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Archived SiM (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ๖ۣۜVapour, Mar 17, 2013.

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  1. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Hey SR community, I'd just like to first say thank-you for letting me attempt in redeeming myself here I dont regularly get second chances where I can prove myself to others. The reason why I am making this thread today is to just open to the community and let everyone know what I did and how I wish to make amends to what did wrong. Even if this does not get my tag off i'd still be happy knowing people read and understood what happened a little bit better.

    I was an avid member in the TF2-T Community (That being my first unusual community) and really found a good place with a lot of the admins and members there. I slowly built my reputation from buying unusuals and spycrabbing large amounts of buds and unusuals. I was active in the community for about 2-3 months and started building a really good inventory of goods and tried going out of my way to helping others that were new to the community I was mostly clown over there always joking around with members and admins but when it came to business I really tried to show people I understood the unusual community and really did have a place to belong in. I then started getting very greedy, and by that I mean I started spycrabbing much higher amounts than I normally would for the pure thrill of it, the feeling of winning unusuals and buds was just such a pure ecstatic feeling, your heart is pounding, you make sure others cant tell your beyond nervous and almost shaking in pure joy of winning and fear of losing. I started spycrabbing probably 7-10 times a day with a minimum bet of at least 5+ buds and started going on a huge streak, I had admins sponsoring me from the server because I was doing so well and I just couldnt believe what was going on. I then made the biggest rookie mistake and threw down a huge 20+ buds worth of unusual bet and got destroyed (1-3). Everything I just worked for the past 2-3 months was gone through a simple series of hitting "G" and watching the outcome of a taunt.

    I was mortified, I clearly remember being dead silent after that and people knew I was done after that, I then thought of every possible way of trying to get it back. And then the thought came up, scamming. I knew the consequences of being caught and I understood if I did every relationship I worked for and these great and wonderful people would never respect me again, but I didnt care, I thought if I didnt have a backpack of at least 10+ unusuals and loads of buds people would think of me as a lowball trader and wasnt worth anything, I thought people would never respect me anymore because who am I? Im just a somebody in an unusual server with a backpack worth virtually nothing compared to everyone else, and I needed that CONSTANT attention of people looking at me saying "Wow man that is a awesome unusual" or "Hey man your backpack is insane! How did you do it?!", So I proceeded onward with the scamming and look at what I am now, I became the one thing I had so much hatred for, the one thing I have no respect for and I became.

    That's exactly what greed will do to you, it will bring you all the way up to the highest point of your career and then in a blink of an eye youll be back where you started with no motive or anything left to play for. And I feel for it, I didnt listen to what people were telling, I didnt take the signals of "Hey maybe I should slowdown and not concentrate on spycrabbing and just try helping people for the day like I used to", but those thoughts never crossed my mind, no way not when I was winning loads of buds and unusuals. Why would I need to stop? And when you hit your lowpoint and realize exactly what you did and how it affected other people it really makes you think.

    I tried scamming a member of the TF2-T community, (His name will be disclosed for obvious reasons), and I remember talking to one of the admins at TF2-T (Lets call him Josh) and he was basically my best friend for the time being on TF2, I would log on and the first thing i'd do is talk to Josh, I practically did everything with and could come to him about anything. And I clearly remember him asking "Alright Vapour this is day 3 and still the other member is claiming the money hasnt been sent to his paypal account, youve given me and the TF2-T community a substantial amount of evidence but we just cant quite do anything right now until we all talk about, are you sure you have nothing else to tell me?", And I thought to myself "Man should I really go on with this? Should I really take hundreds upon hundreds of dollars worth of someone elses goods just for my benefit when clearly he earned them, do I really deserve any of these items after all I am SCAMMING someone." So I told "Josh", and he was shocked, everyone was, no one really thought i'd try to scam someone and in a way I thought id never find myself stooping to such a low level. But I did. Why? Because I was GREEDY, and thats exactly what spycrabbing will do to you unless its done in moderation in which it wasnt in this case.

    So now, I'm just asking for another chance, another chance to really show others what this community is about and how great it is to be a part of it. The feeling of launching TF2 and joining a server in which you know everyone there and youre all there talking about something in common and all making eachother laugh is just such a great feeling. I really havent connected with people like that since then, I know that sounds sad and desperate but it's true. It's just such a great community to be a part of and I wish I could just take back what I did, but I cant and I have to suffer the consequences from it just like everyone else.

    Thank you, for whoever is reading this, I know it's long and I know you probably didnt want to hear my whole life-story, I simply want to make amends for what I did wrong and prove to the community im not a scammer and can really make a difference in the long run. If I do get this tag removed I will most immediately find another unusual community and really try my hardest to help everyone out a little at a time, even if it's simple advice it's the small things that make you smile and thats what did it for me.

  2. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

  3. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Yeah the previous thread was worded all wrong and was form a couple months ago, I only had 15 minutes to submit it and felt as if it really didnt capture anything that I wanted to really say, and since SR has the "Edit" timeframe for threads I couldnt really do much about. But that thread is pretty old and still havent gotten a response from anyone but I understand appeals can take a very long time and im in no rush, I simply wanted add more to the thread so people understood me and the situation better

    Extra Info:

    |steamID: SiM
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:44138968
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048543665
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ksims
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048543665
  4. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

  5. ๖ۣۜVapour

    ๖ۣۜVapour Banned on SteamRep

    Crayola was the member I tried to scam, He joined TF2-T often and built a pretty good standing with him (Spycrabbed with him a couple times and always talked when he joined). He was a younger player so I thought I had the upper advantage when it came to the scam, it was a HOUWAR + a Triple God Tier Spy Setup. The whole 'situation' I guess you could call it lasted roughly 3-4 days of me making fake pictures from my paypal, bank statements, and emails (literally making them on the spot when I was on group calls/chats with admins and him).

    To my knowledge he was marked with me right after I confessed to 'Josh' (A TF2-T past admin, also not his real name) and he also told admins that he was trying to scam me as well through the trade. Kinda a double suicide really, we both had the same intentions just I didnt have the balls or courage to actually follow through with it at the home-stretch.
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