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Invalid totally not a scammer! HONEST!

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by love muffin, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. love muffin

    love muffin New User

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    11:31 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: hey
    11:31 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: 1 bud for 27 keys
    11:32 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: sure
    Puster/out/Puster *Mix* has accepted your request to trade.
    11:32 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: I never had a bud before
    11:32 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: ahahaha good :)
    11:33 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: nice market
    11:34 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: that good?
    11:34 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: yes
    11:34 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: you sure?
    11:34 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: yes
    11:34 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: yes? so it is good?
    11:34 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: yes it is
    11:34 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: oh all good
    11:34 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: you sure?
    11:34 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: ????
    11:35 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: you sure it's good?
    11:35 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: lol
    11:35 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: is it good?
    11:35 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: what the problem?
    11:35 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: is there a problem?
    11:35 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: there is no problem right?
    11:35 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: yes you continue to say it good
    11:35 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: holy f✿✿✿ you jew
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: like
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: are you ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed?
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: own up to it
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ dumb ass scammers
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: ???
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: what?
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: crazy man?
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: so there is nothing wrong with that bud?
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: i'm not a scammar?
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: it isn't gifted?
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: 27 keys
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: i have payd 27 bud
    11:36 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: for a gifted bud
    11:36 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: i have pay 27 bud
    11:37 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: ask to the old owner
    11:37 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: and if you don't like you can't accept
    11:37 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: i'm not a scammer
    11:37 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: i have payed relly 27 keys
    11:38 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: for this bud
    11:38 PM - f✿✿✿ muffin: then you should sell it easily
    11:38 PM - Puster/out/Puster *Mix*: if i not found idiot like you yes
    Puster/out/Puster *Mix* is now Offline.


    My first report! yay

    So yeah, f✿✿✿ this guy; it is so god damn obvious that he knows what he is up to. And it's only a matter of time before someone doesn't know better.

  2. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    He didn't lie, unless if you count the fact he said there's nothing wrong with it.
    if an admin approves though, guess I'll be reporting more traders as this happens often with me.
  3. Duskfall -a^DF

    Duskfall -a^DF New User

    Cleaned up format for you.

    |steamID: f✿✿✿ muffin
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:27270713
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014807154
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/clickhacks
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198014807154

    |steamID: Puster/out/Puster *Mix*
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44947465
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050160658
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LostskyDragon
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050160658
  4. love muffin

    love muffin New User

    I should have said, "what does it mean if it's gifted" then he would have told me nothing is wrong with it" just a tag" or something.
  5. love muffin

    love muffin New User

    Plus, it is f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scamming; you have a✿✿✿✿✿✿s going around with gifted s✿✿✿ and trying to trade it to people who don't know better. It's not fair to them for obvious reasons. No different than the guy trying to trade a machina for a bud owned by an oblivious player/

    lol I have like 10 chat logs of scammers. This is the only one I wanted to report though; really scummy. Plus I've seen a lot of people complain about buying gifted buds
  6. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Where he got the buds is to you to verify no?

    It's MIGHT be a simple form of sharking but Steamrep don't tag for sharking.

    I see no scam here.
  7. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    No scam attempt occurred, marking as invalid.