1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198066496393 (Codename: Butt Sex)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by DOEET, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. DOEET

    DOEET New User

    |steamID: DOEET
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:37099398
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034464524
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DOEET
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198034464524

    |steamID: Codename: Butt Sex
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53115332
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066496393
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066496393

    Profile screenshots 1,2

    I'm sorry :( I didn't think of adding him, I don't really ever add people.

    Description: He added me while I was playing TF2, not sure if he was even in the same server. Asked to buy my medic unusual for $15, said he would give me a code for steam credit/transfer credit to me. I kept waiting for more stuff to happen. I said no and decided to report him.

    Chat: (also available on pastebin)
    Codename: Butt Sex: hey 21:46:55
    Codename: Butt Sex: cud i buy that unusual? 21:47:04
    DOEET: which one 21:47:22
    DOEET: and how much 21:47:24
    Codename: Butt Sex: medic helm 21:47:45
    Codename: Butt Sex: yill give you steam credits 21:47:54
    DOEET: sure 21:48:12
    DOEET: how 21:48:12
    Codename: Butt Sex: 15 dollars 21:48:27
    DOEET: uh 21:48:35
    DOEET: let me ask my mom 21:48:38
    DOEET: this is her account 21:48:42
    DOEET: she pays for the games and stuff 21:48:47
    Codename: Butt Sex: oh ok 21:49:06
    DOEET: sorry 21:49:10
    DOEET: hang on 21:49:11
    DOEET: the medic unusual? 21:50:44
    Codename: Butt Sex: yea 21:50:55
    DOEET: how do you give me steam credit 21:51:03
    Codename: Butt Sex: i have a program that sends credits to a persons account 21:51:33
    DOEET: k 21:51:45
    DOEET: so how do we do this 21:51:48
    Codename: Butt Sex: u have to finnish trade first 21:52:00
    Codename: Butt Sex: then a code will generate 21:52:26
    Codename: Butt Sex: giving you your crdits 21:52:45
    DOEET: how do i know this is nota scap 21:53:43
    DOEET: not a scam* 21:53:52
    Codename: Butt Sex: trust me 21:53:54
    DOEET: well 21:54:01
    DOEET: i guess 21:54:02
    DOEET: but this totally seems like a scam. 21:54:11
    Codename: Butt Sex: its not 21:54:17
    DOEET: and you seem like a total f✿✿✿✿✿✿ idiot 21:54:20
    DOEET: because who would fall for this 21:54:31
    Codename: Butt Sex: im not scamming 21:54:35
    DOEET: then give me the credits first 21:54:54
    Codename: Butt Sex: it dosent worklike that 21:55:05
    DOEET: Make it work like that? 21:55:11
    Codename: Butt Sex: u have to complete trade first so credits can validate 21:55:27
    DOEET: where do you get such a program 21:55:40
    DOEET: Do you work for valve 21:55:49
    Codename: Butt Sex: its a beta 21:55:54
    DOEET: beta from wh o 21:56:02
    Codename: Butt Sex: yea i work for valve 21:56:03
    DOEET: nowai 21:56:08
    DOEET: do you know gaben? 21:56:11
    Codename: Butt Sex: yes 21:56:15
    Codename: Butt Sex: yim secretary 21:56:20
    DOEET: !!!! 21:56:23
    DOEET: why are the scarfs out of stock in the valve store 21:56:28
    DOEET: i want a tf2 scarf 21:56:31
    Codename: Butt Sex: scarfs are only a holiday item 21:56:47
    Codename: Butt Sex: yonly avaible in winter crates 21:56:56
    DOEET: nonono 21:57:09
    DOEET: i mean the actual scarf 21:57:11
    DOEET: my neck can get a bit chilly 21:57:16
    Codename: Butt Sex: ohhh 21:57:21
    DOEET: and a tf2 scarf just sounds great, amirite? 21:57:23
    Codename: Butt Sex: im afraid its out of stock 21:57:32
    DOEET: WHYYYYYYY 21:57:38
    DOEET: Cant you knit me one? 21:57:42
    Codename: Butt Sex: i dont do the knitting XD 21:58:03
    DOEET: u want make babby? 21:58:12
    DOEET: a/s/l? 21:58:19
    Codename: Butt Sex: no XD 21:58:23
    DOEET: what proof are you from valvers 21:58:37
    Codename: Butt Sex: i have a certificate 21:59:00
    DOEET: give me a picture of it 21:59:08
    Codename: Butt Sex: ok 21:59:12
    Codename: Butt Sex: email? 21:59:28
    DOEET: [email protected] 21:59:45
    Codename: Butt Sex: k 21:59:54
    Codename: Butt Sex: srry i have many files,photos,etc. 22:00:40
    DOEET: itsk 22:00:51
    DOEET: say when u sent 22:00:53
    Codename: Butt Sex: i sent it 22:01:29
    Codename: Butt Sex: its a big file though 22:01:41
    Codename: Butt Sex: itll take a while to upload 22:01:59
    Codename: Butt Sex: now about the trade... 22:02:12
    DOEET: i want to see the certificate :( 22:02:20
    Codename: Butt Sex: i will offer you a total of $15 for unusual 22:02:39
    DOEET: you only have 18 hours as medic 22:02:44
    DOEET: why do you want it 22:02:47
    Codename: Butt Sex: im trying to become good at this game 22:03:11
    DOEET: i want $30 22:03:17
    Codename: Butt Sex: yyou see im new to valve 22:03:19
    Codename: Butt Sex: ok 22:03:36
    DOEET: cant gaben make you one 22:03:38
    Codename: Butt Sex: i can do $30 22:03:43
    DOEET: since youre his best friend/secretary/meal feeder? 22:03:47
    Codename: Butt Sex: i only see him on special occasions 22:04:05
    Codename: Butt Sex: hes like a head chief in a big village 22:04:26
    DOEET: like when he walks past you to go to his office? 22:04:27
    Codename: Butt Sex: yep 22:04:33
    Codename: Butt Sex: hes my overlord :P 22:04:41
    DOEET: I am bored 22:04:54
    DOEET: picture isnt here stuff 22:04:59
    DOEET: still* 22:05:08
    Codename: Butt Sex: its very big fil like i said 22:05:11
    DOEET: i want to see this certificate 22:05:12
    DOEET: HOW BIG IS IT 22:05:17
    Codename: Butt Sex: about 5 gb 22:05:28
    DOEET: whatare you doing right now 22:05:46
    Codename: Butt Sex: puting money in your account 22:06:01
    DOEET: where r u from 22:06:06
    Codename: Butt Sex: for unusual 22:06:06
    Codename: Butt Sex: Sacremento,CA 22:06:22
    DOEET: where u live 22:06:23
    DOEET: is it hot 22:06:26
    DOEET: do u see gay ppl outside 22:06:30
    Codename: Butt Sex: XD 22:06:38
    DOEET: srs question 22:06:48
    DOEET: do you see them outside 22:06:50
    DOEET: or just in the mirror 22:06:52
    Codename: Butt Sex: well theres many straights but not many gays XD 22:06:56
    DOEET: well 22:07:04
    DOEET: im bored 22:07:06
    DOEET: so 22:07:06
    DOEET: ill just report you and stuff 22:07:10
    DOEET: k? 22:07:18
    DOEET: lahv u 22:07:20
    DOEET: buh bye 22:07:22
  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him now- thanks for the report. :)