1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198005339626 (Enigma)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by DaManWitDaPlan, Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. DaManWitDaPlan

    DaManWitDaPlan New User

    For clarity, while I was talking with this person, their display name was "Leukine". Immediately after I had sent my goods, they changed their name to "Enigma" and removed me from their friend's list.

    I put my hat up for offers on tf2outpost.com (http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/7788167). Less than 10 minutes later, I was contacted directly on steam by this person.

    I believe my Steam Support ticket has all the information necessary here, so I'll just paste that here:

    My info:
    |steamID: DaManWitDaPlan
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:27900941
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016067611
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/damanwitdaplan
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198016067611

    Scammer info:
    |steamID: Leukine
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:22536949
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005339626
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Leukine
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198005339626

    Hat info:
    Name: Unusual Otolaryngologist's Mirror
    Effect: Searing Plasma
    Current ID: 1386183734
    Original ID: 947914482

    Immediately after I traded my hat to him, he changed his display name to "Enigma" and went offline/removed me. No money was sent to my paypal account. Here were the details of the trade:

    - I was to trade him my Searing Plasma Unusual Otolaryngologist's mirror
    - He was to send $200 USD to my paypal account at [email protected]

    This was the agreed trade. Attached are images of his profile, apparent reputation, our chat log, and some additional miscellaneous images to back up my claim.

    Screen captures of our conversation:
    Screen captures of my empty paypal account:
    Screen capture of Leukine's profile:
    Screen capture of Leukine's playtime in TF2 and other games:
    Screen captures of supposed positive reputation on Leukine's profile:
    Screencaps of my hat in Leukine's backpack from tf2b.com (http://tf2b.com/tf2/76561198005339626):

    Chat Transcript:
    Leukine: hi there :)
    DaManWitDaPlan: hey
    DaManWitDaPlan: watcha trading
    Leukine: Would you take $175 paypal for your mirror unusual?
    Leukine: I got a bunch of paypal giftcards for christmas :)
    DaManWitDaPlan: wow, that's a good offer. I'll definitely think about that... Could I maybe message you tomorrow if nothing better shows up?
    Leukine: Ok! and just so nobody outbids me i'll say $200, I got two $100 giftcards from relatives. Let me know :)
    DaManWitDaPlan: i need to get a paypal set up lol
    Leukine: haha ya, it's super easy
    DaManWitDaPlan: alright, thanks for the offer
    Leukine: just need an email
    DaManWitDaPlan: wait hold up
    Leukine: np :)
    Leukine: ?
    DaManWitDaPlan: Just to confirm lol
    DaManWitDaPlan: Would you go first? because I'm a little wary about trading with money lol
    Leukine: well generally whoever has less rep goes first, i'm happy to go first if you have some rep pages
    Leukine: i have a whole bunch on steam
    DaManWitDaPlan: with something so, you know, high value, I could give you my personal phone number or something xD just to make sure there's no business
    DaManWitDaPlan: yeah I have 0 rep
    DaManWitDaPlan: xD
    DaManWitDaPlan: sorry I'll check your rep
    DaManWitDaPlan: and I guess its fine.
    Leukine: oh haha
    DaManWitDaPlan: Again, thanks for the offer, I'll keep you on here and let you know either tonight or tomorrow
    Leukine: ok sounds good man! no huge hurry :) unless a new game comes out and I blow some of the money haha
    DaManWitDaPlan: :p
    Leukine: but I won't do that
    Leukine: lol
    DaManWitDaPlan: Okay, yeah on current market prices, your offer is more than reasonable, and you seem to have a nice amount of rep. I'll take your offer :p
    DaManWitDaPlan: I think I've set up paypal correctly.
    Leukine: Alright, so how are we gonna do this? I have alot of rep so if you're willing I would just need your email, i'll have the money ready to send and after we do the trade i'll give it to ya
    DaManWitDaPlan: ok. To be honest I'd feel more comfortable if you sent 100, then we trade, then you send the last 100. Although I get it if you're worried about rep. I would be too lol
    DaManWitDaPlan: I'm more concerned about whether or not my paypal is working at the moment though xD
    Leukine: Thing is I've been scammed before so the whole point of trying to get all this rep was so I don't have to be the one to go first
    Leukine: hmm...
    DaManWitDaPlan: Yeah whatever though, that works.
    DaManWitDaPlan: lol
    DaManWitDaPlan: :p
    Leukine has accepted your request to trade.
    DaManWitDaPlan: I suppose if anything were to happen, neither one of us would be happy about our steam accounte being compromised lol
    Leukine: ya not exactly... I keep all my pages open to comments so that wouldn't exactly be great
    Leukine: i need your email though
    DaManWitDaPlan: Okay, just to confirm now
    Leukine: so i can get paypal ready
    DaManWitDaPlan: just to make sure we're on the same page and we're agreed :p
    DaManWitDaPlan: I'm giving you a Searing Plasma Unusual Otolaryngologist's Mirror
    DaManWitDaPlan: I'm trading first
    DaManWitDaPlan: and then you're sending $200 USD to [email protected] on Paypal
    DaManWitDaPlan: correct?
    Leukine: yes sir
    DaManWitDaPlan: okay
    Leukine: that exact spelling?
    DaManWitDaPlan: yep should be
    Leukine: k
    DaManWitDaPlan: [email protected]
    Leukine: Alright i'll send it as a gift, it's all ready to go
    DaManWitDaPlan: Ok
    Leukine: oh haha, my inventory is full, one second gotta launch tf2
    DaManWitDaPlan: lol
    Leukine: i'll buy a backpack expander if you have one too
    Leukine: lol
    DaManWitDaPlan: I don't :p just got one myself and used it
    You have accepted the trade request from Leukine.
    DaManWitDaPlan: if the trade will load.. lol
    You have accepted the trade request from Leukine.
    DaManWitDaPlan: Okay, so
    DaManWitDaPlan: I am sending the hat now
    Leukine: and i'm sending money
    Leukine is now Offline.

    I guess I let my judgement get the better of me. I felt like the reputation on his profile and adequate playtime in TF2, as well as large array of Steam games, made him appear to be a legitimate user. I'd appreciate any help getting the word out that this trader is not reputable. Thanks.
  2. DaManWitDaPlan

    DaManWitDaPlan New User

  3. DaManWitDaPlan

    DaManWitDaPlan New User

    Deeply sorry for the triple post, but I noticed in some other threads that the 'trade history' was requested by a moderator, and I'm just trying to make this report as complete as I can. Here is my trade history: http://i.imgur.com/yLVqf.png

    In addition, I noticed that 2 other users have reported being scammed in similar situations (paypal) by this user (http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198026847058-leukine.18300/ and http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198005339626-enigma.18214/).

    Thanks! Again, I apologize for the triple post... I couldn't find a way to edit. :rolleyes:
  4. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  5. DaManWitDaPlan

    DaManWitDaPlan New User

    Thanks. Hope he can be stopped from scamming again.
    I noticed that now he's changed his name again, this time to "Nyos".
    This is a list of aliases I captured earlier:
    12/28/2012Mayonnaise is NOT an instrument
    12/28/2012Anti OBAMA
    12/28/2012Bob Loblaw

    It probably doesn't help, but there it is. lol.
  6. DaManWitDaPlan

    DaManWitDaPlan New User

    Just letting you all know, it's been 2 months... This user has scammed more than just me. He was trade banned about a month ago, but now he's back on trade probation, which worries me. Please investigate this before someone else is duped by this guy.

  7. Alex Bic Boi

    Alex Bic Boi New User

    OMG , I was scammed like you , are you still waiting the aprobation ? OMG , this thread is 2 months old and nobody did something ... Did you manage to get your Unnusual back ? I'm so sorry for you , I lost just around 1 buds . Did you take a steam support ticket ? Thanks , you seem to be a pretty nice guy
  8. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Got 'em. Sorry it took so long- thank you for the report! :)
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