1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Announcement SteamRep is shutting down

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Lava, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Why are we sunsetting SteamRep?
    TLDR: The community and fraudster techniques have evolved such that SteamRep’s ‘reputation’ model, established over a decade ago, is no longer effective or sustainable enough to maintain.
    SteamRep was designed to safeguard gamers against members of the community who committed fraud or other illicit behavior. This was done through education as well as community reporting of malicious actors.
    Over time, as the community grew and trading became more complex, so too did the methods used to steal. Scammers now frequently use alternate accounts and third-party platforms to obfuscate their actions, preventing reasonable evidence gathering.
    The individual scammer has become the exception, and in its place are organized criminal groups stealing users’ accounts en masse, selling off those items, and using these stolen accounts to find their next unsuspecting victim.
    SteamRep lacks the information that Valve or Law Enforcement has access to, and is largely ineffective against this level of organized fraud. Many of the reports we receive are reporting users who themselves are the victims of account hijackings, and trying to take action against those users only results in further difficulties.
    Unfortunately, the majority of exposure SteamRep has with the community at large occurs after a user becomes a victim of a scam, and there is nothing we can do to help those who are already victims. This makes SteamRep’s objective of using education to prevent scams from occurring less effective. Due to these developments, and the challenge of working within the existing model, we felt a sunset was for the best.
    This has been a long journey, and we very much appreciate all of the community and partner support, as well as the incredible hard work of our volunteers over the years.

    What’s the timeline?

    While SteamRep’s ultimate dissolution is set in stone, the finer details are largely open-ended right now, as we seek staff/partner feedback on considerations needed for sunset. We have a rough outline approved by the OFPF (Online Fraud and Prevention Foundation) Board:
    • Effective immediately, no new scam reports will be processed by SteamRep. Partners' bans from scam reports will not be reflected in SteamRep.
    • All partner admin tags will be discarded on Saturday, June 29th, the date of this announcement, with limited exceptions (e.g. working in appeals).
      • Public notes from Notable Affiliate profiles will also be removed, and the section of our website featuring them will be taken down.
    • New appeals will be closed as of Saturday, July 13th. No appeals submitted after that date - SteamRep or partners - will be honored, but all appeals created prior to that date will be processed by end of 2024.
      • Some partners may choose, at their sole discretion, to extend this cutoff for themselves on a community by community basis.
    • SteamRep's forums and main website, including all reports, appeals, and other evidence, will be retired at the end of 2024. The API will continue to function at this time.
    • SteamRep's API will be retired June 15th, 2025.
    • An archive of our BANNED and CAUTION tags will be exported and shared with the public.
    What is happening with the data?

    Below is the preliminary overview. We will have more details as we discuss more with our staff and partners.
    Reputation Database (i.e. steamrep.com):
    • Website will remain viewable until end of calendar year 2024
    • API calls will be retired as of June 15, 2025.
    • A backup dump of all bans will be published for the community to use as they see fit after that time.
      • BANNED and CAUTION tags will be preserved.
      • We are evaluating the practicality of preserving public notes (Additional Info from Admins), and may include this in the backup alongside BANNED and CAUTION tags.
      • All Private notes, evidence, and anything else not specified here, will be discarded.
    • Everything else not listed here will be discarded, and to protect everyone's privacy, we have taken proactive measures to prevent anyone in the community from creating their own backup.
    Forums (i.e. forums.steamrep.com) content:
    • New reports will be suspended upon public announcement
    • Access to private sections of forum will be suspended
      • Requests from community admins go through Private Requests.
    • New OPT OUT requests will be put on pause mid July.
      • A different system may be replacing it, still in discussion.
    • No new forum accounts as of Q4 (exact date TBD).
    • At the end of year, forum will be discarded, no backups made.
    What should partners do about pending reports or appeals in their queue?

    Effective immediately, no new scam reports may be submitted to our database, either through SteamRep or any partner community. Partners' bans from scam reports in their own communities will not be reflected in SteamRep. We will attempt to honor unresolved reports in partner communities that were created prior to this announcement of sunset (if active).
    SteamRep admins reserve the right to make exceptions and issue BANNED tags at any time prior to full sunset in extreme circumstances - such as a rogue admin taking advantage of this announcement. Such tags will be included in the final export of BANNED and CAUTION tags, allowing communities to continue excluding such individuals from their sites or servers. Same applies to appeals.

    Why not give it to someone else?

    We welcome any partners or other communities who wish to help protect the community from scammers, but while we trust our partners today, it would be impossible to guarantee that any successor would/could maintain integrity practices in perpetuity. Similarly, we cannot make any long-term guarantees about proper handling of evidence data. In the end, to protect privacy, that data will not be transferred to any community wishing to carry the mission.

    What is happening to OFPF (and donations)?

    SteamRep has not been accepting donations for a long while now, but the Online Fraud Prevention Foundation (OFPF) charity has sufficient remaining funds to manage the site through the sunset period.
    OFPF itself will continue after the sunset, but any future plans here are not certain. The goal is to continue its mission of protecting online gamers from fraud through education, awareness, and tools. If your community is working in this space, we’d be happy to discuss how OFPF knowledge or resources can assist in stopping online fraud.
  2. Yossef the Brony

    Yossef the Brony New User

    Thank you so much for your efforts on keeping the trading community safe for the past decade . This is really the end of an era.

    I will cherish these memories forever… TF2, SourceOP, the trading community, etc. will always have an important spot in heart.
    Thijminecraft02 likes this.
  3. Zyddie

    Zyddie New User

    Thanks for the many years of service.
    Thijminecraft02 likes this.
  4. FragXL | GalaxyyGelatina

    FragXL | GalaxyyGelatina Banned on SteamRep

    Hello, I would like to know what's going to happen to the archive? I was hoping to put in my appeal when the clemency program came about, as I have been banned for nearly 10 years with no repeat offenses, mainly because it restricts my use of CSFloat. Without this, I wouldn't be able to EVER remove my tag? If so, what can I do? Seems kind of an impossible thing.
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    General FAQ rules still apply, Ill give you a pass this time around about bringing in your own case into such discussions, plus wanting to use a website was never a valid reason to consider an appeal.

    Per the announcement the archive will be available to the community or individuals to download and do as they please (only banned by and caution tags, possibly public notes if we can figure out a way to remove certain information from them, everything else will be purged) Clemency unfortunately never got off the ground, I would have liked to have done it and we got as far as agreeing on minimum criteria but SRs sunset killed it for good.
    Thijminecraft02 likes this.
  6. FragXL | GalaxyyGelatina

    FragXL | GalaxyyGelatina Banned on SteamRep

    Fair enough. I'll contact you directly, if I may, to explain further. Thanks for the answer.
  7. Sebaskiro

    Sebaskiro Banned on SteamRep

    what happened to PMs? i cant pm admins now
  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sent you a test PM - there were glitches yesterday but likely resolved.
    Thijminecraft02 likes this.
  9. Orochimaru God

    Orochimaru God New User

    sry admin i can't post new thread

    I can't view the friend list and friend information. Please help the administrator solve it as soon as possible. I can still see it before.
    My steam profile is fully open and not hidden.

    Friends: 0

    ERROR: Steam returned no friend list.

    Attached Files:

  10. TheTrashBun

    TheTrashBun New User

    is there anyway I can submit a report like last minute? I just got scammed and want to do as much as possible to get the scammer trade banned
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2024
  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    No, sorry.
    I've also hidden the images you posted referencing that user.
    Feel free to use the in steam reporting feature on their profile and report to Steam instead.
  12. Naleksuh

    Naleksuh New User

    Thank you, Lava, for making the correct decision. These are the problems that have made SteamRep unusable for years now, 99% of scams are ineligible while anecdotal "evidence" is being used to shut people out. Horse in particular was a very large offender in banning innocent people while refusing to ban scammers, making weird assertions such as Steam not having any administrators (not just that Valve employees don't count, but that it's apparently anarchy there) as well as communicating ideas much more poorly than other admins, even if they were both expressing the same thought or pre-established discussion. Almost every single time I logged onto this site I was disappointed by what I saw. It's a shame that the vast majority of scams are ineligible for SteamRep, but there's not much that SteamRep can do. Now we, the trading community, only have the problem of scammers, not of innocents as well.

    Lava W as always.
  13. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Thanks Lava!
    Horse likes this.
  14. Rebele

    Rebele New User

    Calling out Teeny Tiny Cat for being one of the worst people for moderating a sensitive tool like this.
    Everytime I had an encounter with her it felt like talking to a stubborn child responding with "That's just the way things are, too bad" to any argument in which she would be wrong.

    Thanks for clearing up Lava
  15. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Thanks again Lava!
    Horse likes this.
  16. MEGA DK

    MEGA DK Banned on SteamRep

    Можете ли вы прояснить ситуацию: есть ли возможность обжаловать бан в Steam Rep?

    Can you clarify the situation: is there a way to appeal the ban in Steam Rep?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2024
  17. ♪Mr.Dr.Prof.Dj♪

    ♪Mr.Dr.Prof.Dj♪ New User

    @MEGA DK
    You've posted in this thread twice yet you haven't taken the time to read the whole post
  18. Angel Flash

    Angel Flash New User

    I made this account a decade ago when I was 13 years old but this is my first time ever posting here... I don't even remember adding this profile pic.
    I never actually cared about the actual reputation stuff, but I used this site all the time to see how my profile and friends list changed over the years. Very sad to see it go. Guess I'll have to use steamid.uk from now on.
  19. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    It's been a long while. Someone pinged me on this. My remarks on topic:
    • What are the mitigations after?
      • Can't have it that the domain registration drops off and it getting abused by a malicious party.
      • Main site should get at the appropriate time some landing page with a message of it having been discontinued, and that any copycat or replacement isn't sanctioned.
    • This decision is way too late. Why?
      • The circumstances described in OP have been there for a very long time now (almost entire duration of SR's existence)
      • If this was done long ago, this would have probably ended up in other/more mitigation measures from Valve/Steam. By now there is barely incentive anymore to do so.
      • Policies here and stuck up ppl where unwilling to think thru the policy changes and then action on the repercussions. Ask Mattie!, if he remembers. No more hijack reports, but then still marked for being hijacked etc.
      • Chain of evidence was never followed by other admins. I've stipulated this back in 2011 and long after. But no admins kept gathered evidence and put that on the relevant threads. So all reasoning behind alt bans and other have most probably no access to origin sources anymore and end up no longer valid. Some was only kept as PM's certain admins, which made that impossible to research later on, for those where text copies, not evidence as defined.
      • I stepped down as head admin back in early 2012, in the hope one of the other admins would step up, so I didn't have to take ALL the heavy stuff anymore that wore me totally out, those high profile cases that other admins didn't want to poke. I assumed another account on the forums (SilentReaper(SR)), to get a disconnect. Unfortunately it became a democracy with nobody taking the lead. It's been downhill ever since, and after some issues with an admin that did not respect the core values, esp when Mattie! didn't see why that was a problem and should have made the decision to throw that one out. I knew then that SR was an ending endeavor. The GDPR bomb was basically building. I had to become the guy that had to critique, and doing work then on cases was helping said false admin, which I refused. That didn't earn much, and somewhere end of '17 my access was removed, regardless of being active on the admin forums commenting and informing.
    Apart from that:
    • Yes, I'm on VPN, have my reasons for it. One is that I know some admin will start sleuthing on it. The other reasons are not related to SR in any way. Hell, I'm even on a totally different VPN now than normal. So yeah, hf with that.
    • f✿✿✿ you, Butane. For so many reasons that the appeal tips thread is a TLDR in comparison. Including the fake high-ground of not accepting the special item from Valve, for you did. And yes, I did want mine, but the one I wanted turned community created, so they didn't. And others I didn't like for it. So I never did.
    • Lava, I do hope you've learned to not be the messenger anymore for ppl too shitty to do their talk themselves, also hope your work circumstances have (much) improved from what I last remember.
    • There are a few others that earned my "Hi", like Sjru, Atom, Daemon, James, Diego even beside our differences and translation errors. most of which aren't even named here: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/steamrep-staff-list.21022/ Also Tio, Roudy, Gentle, Skyrider, Cobra, Clive.

    DataStorm a.k.a. SilentReaper(SR)
    Xenophobia likes this.
  20. Hanii

    Hanii Survivor's Rest owner Friend Community

    Thanks for everything. Looking forward to that archive.