Nisam znao da je to scam omg :O
    6:45 PM - Bill the Humper: Izvini brate plz nemoj me rep nisam znao
    6:45 PM - Bill the Humper: :(
    6:45 PM - arpadex: imat ces priliku da objasnis na source forumima
    6:45 PM - Bill the Humper: Nemoj plz nisam znao

    Ok lazy to translate whole chat so I will just explain what's going on. He wants Devil May Cry game, and uses /me like he transfered funds to my account. He was first acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about later he admits it. I'll translate these where he admits scam, u can use google translate to check it out.

    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: rekao mi je brat kad ocu nekom da posaljem novac napisem /me i dam mu novac
    (my brother told me if I want to transfer money to somebody's account I have to type /me
    6:44 PM - Bill the Humper: Nisam znao da je to scam omg :O
    (I didn't know it's scam)
    6:45 PM - Bill the Humper: Izvini brate plz nemoj me rep nisam znao
    (Please bro, don't report me to I didn't know)

    And he changed nick after that twice
  2. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  3. ceLoFaN

    ceLoFaN New User

  4. Sjru

    Sjru User

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