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Improper Format Scammers seem to love me :((((((

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ChiCken_Ledel, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. ChiCken_Ledel

    ChiCken_Ledel New User


    |steamID: ChiCken_Ledel
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31132951
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022531630
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198022531630


    |steamID: Xel'Naga
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52202667
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064671063
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xelnagaa
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064671063

    I guess I'm just loved by scammers. Lost my favorite hat last week and now they're back for more. This guy is impersonating a SKIAL trade moderator, he linked me that guys profile: http://www.skial.com/members/xelnaga.1776/. Then I found this: http://www.skial.com/threads/the-skial-scammer-list.11993/page-11#post-352683. This impersonator is in that list.

    Searched his profile: got the scammer warning: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064671063

    Here is chat log:

     ChiCken_Ledel: Hi?
    Xel'Naga: Hey
    Xel'Naga: u looking for paypal?
    ChiCken_Ledel: how much?
    ChiCken_Ledel: ??
    Xel'Naga: ive got 1000$ to spend
    ChiCken_Ledel: whats your offer?
    Xel'Naga: u dont have promos or anything
    ChiCken_Ledel: huh?
    Xel'Naga: ill buy 3 gens for 30$
    ChiCken_Ledel: genuines?
    Xel'Naga: yep.
    ChiCken_Ledel: Okay the 3 in my backpack correct?
    Xel'Naga: yea
    ChiCken_Ledel: okay you go first though
    Xel'Naga: no ive got more rep
    Xel'Naga: http://www.skial.com/members/xelnaga.1776/
    ChiCken_Ledel: okay, I assume you've done money trades then since your a trusted middleman for skial?
    Xel'Naga: yep.
    ChiCken_Ledel: okay my paypal email is [email protected]
    Xel'Naga has accepted your request to trade.
    ChiCken_Ledel: and you won't scam me correct?
    Xel'Naga: no
    Xel'Naga: can i have the The U-clank-a
    Xel'Naga: too.
    ChiCken_Ledel: $35 for the uclanka as well
    Xel'Naga: hmm
    Xel'Naga: k
    Xel'Naga: how much whole bp?>
    ChiCken_Ledel: Umm idk what would you offer?
    ChiCken_Ledel: Theres a lot of weaps in there
    Xel'Naga: ill just take gens
    Xel'Naga: tick
    Xel'Naga: u there/
    Xel'Naga: HELLO
    ChiCken_Ledel: I have a quick question
    Xel'Naga: Yep>
    ChiCken_Ledel: Why do scammers seem to be so f✿✿✿✿✿✿ attracted to me? Can you answer that?
    Xel'Naga: idk
    ChiCken_Ledel: You know I just got scammed out of my p. energy festive tree like last week?
    ChiCken_Ledel: doesn't that f✿✿✿✿✿✿ blow, someone promised paypal money and I was dumb enough to go first..He had all fake rep as well
    Xel'Naga is now Offline.
    I f✿✿✿✿✿✿ hate this game tbh. Don't know why I'm reporting these a✿✿✿✿✿✿s but I feel it's somewhat necessary even though my entire tf2 time has gone to s✿✿✿s...your welcome.
  2. ChiCken_Ledel

    ChiCken_Ledel New User

    Damn sorry for wrong title, wrote this in a rush.