1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198056704526

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [T-A!] Tanuki Sparkle, Feb 28, 2013.

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  1. [T-A!] Tanuki Sparkle

    [T-A!] Tanuki Sparkle New User

    |steamID: [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:10251858
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980769445
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tanukicana
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197980769445
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): Tanuki

    |steamID: Revenoux
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48219399
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056704526
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrunkAssMudkip
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056704526
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): Unknown

    Includes chatlog, profile picture of offender, profile picture of member being impersonated.

    Description: Person added me offering cash for my unusual. Said he was willing to go first. Upon inspection of his rep thread I found he is impersonating a member who has been offline for over 100 days. Looking at his profile, you can see he has recreated all the details, however, the dates are all wrong, the profile links do not match, and there are various other differences - medals, inventories, recent play time, etc. There has been no successful scam here.

    For clarity's sake: "DrunkAssMudkip" is the scammer. The other profile shown in the screenshot is an inactive member he is impersonating. You will also notice on the rep thread he linked (http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/22918-Revenoux-Reputation-Thread), the profile link takes you to the inactive profile.

    Chat Transcript:

     Never tell your password to anyone.
    20:40 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: hiya
    20:40 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: can i help you?
    20:40 - Revenoux: Hello
    20:40 - Revenoux: I was just wondering if you would like money offers for that lovely unusual :)
    20:40 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: depends on the conditions, but im always open :P
    20:43 - Revenoux: $165
    20:44 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: sorry to be a pain, but i have to ask - which hat are you actually offering on? :D
    20:44 - Revenoux: Chieftain's Challenge
    20:45 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: alright, then i would say yes to that
    20:45 - Revenoux: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/22918-Revenoux-Reputation-Thread
    20:45 - Revenoux: Fees are mine.
    20:45 - Revenoux: So , what are you thinking ?
    20:46 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: you'll have to give me a few mins
    20:46 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: last time i did a cash trade, i lost out on my 20 bud unusual
    20:46 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: want to be 100% sure im safe
    20:46 - Revenoux: So i can go first.
    20:46 - Revenoux: If you very worry about that.
    20:46 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: really?
    20:46 - Revenoux: Because i see your profile rep thread.
    20:46 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: have you seen my SOP rep thread too
    20:47 - Revenoux: So , i can go first really
    20:47 - Revenoux: What are you thinking about that?
    20:47 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: well it definitely makes me alot happier about the trade :P
    20:48 - Revenoux: Well as i'm going first, and $165 isn't little amount of cash, i would like to ask you, if you would be able, to let me record your desktop, just incase of something goes wrong. To have video from your perspective of trade, you know what i mean?
    20:48 - Revenoux: I would feel so much safer with going first then :)
    20:48 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: what would you need to see in the video?
    20:49 - Revenoux: So , i want to record your desktop.
    20:49 - Revenoux: In trade chat you're say your email and other.
    20:49 - Revenoux: And i want to see your ''STEAM'' .
    20:50 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrunkAssMudkip/
    20:50 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: this is you, correct?
    20:50 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: just making sure for my own safety
    20:51 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: mate?
    20:55 - [T-A!]Tan S> Bioshock Infinite: hellooo 
  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Thank you. I have marked this thread as ready for review. A SteamRep admin will continue processing it shortly.
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  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking all the unmarked now. Thanks! :)
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