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Improper Format Scammer

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [MvP] Madlollipop, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. [MvP] Madlollipop

    [MvP] Madlollipop New User

    |steamID: [MvP] Madlollipop
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:17476484
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995218696
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Madlollipop
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197995218696


    Sorry no picture on the trade:/

    Item history:
    Or in the backpack
    Tf2outpost history

    The chat is quite long and MORE PICS ON CHAT ON REQUEST!

    MvP] Madlollipop: Hio
    Rascal: hey
    Rascal: that guy still hasnt added me
    [MvP] Madlollipop: You would pay about 200 anyway?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: 198?*
    Rascal: i guess
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Cant we just do that :P
    Rascal: mmm
    Rascal: i might be able to negotiate though due to me buying alot
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sure go ahead and find a high tier tree cheaper:P
    Rascal: :P
    Rascal: umm
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Steaming ones(for example) is much harder to sell
    Rascal: ^^
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Flodded market of trees people do not want to keep
    Rascal: kinda looking to start a hearts collection
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Well you can get a heart tree and like 2-4 buds for this tree ;)
    Rascal: i dunno bro
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Hmm?
    Rascal: blizz isnt really my thing
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Well, its like bolts on engi
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I dont like it but its themed and expensive:P
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Its quite cool in game actually, unlike other blizz
    Rascal: alright well how would you want to do this?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Buds -> trading is best as it is basicly impossible for me to get scammed;)
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Do you have any sort of rep?
    Rascal: no due to me just rejoining tf2
    Rascal: cashedout becuase of school reasons
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Mind making a source op account?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Same now for me :P
    Rascal: :)
    Rascal: source op?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Source op = the place where real money transactions happen
    Rascal: and what happens on it?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: You get rep from users who trades with real money
    Rascal: how do you do a 1:1 trade on here?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Rep = people wanna trade you without asking questions
    Rascal: ok
    [MvP] Madlollipop: If you have much rep they will just trade you, if you dont they might not.
    Rascal: but i dont have any rep yet....
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I got 1 rep :D
    Rascal: lol
    [MvP] Madlollipop: :P neither do I, thats why I wondered if you want to make an account
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Would be good for both of us I guess
    Rascal: nah i was going to start on a diff site
    Rascal: forgot what its called
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I have bourght keys from outpost like 50 times ;) and ignored all posts asking for sourceop rep
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Trading post?
    Rascal: no
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Would you mind doing 195 + fees for the tree through paypal?
    Rascal: yeah sure seen you have been a great bloke
    [MvP] Madlollipop: bloke?
    Rascal: ohh
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sorry I don't know what it mean
    [MvP] Madlollipop: s
    Rascal: are you a girl?
    Rascal: bloke = dude/mate in australia
    Rascal: sorry :/
    [MvP] Madlollipop: That depends, sometimes people call me gay(homosexual), and I like girls :P So maybe?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: No I'm not a girl
    Rascal: ok
    Rascal: bloke means dude/mate in australia
    [MvP] Madlollipop: thats cool, actually had a girlfriend I met like 2-3 times a year from australia
    Rascal: ha
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: xD
    [MvP] Madlollipop: You totally lost me
    [MvP] Madlollipop: [email protected]
    [MvP] Madlollipop: There you go anyway
    Rascal: thanks
    You cannot trade with Rascal because they are currently trading with someone else.
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Should I go first?
    Rascal: well yes thats what i was thinking...
    Rascal: 1 sec though
    Rascal: in trade
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I'm playing competitive, got quite a lot of playing, games and friends :P never a scam. But sure, I dont mind.
    Rascal: have you ever used money before?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: About...
    [MvP] Madlollipop: 20-25 times
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Keys buds, bills hats
    Rascal: mk
    Rascal: you wanting me to send as gift?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: but that is only on my profile, was on my outpost before they changed from comments to a heart, and one rep on source op
    [MvP] Madlollipop: If you don't mind
    Rascal: and what would you like me to say?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Nothing,
    [MvP] Madlollipop: You can always, always chargeback
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Regardless of the note
    [MvP] Madlollipop: So thats to no use
    Rascal: but then you have evidence
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Put in a message for lolz
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I got screenshots and I'm active in the community
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Wouldnt be a problem proving you guilty
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Put a lol message in there
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Suprise me :D
    Rascal: alrighty :/
    Rascal: what do you mean you have screenshots btw?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I always have screenshots on my chats and trades and trade chats when I do trades
    [MvP] Madlollipop: That way I'm "sort" of safe when it comes to evidence
    Rascal: well that means you could report me...
    Rascal: even if i dont give money
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I could anyway?
    Rascal: even if i do give money*
    [MvP] Madlollipop: So you need screenshots on the transaction
    [MvP] Madlollipop: :)
    [MvP] Madlollipop: To prove me wrong, Since I have supplied you with the email, you got prrof that you sent it to the right one
    Rascal: email means nothing...
    [MvP] Madlollipop: It means it is the right user you sent the money to
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Anyway, that wont happen
    Rascal: this seems shady
    Rascal: to me
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Hmm?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I'll give you a "free" 200$ tree if you scam me?
    Rascal did not respond to the trade request.
    [MvP] Madlollipop: What can get wrong?
    Rascal: lol
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sigh, must have been my bad english :P
    [MvP] Madlollipop: What I mean is
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I cant win ANYTHING by going first
    Rascal: your english is fine
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I have to trust you that you send me the money afterwards
    [MvP] Madlollipop: And to that I cant do more than trust you
    Rascal: and if i scam you, you report me anyway
    [MvP] Madlollipop: But i am still 200$ short
    [MvP] Madlollipop: But yeah
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I will
    Rascal: but what your saying doesnt seem legit
    Rascal: if you know what i mean
    [MvP] Madlollipop: hmm?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: No
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sometimes I make correct sentences, like my grammar is ok... But I say it so the meaning changes a little bit.
    Rascal: true
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Thats what I mean with me having bad english, and no my grammar isnt really ok...
    Rascal: this is difficult
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Well, do you mind explaining what was shady?
    Rascal: i dont know :/
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Cause I dont know what you meant :D
    Rascal: shady like strange
    Rascal: sus
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Me being strange is nothing new, me being shady is :P
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I dont know if it helps
    [MvP] Madlollipop: But Iäm playing competitive tf2
    [MvP] Madlollipop: If i scam someone I get banned form that
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I dont want that ;)
    Rascal: see thats what i mean shady
    Rascal: you say that
    [MvP] Madlollipop: http://etf2l.org/teams/13346/
    Rascal: to make me feel different
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: I said it since you said I was being shady
    [MvP] Madlollipop: = you probably want something legit to make it more likely that I wont scam you
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Or?
    Rascal: i guess
    Rascal: can we wait
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sure
    Rascal: i kinda would prefer a hearts tree
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Well, I could get one possibly, what would you pay for it?
    Rascal: sorry to waste your time
    [MvP] Madlollipop: No worries
    Rascal: nah i already got a guy with one
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Ah
    Rascal: talking at,
    Rascal: atm
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Ok :) good luck with that
    Rascal: if he doesnt ill probably come back :P
    Rascal: wait
    Rascal: do you have a screen shot of your unusual?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Give me a second, possibly
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Its sort of hard though
    [MvP] Madlollipop: When you taunt your effect restarts = not snowing
    Rascal: ahh
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Let me check
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Others see it
    Rascal: go !tp
    Rascal: third person i think
    [MvP] Madlollipop: = third person?
    Rascal: yeah i think
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Beams trees looks nice too
    Rascal: ^^
    [MvP] Madlollipop: No sorry no screenshot :/
    [MvP] Madlollipop: It looks quite good
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Hence it is expensive
    [MvP] Madlollipop: If a theme isnt goodlooking its not expensive
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Oh well, how did the trade go?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: :)
    Rascal: he was about to then just deleted me lol
    [MvP] Madlollipop: That is shady :P
    Rascal: ^^
    Rascal: he had alot of rep
    [MvP] Madlollipop: And you didnt?
    Rascal: i was willing to go first
    [MvP] Madlollipop: As I said
    Rascal: then went offline
    [MvP] Madlollipop: you can always charge back
    Rascal: how? never done that...
    [MvP] Madlollipop: No idea
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Never either
    Rascal: lol
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Never had problems with scammers
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Sticking with 2 things
    Rascal: either
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Personallity
    [MvP] Madlollipop: and if it seems too good to be true
    [MvP] Madlollipop: It usually is
    Rascal: it probably is
    Rascal: ^^
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Grammar mistakes
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    Rascal is now Away.
    Rascal is now Online.
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Well how much is a hearts tree?
    Rascal: usually 4 buds
    Rascal: umm
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Really?
    Rascal: yeah
    Rascal: idk why....
    Rascal: hearts is soo cool...
    [MvP] Madlollipop: IS it high for you?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Since tiers exsist
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Hearts<enegy<energy<sunbeams<blizzardy/scorching<burning
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Then moon and s✿✿✿:P
    Rascal: ^^
    Rascal: gahh ill buy it :/
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    Rascal: yolo. thats what they all say nowdays
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Which Ive heard
    [MvP] Madlollipop: :P
    Rascal: ha
    [MvP] Madlollipop: but have no idea what it means
    [MvP] Madlollipop: :P
    Rascal: you only live once
    Rascal: thats what iv been told
    Rascal: ahh
    [MvP] Madlollipop: ?
    Rascal: can you send your email again
    You have accepted the trade request from Rascal.
    Rascal: can you send paypal details?
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Wait
    [MvP] Madlollipop: wanna copy it
    [MvP] Madlollipop: Not write it :P
    [MvP] Madlollipop: [email protected]
    Rascal: ok
    Rascal is now Offline.
    The deal was simply 195$ for a blizzardy festive tree on paypal. Yeah. Outpost trade here: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/6033221
    Outcome, he got a hat, I did not get my money.
  2. Chride2k8

    Chride2k8 Retired Staff

  3. [MvP] Madlollipop

    [MvP] Madlollipop New User

    Since you can always charge back anyway I thought. And thanks for the link, got confused when I used Steam ID Finder and nothing but STEAM_0:0:36601447 came up.
    EDIT: I do not find a way to edit my first post, hope that is ok.
  4. [MvP] Madlollipop

    [MvP] Madlollipop New User

    Do I have to repost the thread or should I leave it here?