1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Archived 76561198001611118 (Insaption)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Death Disturbance, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Death Disturbance

    Death Disturbance New User

    |steamID: [GO] Death Disturbance
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42731989
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045729707
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/deathdisturbance
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198045729707

    |steamID: Insaption
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20672695
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001611118
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198001611118

    Chat logs
    Apparently he sent me money
    Dont see any money from him here
    Steam screenshots bugged out, and instead of taking a picture of the trade, which has now expired. It instead took images of the game. Even though I was in the overlay. There was not much information in the trade though. Other than more of him claiming he sent the money etc.

    What happened?
    I'm pretty sure this user found me on SourceOP, but there is a small chance it was AF2, I had just bumped my selling keys thread on there. He seemed like a legit user, almost 1k hours on TF2, and no rep on Steamrep. He was continuously asking me to open the trade, and try and Social engineer me into getting it ready so I would click accept and he would run away with 4 keys, and me having payed him. So I did. Instead of sending the money as a gift, he requested the money instead, and proceed to say that he had sent it. I was denying that he sent it, and he the proceed to remove me from his friends list. The screenshots generally describe what happened.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Insaption: hi
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Hey, how can I help?
    Insaption: I would to buy 4 keys.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: A'right
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Would you mind going first?
    Insaption: Sure, paypal right?
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Indeed
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Send the payment as a GIFT with the following note:
    [GO] Death Disturbance: This transaction is for Virtual TF2 items. No physical shipment is done. The transaction is done virtually and instantly. I will not charge back this money. I understand this is non-refundable.
    Insaption: Ok, let me start recording the trade please. One moment.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: *personal info removed*
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Don't worry, I'm male :-)
    Insaption: Ok, recording now.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: ?
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Your going first :P
    [GO] Death Disturbance: As you said :-)
    Insaption: Yes, but you accept the trade when I've sent the money.
    Insaption had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: The trade request will expire
    Insaption: No don't worry, I will send the money now
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Ah ok
    Insaption: What would the price be for 4 keys?
    Insaption had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: 1 second
    [GO] Death Disturbance: 5.40
    Insaption: Oh ok
    [GO] Death Disturbance: If I am correct?
    Insaption: Yes, just checked.
    Insaption: ok
    Insaption: I'm ready
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Waiting for the money
    Insaption: Open the trade screen
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Still waiting...
    [GO] Death Disturbance: You know,  your very suspicious.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Infact.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: I'm going to make a scam report.
    Insaption: What's the matter?
    Insaption: I've sent the payment.
    [GO] Death Disturbance: You know what is wrong.
    Insaption: From:Fadi Marouki
    To:Charlotte Taylor (*personal info removed*)
    Amount:$5,40 USD
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Uh-huh
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Writing it now
    Insaption: I'm recording by the way
    [GO] Death Disturbance: And I'm taking screenshots.
    Insaption: What for?
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Your scam report
    Insaption: I've sent the money, may I please have the keys?
    [GO] Death Disturbance: You did not send any form of payment.
    Insaption: Yes I did
    Insaption: I will just chargeback..
    [GO] Death Disturbance: Haha chargeback on a payment you didn't make
    [GO] Death Disturbance: GL with that
    Insaption is now Offline.
    Forgot to enable timestamps. Sorry.
  2. Death Disturbance

    Death Disturbance New User

    Note: He did not actually scam me. It was a attempted scam.
  3. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Attempted scams are merely a scam waiting to happen, we appreciate you reporting this.

    A SR Admin will look into this when he / she can.