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Rejected SR Tag Appeal (76561198042581864)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ThatIrishSOB, Dec 27, 2012.

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  1. ThatIrishSOB

    ThatIrishSOB New User


    |steamID: Plunis Cupcaek
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41158068
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042581864
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198042581864

    I was tagged several months ago for scamming my friend out of an unusual, and I did. I do not deny at all that I scammed him. However, the reasons behind the scam were not to make profit, it was to get revenge.

    I used to be an administrator at TF2Pricecheck.net, and let me tell you, it was awful there. The staff was totally disorganized, the owner had no idea how to run the place, and there was abuse left and right. I decided enough was enough so I got revenge on the community, by scamming one of their admins.

    Why do I think my tag should be lifted? Well, for several reasons.

    1. I have always been an honest trader. If you look through my alts, you can see that I have traded honestly and I have not scammed since the incident a few months ago.

    2. I have apologized to everyone at the TF2PC community for my actions (even though they rejected it) and have made positive changes to become a better person, online and in real life.

    3. I'm tired of running from my tag just to stay clean. When my first account, ThatIrishSOB, was marked, I ran and made an alt by the name of GhostofMemory. Not once did I attempt to scam or deceive any traders while on GhostofMemory. After GhostofMemory was caught, I went on to make another alt (which I will not disclose out of safety) and I have still stayed clean from the temptations of scamming.

    I hope you take into consideration the conditions I was in when I scammed. I was under an abusive management, an abusive community, and filled with rage and lust for revenge. It was a moment of weakness for me, one that I will regret for a long time. I hope you will see that I am not some normal scammer, I am a trustworthy, honest trader that fell to the sin of revenge.

    Thank you.
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin


    you abused your admin position to gain confidence in "borrowing" the unusual, admins and such are held to a higher standard.
    you avoided your tag by using alts, you continue to avoid your tag by intentionally not disclosing another alt
    you impersonated on one of your alts
    you sold off the item and never repaid the user
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