1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

This smelled fishy...

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by RADIOSILENCE, Jan 16, 2020.



    So, a few days ago I got into rather interesting scheme. Somebody impersonating an account listed in my friends long ago (tho, thinking about it now, maybe it was a real, but hijacked) asked me too help him voting on some 3rd party site, what I had naivety to do, because I remebered playing with him and thought this user won't hurt me. The same evening some dude, who I don't even remember adding as a friend, came with an offer to buy my entire dota inventory for a very generous price, but immediately got cucked by three things: first - he offered trade on some "legit" 3d party market, what, yeah, I've sorta done in the morning already; second - I don't usually sell any of my dota items; third - I had recently changed my phone number and couldn't trade at all. Despite me clearly refusing to agree for the trade, he said he was gonna return once my trade was up and... well, he did. And did so with uncanny timing, because he texted me the moment I left another match and saw my nickname turned into my steam id. Realising, that I don't understand what happened, he helpfully pointed out a message left at the info about my account, that in one hour whole seven years worth of my belongings will be snapped out of the existence due to a trade ban, coming out of nowhere. Showing great deal of empathy he repeated his offer to buy my inventory, but seeing that I won't crack finally adviced to give it all to him for free, so that he can give it back once I make a new account. Fortunately, through the power of my misery and shittines of a fake ban notification, I avoided getting scammed. I tried writing to steam support about it, but they kept silent, so google guided me here and I think I have fixed the issue by now, huge thanks to y'all. However, I don't know, whether I should be reporting this dude, since I haven't accepted any trades from him in the end and haven't lost anything. I mean, just in case, I left him in my friendlist and could accept lesser deal to see, whether it will actually be a scam worthy of a report. I don't care, that he failed to scam me, but if he is responsible for what my friend did, I wanna see the b✿✿✿✿ crucified. Any advices?
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    This is a very common thing at which we've prob gotten several hundred reports on. The account was hijacked - report it to Valve and ignore it.
    Anything to do with a hijacking or suspected of such should not be reported here - we don't review them.


    Thanks for the response.