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Scamming a scammer

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Gangster Hanako Ikezawa, Sep 17, 2020.

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  1. Gangster Hanako Ikezawa

    Gangster Hanako Ikezawa New User

    I have a question, I cant really find an answer for. If someone scams you and steals items from your inventory you got legitimately. Is it ok to then turnaround and scam those same items back from the scammer? Of course not taking any of the other stolen item that person might have, just ones that belong to you. Or is this considered bad/wrong?
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Scamming a Scammer is still scamming no matter how you slice it, twist it or turn it.
    Two wrongs do not make a right.
    Tumor likes this.
  3. Gangster Hanako Ikezawa

    Gangster Hanako Ikezawa New User

    2 negatives do make a positive though. Just out of curiosity is there another reason its frowned upon besides "scamming bad"? because in that exact situation no one gains or loses anything its net 0 for suffering.
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    No they do not - Scamming is SCAMMING - does not matter how much of a Robin Hood you wish to play here. If you get scammed your items are gone, long gone. You will not get them back. Valve has stated years ago that they would no longer return items from any successful trade no matter the situation.
    There is no other reason..that is the only reason.
    I honestly have no idea why anyone would not understand that stealing is stealing (scamming is scamming) no matter the situation or positive intent you may have.

    Let me add to this : if you are found scamming a scammer and reported here we will tag you, Valve could Trade Ban you or worse.
    I highly suggest you listen to what I'm saying for your own good and any others that read this.
  5. Gangster Hanako Ikezawa

    Gangster Hanako Ikezawa New User

    I'm not saying its not stealing just was more or less curious if those circumstances exempted you from punishment. Because in actual US law you can be exempted from punishment after committing some crimes under special circumstances like self defense or stealing something stolen from you, if no other laws are broke during those acts. Also not planning to scam anyone just something I was curious about. Well thank you for your time and answering my question.
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    My main goal of replying before was to explain our stance quickly so as to prevent you or anyone else from doing so if they were really considering it or in the act.
    We just want everyone to be honest with each other.
  7. Bonk Scouterson

    Bonk Scouterson Banned on SteamRep

    I think you make a compelling case here, and you present a great alternative by addressing some elements of the American legal system. Beyond that though, as Horse detailed, two wrongs do not make a right. SteamRep does appear to parody/mimic a legal system of sorts, but overall go by principality. It would complicate the boundaries of what's ethically acceptable, or not acceptable if SteamRep were to allow users to 'deliver their own justice' per say. Were people to attempt to scam their items back, they would be justifying something abhorrent by committing it in return. SteamRep is equally punitive when it comes to how tags are addressed, and by extent, that also makes you responsible for your own actions, even if it was in retaliation for being wronged in the first place. Never attempt to do this, your reputation is what people interpret you as when they do their own research, as this community maintains the integrity of its tag through the existing system. Hope this is insightful, and God speed.
  8. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman SteamRep Moderator Partner Community Donator - Tier V

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