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Archived Tf2Outpost Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by {MooN}Nerve, Apr 30, 2013.

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  1. {MooN}Nerve

    {MooN}Nerve New User

    |steamID: [̲̅V̲̅A̲̅L̲̅V̲̅E̲̅]
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50078455
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060422639
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/6023
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060422639

    I was on outpost looking at some really high tier unusuals and i saw saw messages that were banned. I was curious so i clicked on it and it was laggy, so i clicked on it again and it must have went to the website that was banned. It was some foreign language site. I didnt think of it to be a problem so i just went on with my day. I didnt think of anything because i am playing on a mac and thats where i opened the site on. So if it was some guy trying to hack me i thought he wouldnt be able to because i am on a mac and they arnt supposed to be able to do that. Then i got back to my house from school the next day and i noticed that when i clicked on steam it sayed i was logged out. So i went on outpost and saw all my stuff was sold. I was like wtf. So i tried logging in to steam and it said i couldn't. So i checked my email and there wasnt any emails of someone trying to get on it from another computer. But all the stuff in my tf2 backpack is gone. I can prove that this is my account. Just contact me and i will prove it. I know all the passwords ever put on. I even had another account that i made a while back for my little cousin. Its name is cameron_king without the 1. Also i know the email is random but it was a spam account that i made for Facebook. I just want to get my account back from this a*^hole. Please help! My name is Cameron King..
    I was reported as a scammer on Tf2 outpost for scamming. But it wasnt me. I had no access to the account at that time. I finally got access back to my account and my items restored. I have proof of the transactions between me and the steam representative.
  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    You should probably post screenshots of Steam Support Ticket and responses (making sure to obscure personal info).

    * Incidentally, Mac has certain inherent protection against the propagation of virii given difficulty of gaining access to root, however it affords no extra protection against phishing links, none at all.
  3. {MooN}Nerve

    {MooN}Nerve New User

    The are the relevant messages.

    Attached Files:

  4. Xeraz {Captain Obvious}

    Xeraz {Captain Obvious} New User

    Just chatted with him and hes a tottaly different person than the one who gift wrapped scammed me,

    I offered to reimburse his items he got hacked out of and even when steam trade didnt work, he didnt force me to give him the keys.

    not that a "feeling" is proof, but this guy is NOT the same one who scammed me

    (i could show links of our chat as proof if needed)
  5. {MooN}Nerve

    {MooN}Nerve New User

    can someone take the ban sr scammer tag off please.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    apparently already dealt with,
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