1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198071741452

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Plateau, Jul 25, 2013.

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  1. Plateau

    Plateau New User

    Hey guys, I'm here to report a scammer, and hopefully get him not just marked, but trade banned! He goes under the name "[KSG] HU" he impersonated Mad-Matt in order to gain several user's trust, offering 3 unusuals, a Green Energy Whoopee, a Purple Energy Buckaroo's Hat, and a Bubbling Noire in order to bait users into giving him their unusuals to get the top bid on this "auction". Here is the proof, and this is an organised write up with links.

    His Alt, which was banned.
    | steamname: Xel'Naga
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:68088368
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096442464
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198096442464

    His account itself, which I would like banned.
    | steamname: [KSG] HU
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:55737862
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071741452
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/9045793587930842
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198071741452

    People scammed:
    Ðucky™: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197987104343/
    The Original MG {wcK}: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040759062/

    Before you read this convo, you're free to just look at the screenshot proof of this exact convo instead. Conversation screenshots: Http://imgur.com/a/hNR6r
    Plateau #makingavatars: Hello, scammer.
    Plateau #makingavatars: What's up?
    Plateau #makingavatars: I hope you know you've made it so that Ducky is so upset, that he isn't gonna sleep tonight.
    [KSG] HU: haha what a f✿✿
    Plateau #makingavatars: It's quite the shame you'd scam him like that, take his wonderful unusuals then put them onto an alternate account.
    Plateau #makingavatars: 7:05 PM - Ðucky™: You have scammed 2 people before me
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: And I have added them
    7:05 PM - [KSG] HU: yeah make that 3
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: PeterPrince
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: WOw
    Plateau #makingavatars: Also, thank you for the proof towards your trade ban
    Plateau #makingavatars: Have fun!
    [KSG] HU: cool already got the unusuals on another account :)
    Plateau #makingavatars: It's all good
    Plateau #makingavatars: Everyone knows about you now anyways.
    [KSG] HU: yeah hahah you ✿✿✿✿✿✿s gave me all your unusuals hahahahahahah thanks
    [KSG] HU: oh i am giving the one guys back
    [KSG] HU: he was cool
    Plateau #makingavatars: Thanks for your scamming, and I'm glad I didn't fall for your s✿✿✿
    Plateau #makingavatars: Original?
    [KSG] HU: haha you wouldve if i wanted to take yours
    Plateau #makingavatars: Aha, nah.
    [KSG] HU: i thought you were nice
    Plateau #makingavatars: It's a good thing I found it too suspicious
    Plateau #makingavatars: Implying scamming is nice?
    [KSG] HU: no for real the people that are nice i wouldnt scam
    Plateau #makingavatars: Thats some twisted logic right there.
    [KSG] HU: yeah original
    Plateau #makingavatars: Wait, why scam in the first place?
    [KSG] HU: if you want in tell me. we can get some nice s✿✿✿ together :p
    [KSG] HU: free unusuals my brotha
    Plateau #makingavatars: No matter how you look at it, everyone has earned their unusuals properly
    [KSG] HU: yep
    [KSG] HU: i have too
    [KSG] HU: through deciving
    Plateau #makingavatars: And I honestly don't see scamming worth it, I hate feeling like a dickbag over virtual items.
    [KSG] HU: its not scamming
    Plateau #makingavatars: It's sad you can't properly earn them.
    [KSG] HU: in the first placr
    [KSG] HU: :p:p:p
    Plateau #makingavatars: It is, it's telling someone they'll get something, and then they find out they wont.
    Plateau #makingavatars: That's scamming.
    [KSG] HU: well how totally stupid can ya be though
    [KSG] HU: its their own stupidity that got them in this
    Plateau #makingavatars: Also, I hope you're fully aware that trade bans effect everything with your account.
    [KSG] HU: no they dont
    Plateau #makingavatars: As if that justifies it?
    [KSG] HU: hahaha
    [KSG] HU: yes
    [KSG] HU: it does
    Plateau #makingavatars: You were convincing
    [KSG] HU: they are ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed
    Plateau #makingavatars: You're a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ moron
    [KSG] HU: i know thanks :)
    [KSG] HU: haha wanna join?
    Plateau #makingavatars: I'm done, thanks for the screenshots, the proof, the chat
    Plateau #makingavatars: everything
    [KSG] HU: sure
    Plateau #makingavatars: and you even gave me your steamrep profile, how kind!
    [KSG] HU: yeah i have alt accounts lol
    [KSG] HU: lol idc
    [KSG] HU: i am rich now :)

    A snippit of him talking with one of the users he scammed:
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: You have scammed 2 people before me
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: And I have added them
    7:05 PM - [KSG] HU: yeah make that 3
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: PeterPrince
    7:05 PM - Ðucky™: WOw

    He had another alt impersonating Mad-Matt, a trusted Reddit admin, which I assume was used to store the unusuals he scored from Original and ducky. That's all for now. Updates will follow with a video of him claiming it was not a scam in order to "prove" the auction was legit, the video will have credit going to Original, one of the people scammed.
  2. Plateau

    Plateau New User

    Update! A mate of mine under the name of Mr. Ever After(http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069440634/) gave me links to the people who +repped him on his profile, most of them have trade bans!

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977506561 (Trade probation)
    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070616076 (Trade ban)
    On the second one, you can notice all his aliases are just his name with extra 's's, as if hes trying to hide something, we suspect this may have been used in the unusual storing.
  3. Mr.Ever After

    Mr.Ever After New User

    here is Video of what his scam was and how he pulled it off. what his claims were etc. Recorded by another person by the name of The original MC {wcK} who was also in this scam and lost some hats, was on the server at the time.
  4. Plateau

    Plateau New User

    A huge album of a chat with the scammer and one of the victims, and trade history, thanks Ducky! http://imgur.com/a/YmyQH
  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    He's already been marked, but adding this to notes. Thanks!
  6. Plateau

    Plateau New User

    Thanks a ton, its sad that Ducky had to lose 10+ buds in unusuals for him to finally be caught! He also has an alt friend under the name of Mad-Matt, who he uses to impersonate the real Mad-Matt, sorta sad.
  7. BeachTurtle

    BeachTurtle New User

    Hi guys I'd Like To report another alt of his, currently the account has been banned on Tf2Outpost but I'm not sure if any other action has been taken. This Is my first time reporting anyone so I apologize if I mess up with the formatting or if this is in the wrong place.

    steamname: johnploppy
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:69771868
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099809464
    steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198099809464

    He told me to add him on one of my Tf2Outpost trades and this was the conversation from there: http://imgur.com/v8bIDFR
  8. BigBoi

    BigBoi New User

    Yeah, I had the same thing happen to me. I already reported him, in case you were wondering. http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198099809464-johnploppy-76561198050231741-jontron.38469/
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