I can see that admin named SilentReaper(SR) | steamname: SilentReaper(SR) | steam3ID: [U:1:179411292] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:89705646 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198139677020 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SilentReaper_SR | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198139677020 I see him in forums, I mean I see his Steamrep admin tag, but when I go to his steamrep profile, it shows be normal tag, and why does he have 3 banned friends, but none admin friends or normal/good trader friends? I wonder if its a bug that doesn't show steamrep tag, and on middle top saying "[Trusted]".
Did you somehow miss the large chunk of text on his SteamRep profile or did you not read anything at all?
SilentReaper(SR)'s Steam Account is used exclusively to talk to users marked on SteamRep. The process goes: 1. User is marked. 2. User files an appeal. 3. SilentReaper(SR) is assigned the appeal. 4. If the occasion arises and SilentReaper(SR) finds it necessary, he will invite the marked user to add him on that Steam Account in order to expedite the process. 5. After a user's appeal is processed, SilentReaper(SR) removes the marked user from his friends list.
Also, HAVE YOU NOT READ ANYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT IN THE LAST TWO THREADS YOU HAVE POSTED? A user's Steam Friends has NOTHING TO DO WITH how trusted that person is. Nothing at all.
I nearly never login anymore, for all the ppl that add me are: - Appealing - Reporting - Asking questions - Want to give privately "evidence" which 99.999% of times doesn't even contain some that really needs to be private. - Want me to "check out a user" Etc, see: w/e: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SilentReaper_SR/allcomments Look at the lower right corner... wait... Ohhhhh And anyhow, I've not put a admin tag on the SteamRep profile for I don't see a need. I'm not horny for the green tags or w/e, and I generally don't talk over steam with reporters / appealants / SR users.