Hello, I send alote of UNBan requst to DGN and before few min they IP BAN me bevouse I try save my self, I only want to appeal 1 time becouse evan in the start they ignore me. I like to add then I don't say then I was good in the case the becouse him in the start I get this scammer alert, i just want to say my side becouse evan now after something like 2 months no body talk to me seriously and I think then it's no fair then I can't protect my self like SH4K and DARKLY|PhearAphex then say there side of the case.
Steamrep can't remove your DGN tag. You'll just have to be patient and wait for someone to respond to your DGN appeal.
SR does not handle DGN Tags. Additionally, after doing some digging, http://www.darklygaming.com/forum/threads/scammer-tag-appeal.9654/ Marking as Invalid.