1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198024269627 (Jetrozzeri)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ornamental tree, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. ornamental tree

    ornamental tree New User

    Don't know of his victims. He did mention a wrap buyer but i didn't feel the need to get his account.

    A Wrap Scammer
    steamID: TomatoCommando
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32001949
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024269627
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jetrozzeri
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198024269627

    screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/MtQoY.jpg

    I found him on the trading post trying to sell his painted summer shades for three keys + wrap. Sounded fishy so I checked him out and he had no problem admitting that he was a wrap scammer.

    Full conversation:
    TomatoCommando: Problem?
    ornamental tree: well thats an odd way to start a conversation
    TomatoCommando: Wha?
    ornamental tree: TomatoCommando: Problem?
    TomatoCommando: I didn't know what you were after
    TomatoCommando: But now i do
    TomatoCommando: So don't worry about that
    ornamental tree: not worrying jsut thought it was funny
    TomatoCommando: Oh haha
    TomatoCommando: :p
    ornamental tree: anyways have you already sold them?
    TomatoCommando: By the way where are you from?
    TomatoCommando: Nope.
    TomatoCommando: :L
    ornamental tree: where im from? the us
    ornamental tree: were you still planning on selling them for that low?
    TomatoCommando: Uh
    TomatoCommando: I guess
    TomatoCommando: I knew you were from us
    TomatoCommando: You were snooze all day
    TomatoCommando: xD
    ornamental tree: what time is it for you there
    TomatoCommando: 1:08
    ornamental tree: so thats am
    TomatoCommando: Yep
    TomatoCommando: Making my brother some s✿✿✿ with flash
    TomatoCommando: http://prntscr.com/fjx1w <---don't know what this leads to
    TomatoCommando: he wanted me to make Raditz from dbz
    TomatoCommando: He pays me 5€ xP
    ornamental tree: oh how fun
    TomatoCommando: Not
    TomatoCommando: Pain in the ass
    TomatoCommando: xD
    ornamental tree: :P
    TomatoCommando: He wants all kamehamehas and s✿✿✿
    ornamental tree: used to watch that show
    TomatoCommando: c:
    ornamental tree: anyways can we start the tade?
    TomatoCommando: Alright sure :p
    ornamental tree: ok so you need the giftwrap irst
    TomatoCommando: Want me to get on tf2 for faster wrapping?
    ornamental tree: first
    ornamental tree: oh yeah sure
    TomatoCommando: Hold on just gotta code one action thingy
    ornamental tree: alright
    TomatoCommando: Done
    TomatoCommando: xD
    TomatoCommando: -.- ''validating steam cache files''
    ornamental tree: my friend has that problem :/
    TomatoCommando: Every f✿✿✿✿✿✿ time i start
    ornamental tree: im sorry for you two
    TomatoCommando: Hah
    TomatoCommando: xP
    TomatoCommando: It's no big deal just annoying
    ornamental tree: looks like it finished
    TomatoCommando: It is
    TomatoCommando: ^^
    ornamental tree: hooray
    TomatoCommando: Hah
    TomatoCommando: Like
    TomatoCommando: Wohoo.
    ornamental tree: alright so i first give the giftwrap
    TomatoCommando: Then i wrap my shades
    TomatoCommando: And trade them to you for 3 keys
    ornamental tree: and you can provid some collateral please
    TomatoCommando: Collateral?
    ornamental tree: for the wrap
    ornamental tree: then i give them back with the tree keys
    ornamental tree: three
    TomatoCommando: I'm sorry my grammar and knowing of english is no 99%
    TomatoCommando: I mean
    TomatoCommando: 100% proper
    ornamental tree: ah
    TomatoCommando: Oh
    ornamental tree: i mean
    TomatoCommando: Alright i got iyt
    TomatoCommando: *it
    ornamental tree: something of equal value
    ornamental tree: ah ok
    TomatoCommando: One thing
    ornamental tree: yes?
    TomatoCommando: I'm a scammer ^^
    TomatoCommando: Don't burn me
    TomatoCommando: I got banned from tp for a year already
    TomatoCommando: xD
    ornamental tree: I see
    ornamental tree: I knew it :P
    TomatoCommando: ^^
    TomatoCommando: It's an easy way to trick Russians
    ornamental tree: so you jsut go around stealing wrap?
    TomatoCommando: Yeah
    TomatoCommando: And sell it for a key
    TomatoCommando: I got a guy who buys wrap
    TomatoCommando: I can link him if you start xD
    ornamental tree: not really into makign a profit of one key when i can make a lot more with just my job
    ornamental tree: id rather play games
    TomatoCommando: Ah
    TomatoCommando: You work and stuff
    TomatoCommando: I'm just 14 so
    TomatoCommando: xP
    ornamental tree: am i suppose to believe that you are 14 now?
    TomatoCommando: Whaddya mean
    TomatoCommando: I fill next month
    TomatoCommando: I fill 15 \o/
    ornamental tree: what
    TomatoCommando: I got birthday at next month
    ornamental tree: well lucky you
    TomatoCommando: Indeed <~>
    TomatoCommando: f✿✿✿
    TomatoCommando: All the fun ended so quickly
    TomatoCommando: I got 3 keys in around 30 minutes
    TomatoCommando: after 2 hours boom bang ban
    TomatoCommando: You're probably reporting me
    TomatoCommando: Heh
    ornamental tree: well of course
    ornamental tree: got to look out for those russians
    TomatoCommando: Bleh
    TomatoCommando: Hate it how valve made trading so serious
    TomatoCommando: Dem old times
    ornamental tree: you are dealing with real money
    TomatoCommando: Yeah
    ornamental tree: stealing real money
    ornamental tree: it was always serious
    TomatoCommando: Pft like 3€ aint big deal
    ornamental tree: alright i bleieve that you are a kid now
    TomatoCommando: Kid as in 14?
    ornamental tree: yes
    TomatoCommando: Usually i just run away when i get caught
    TomatoCommando: :p
    ornamental tree: bravo
    TomatoCommando: :L
    TomatoCommando: Well have fun and stay safe
    ornamental tree: thanks
    TomatoCommando: Maybe we will meet in future c:
    TomatoCommando is now Offline.
  2. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Thank you for your report. A steamrep admin will look at this shortly.