1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198075229751

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by R.E.M.R, May 14, 2013.

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  1. R.E.M.R

    R.E.M.R New User

    | steamname: Really Expensive Metal Rubbish
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:59912489
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080090706
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sheerpower
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198080090706

    | steamname: asdfwrgv
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:57482011
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075229751
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rwttubvbsdwe43
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198075229751

    Chat transcript:
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: Hello and welcome
    ...: hello
    ...: have you read my comment
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: yes
    ...: do you accpt?
    ...: or deni
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: and would you buy through paypal or...?
    ...: paypal
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: yes..
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: but since we all have low reputation let's have a middleman shall we?
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: hey?
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: you D/C'ed?
    ...: hello
    ...: again
    ...: sorry about that
    ...: my internet is not good
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok it's fine
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: as i said, let's have a middleman shall we?
    ...: nah
    ...: i ve done
    ...: these sort of things before
    ...: auctally
    ...: i was once a middleman too
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: yea
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok and if possible, please provide a list of weapons you need
    ...: ill take all the ones ur selling
    ...: cause i need tf2 weps
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i don't see how you was a middleman, your rep thread is nearly empty
    ...: i scrap banked all of mine
    ...: well
    ...: i will go first if i have to
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: that'll be ok, half first
    ...: ok
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: and just how many weapons do you need?
    ...: about 20-30
    ...: maybe
    ...: or more
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i can provide weps on demand too, any special ones you need?
    ...: i need carbonado weps
    ...: u got any?
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i happen to have a carbo wrench
    ...: oh thats good
    ...: so lets
    ...: trade
    ...: half
    ...: then send the money
    ...: then the other half
    ...: or which way u prefer
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i thought you said you were going first
    ...: yea ok then
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: so 10 bucks
    ...: give me ur paypal email
    ...: yup
    ...: 10 bucks
    ...: where do you live
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: Vietnam
    ...: oh
    ...: so international tranfer
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: probably half the way 'round the world
    ...: dont worry ill pay the fee
    ...: umm
    ...: ok email?
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: wait a sec please
    ...: ok
    ...: heelo
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: yes
    ...: r u there>
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: uhm please another minute
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i'll be right there
    ...: ok
    ...: i have to go soon
    ...: make it fast plz
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok [email protected]
    ...: ok
    ...: international transfers might take time
    ...: so when i send the money
    ...: i ll forward
    ...: my conformation email
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok
    ...: that i receive from payapl
    ...: then you can trade me ok?
    ...: meanwhil
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok
    ...: get the weps up
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok
    You have accepted the trade request from ....
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: i haven't seen the confirm
    ...: put it up
    ...: so when i send you the confirm
    ...: you can just press trade
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: re-trade pls
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: it's laggy
    You have accepted the trade request from ....
    ... is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    ...: there
    ...: check ur email
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: uhhh nopr
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: hey i got it
    ...: check your email
    ...: ok
    ...: there is the conformation
    ...: now lets trade
    ...: rdy?
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: not until i have 10 bucks in my paypal acc, sry
    ...: what do you mean
    ...: we agreed
    ...: on
    ...: after i send you the conformation i got
    ...: are u trying to scam me
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: no but if you are a scammer i'll lose my fortune
    ...: dude u am not a scammer
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: trust problems dude
    ...: yea i know
    ...: but
    ...: we agreed on it
    ...: time
    ...: so when i send the money
    ...: i ll forward
    ...: my conformation email
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok
    ...: that i receive from payapl
    ...: then you can trade me ok?
    ...: meanwhil
    ...: get the weps up
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: ok
    ...: see
    ...: u said it ur self
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: here you go
    ...: o
    ...: k
    ...: nice doing business with you
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: thanks now the remaining 10 bucks and remember to send me the bill like you did
    (Side note: That was not Bill's Hat but the paypal transfer bill)
    Really Expensive Metal Rubbish: and nice doing business with you too
    ...: ok
    ...: will do
    ...: see ya later
    ... is now Offline
    ... is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in. 


    Trade history:

    His Outpost comment:

    His friends:
    This guy has a private profile friend, probably his main acc, this one i'm reporting probably is only an alt.

    His profile page:
    As you can clearly see, he blocked me.

    I was selling weps and this guy came up saying he'd buy all for 20 USD, then he fooled me by agreeing to go half first, then he provided me with a fake paypal confirmation and urged me to trade. I am sorry for having been fooled by this scammer because of my greed. I have learned the lesson. I'd be grateful if you'd put the SCAMMER mark on this guy for what he rightly deserves.
  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Hello, could you provide a screenshot of your paypal history showing that you never received your payments?
  3. R.E.M.R

    R.E.M.R New User

    I'd love to but I'm sorry I don't know how to take a screenshot of my paypal accout which contains my email adress, I wonder if this one could help (it's my first time using Paypal sorry):
  4. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Could you please provide pictures of PayPal Payments received showing it in the browser for this week?
  5. R.E.M.R

    R.E.M.R New User

    Terribly sorry, but I don't know what you mean by "showing it in the browser for this week. Hopefully this one will work:
  6. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    I meant that you should change "Last Three Months" into "This Week (Sun - Today)".

    Thank you. I have marked this thread as ready for review. A SteamRep admin will continue processing it shortly.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  7. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him now, thanks for the report. :)
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