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Accepted 76561198058438389

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Celestial Dragoon, Jun 22, 2013.

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  1. Celestial Dragoon

    Celestial Dragoon New User

    steam ID: Celestial Dragoon
    steam ID32 :76561198066218169
    steam ID64 : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066218169
    steamrep URL :https://steamrep.com/search?q=7656119806621816976561198066218167

    steam id :Zenith (when he scammed) now : sergant joe friday
    steam ID32 :76561198058438389
    steamd ID64 :http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058438389/
    steamrep URL : https://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198058438389

    -chat: in attached files (screenshot 1-9)
    -trade window : trade history in attached files (screenshot 11)
    -profile page : screenshot number 10 in attached files

    Description:he added me and said that he was interested in buying my unusuals.he said that he would give me $650 for all 5 of my unusual and he said that he had a higher BP value than mine and that i should trust him. first time being a money trader he gave me one of his unusuals as a guarantee. i belived him and we traded. he then went offline without the paypal transaction. (chat showed in screenshot 1-9) and the trade proof in screenshot 11. after what happened in screenshot 11 he went offline.

    Thursday, June 20, 2013
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah
    Celestial Dragoon: sry different time zones
    Friday, June 21, 2013
    Zenith: HEY
    Celestial Dragoon: yo
    Celestial Dragoon: sorry
    Celestial Dragoon: at last we get to talk
    Zenith: yea
    Celestial Dragoon: so how can i help?
    Zenith: I aslo like the bp expanders and the unusual
    Zenith: you added me 4 the bill
    Celestial Dragoon: im buying expanders...
    Celestial Dragoon: and did i?
    Zenith: yep
    Celestial Dragoon: i didnt remember...
    Celestial Dragoon: i remember u adding me xD
    Zenith: haha
    Zenith: nop
    Celestial Dragoon: and u interested in my unusuals?
    Zenith: yep
    Celestial Dragoon: which one specifically?
    You have accepted the trade request from Zenith.
    Zenith: paypal?
    Zenith: also the bp expandder
    Celestial Dragoon: no sry xD
    Celestial Dragoon: and not selling expanders
    Zenith: well
    Zenith: If you go 1st I could give 500 for all
    Zenith: also
    Zenith: note my bag
    Celestial Dragoon: no, the thing is
    Zenith: its 25 buds
    Celestial Dragoon: i DONT have backpack
    Zenith: at least
    Zenith: what
    Celestial Dragoon: *paypal
    Celestial Dragoon: xD
    Celestial Dragoon: oops
    Zenith: get one
    Celestial Dragoon: i hate my typos
    Zenith: its easy
    Celestial Dragoon: i mean im still 16-17 >.>
    Celestial Dragoon: o credit card for me yet
    Celestial Dragoon: *no
    Zenith: dosent matter]
    Celestial Dragoon: maybe later when i wanna cash out
    Zenith: yu dont need a credit card
    Zenith: :-D
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah i mean but still dont want to cash out yet xD
    Zenith: I could do 550$
    Zenith: for the unusuals
    Zenith: thats alot
    Zenith: than cash back in
    Zenith: :-D
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah as i said again, i would but not now. except if u can buy the buds with those dollars and give me that
    Celestial Dragoon: ;P
    Zenith: im 16-17 also
    Celestial Dragoon: i see
    Zenith: I have made 1,568 of tf2
    Celestial Dragoon: wew
    Zenith: I cashed back in
    Celestial Dragoon: nice mate
    Zenith: yup
    Zenith: so
    Celestial Dragoon: can u buy the buds with those?
    Celestial Dragoon: and pay me that instead?
    Zenith: erm
    Celestial Dragoon: would be much better
    Celestial Dragoon: coz i wont take cash offers yet
    Zenith: what do buds go 4 these days?
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm
    Celestial Dragoon: lemme check?
    Zenith: k
    Celestial Dragoon: nice unusuals btw ;)
    Zenith: thx
    Zenith: err
    Celestial Dragoon: hm?
    Zenith: if you can do paypal today only
    Zenith: I would do 600
    Zenith: thats alot of buds
    Celestial Dragoon: i cant sorry.... i really would..... but i cant
    Celestial Dragoon: its midnight here
    Zenith: you got an email?
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah?
    Zenith: It takes a minute
    Zenith: log into paypal'
    Zenith: ittkaes 5 minutes max
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm
    Celestial Dragoon: lemme think
    Zenith: no credit card needed
    Celestial Dragoon: a sec
    Zenith: 600 usd is alot
    Celestial Dragoon: personal or bussiness use?
    Zenith: personal
    Zenith: unless you want to pay a monthly fee
    Celestial Dragoon: lol
    Zenith: yea
    Zenith: I think mr peepers has business
    Zenith: but he makes 2,000 a day off tf2
    Zenith: lol
    Celestial Dragoon: huehuehhue
    Celestial Dragoon: thats loadz
    Zenith: so get it set up
    Zenith: and than tell me the name 1ce ur done
    Zenith: if it askes for a credit card
    Zenith: skip it
    Celestial Dragoon: i see
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm
    Celestial Dragoon: btw
    Zenith: skip that part
    Celestial Dragoon: buds are
    Zenith: anyway
    Celestial Dragoon: 41-42 dolars
    Zenith: hrm
    Zenith: woah
    Zenith: im paying alot
    Zenith: but dosent matter'
    Zenith: I have 2345.89$ on paypal
    Zenith: haa
    Celestial Dragoon: lol
    Celestial Dragoon: wait... personal or premier?
    Celestial Dragoon: and im not really sure about paypal....
    Celestial Dragoon: can u please just buy the buds with paypal?
    Zenith: Nah
    Zenith: personal
    You have accepted the trade request from Zenith.
    Zenith: is it set up?
    Celestial Dragoon: not yet
    Celestial Dragoon: a sec
    Zenith: k
    Celestial Dragoon: and as i asked
    Celestial Dragoon: can u just buy the buds instead
    Celestial Dragoon: much prefered
    Zenith: no
    Celestial Dragoon: can i ask why?
    Zenith: sorry
    Zenith: you can buy the buds tommorow
    Zenith: I dont have time
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm...
    Zenith: I have a baseball game
    Zenith: than after
    Celestial Dragoon: k...
    Zenith: a party
    Celestial Dragoon: one sec
    Zenith: and than
    Zenith: alot more
    Celestial Dragoon: lol
    Zenith: busy life...
    Zenith: set up yet?
    Celestial Dragoon: doing it
    Zenith: kk
    Celestial Dragoon: can i have ur steamrep link?
    Zenith: Sec
    Celestial Dragoon: sure
    Zenith: I dont got that
    Zenith: BUUTTT
    Zenith: I am purchasing a burning team captain
    Celestial Dragoon: i see...
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm some confirmation problems..
    Zenith: ๖Ątomic ΞPotato: hey
    Zenith: Hi
    ๖Ątomic ΞPotato: Any updates on the $?
    Zenith: I can
    ๖Ątomic ΞPotato: You go first for the burning team captain?
    Celestial Dragoon: one sec
    Celestial Dragoon: i see
    Zenith: is it up yet
    Celestial Dragoon: it says this
    Celestial Dragoon: The confirmation number you have entered does not match our records for this account. Please check the number and try again.
    Celestial Dragoon: what shud i do?
    Zenith: um
    Zenith: check your email
    Zenith: for the #
    Zenith: the unusuals?
    Celestial Dragoon: unusuals?
    Celestial Dragoon: and i got it up
    Zenith: put them in
    Zenith: and your paypal name
    Celestial Dragoon: one sec
    Zenith: and ima send as a gift so the fees are less
    Celestial Dragoon: paypal name is arthur sutanto
    Celestial Dragoon: kk
    Celestial Dragoon: can u do 650?
    Zenith: it is?
    Celestial Dragoon: and yeah i guess?
    Zenith: its supposed to be a email
    Celestial Dragoon: oh
    Celestial Dragoon: my e-mail?
    Zenith: erm
    Zenith: yea
    Zenith: I send it to a email
    Celestial Dragoon: it says
    Zenith: not the name
    Celestial Dragoon: welcome, arthur sutanto
    Celestial Dragoon: ohh
    Zenith: yea
    Celestial Dragoon: [email protected]
    Zenith: haha'
    Zenith: [email protected]
    Zenith: this?
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah
    Zenith: 650?
    Celestial Dragoon: yeah?
    Zenith: Ok
    Celestial Dragoon: as soon as i get it then we trade
    Zenith: oh
    Zenith: erm
    Celestial Dragoon: hm?
    Zenith: my backpack is more and I have refrences
    Zenith: Ill send it within seacondds of you trading?
    Zenith: You think I want to be trade banned?
    Zenith: hell no
    Zenith: just do it man
    Celestial Dragoon: im sorry its my first trade and im not taking ANY chances at all ;) i dont mind keeping them if that matters;) and yeah i dont want to be banned either
    Zenith: Im giving 650$
    Zenith: ok
    Zenith: On the count of like 5 do it toghether?|
    Celestial Dragoon: urm...
    Zenith: k>?
    Zenith: Ive done it b4
    Zenith: it worked
    Celestial Dragoon: i have to recieve it first.. as soon as i get it ill trade it. or u can get a middle man, eithe rone
    Zenith: erm
    Celestial Dragoon: also
    Zenith: It takes like a minute to process
    Celestial Dragoon: atomic potato
    Zenith: yea?
    Celestial Dragoon: is a scammer
    Celestial Dragoon: just checked
    Zenith: rllyaz
    Zenith: ?
    Celestial Dragoon: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198029862509
    Zenith: He said his tag was gonna be removed
    Celestial Dragoon: oh
    Zenith: erm
    Zenith: can I give a 6 bud unusual as insurance?
    Zenith: after I send the cash
    Celestial Dragoon: hmm
    Zenith: You give it back?
    Celestial Dragoon: sure sounds good
    Celestial Dragoon: which tho?
    Zenith: my co on this is 6 pure
    Zenith: hes collecting
    Celestial Dragoon: okay.
    Celestial Dragoon: i trust u
    Zenith: yay
    Zenith: <3
    Celestial Dragoon: <3
    Celestial Dragoon: okay, send?
    Zenith is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Celestial Dragoon

    Celestial Dragoon New User

    please look into this case ASAP.
    thank you for your help and co-operation in the future!
  3. DarrellSin

    DarrellSin New User

    This guy got me for $25 in items last night. Punk kid. Hope he gets marked soon.
  4. Celestial Dragoon

    Celestial Dragoon New User

    thanks for your support! please spread the word!
  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him now, thanks for the report.
  6. Celestial Dragoon

    Celestial Dragoon New User

    thanks for the quick response helen <3
    he gets what he deserves......
    i noticed he didnt get trade banned.... will he be?
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