1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198085266588 (FoG | FriendlyLord)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by :/I-N\:* -Alphadef, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    friendly lord 2.png Friendly lord 3.png Victim: [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef
    |steamID: [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46620848
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053507425
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198053507425

    Scammer: FoG | FriendlyLord
    |steamID: FoG | FriendlyLord
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62500430
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085266588
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/FriendlyLord
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198085266588

    Pics: Will try to link to report, if not I need to find a site to upload to

    Location: CoW's unusual server
    Scam: Running from gamble
    Details: I joined the server, stated i was looking for 1 bud unusuals to wager in a Boxing match, friendly agreed. We had some practice rounds. He decided to do it, but had to wait for his friend to give him back the hat he lent him. while waiting, we did many smaller wagers. When it finally came time, i suggested a middleman (which would have been the owner of the server) he said we should trust eachother (I really wanted this gamble) and we started. At the start it was 2-0 my favor, he suddenly left (chat log offline 1).

    I had planned to report him shortly after, and the rest of this likely isn't important, but I don't want to leave out any events. I hopped servers looking for a new person to box, I found him again. I told him if he didn't finish the match, I'd report him. After a little arguement and him trying to convince my to spycrab instead, we did another round, I won that round, and then he refused to come back and finish and called me a "hacker". However the rest of the server was getting pretty annoyed at our arguement, and Kicked me, he escaped then. I came back, complained, and got banned from the server. He went offline again. Hope i didn't miss any details. Thanks :D

    Sadly, I didn't take any pictures within servers, only of chat.

    Chat Log:
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Thanks.
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Another match?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: How long till your friend gets on?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Maybe soon Idk yet.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: sure, another match for a scrap?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: 2 Weps or a scrap
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: K
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: you win again
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Trade
    FoG | FriendlyLord had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    FoG | FriendlyLord had asked to trade with you, but has cancelled their request.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I assume you don't remember the weapons from before?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Again?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Ya, sure, I wish your friend could get on sooner
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Ikr
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: are you sure I can get on sometime soon
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: *he
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: finally won one
    FoG | FriendlyLord: ANy 2 weps?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: sure
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Rep? We both are trustable
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: ya sure
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: any 2 weapons?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Sure
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: as usual, any 2
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Tonight?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: ?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: He will go on tonight
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: what time is it where you are
    FoG | FriendlyLord: 4:23pm
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: so thats how many hours till he may get on?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: 1 or 2
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Idk
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: cause its already 2:30
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Hes on most of the time
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: 12*
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: where I am
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Then tommorow for you
    FoG | FriendlyLord: I wont be on
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I can stay on late
    FoG | FriendlyLord: I got 30 mins
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: what if your friend isn't on in 30 miniutes/
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Tommorow
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: K
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Dont do it yet
    FoG | FriendlyLord: I really wanna box
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Ok
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: do you have any way to contact your friend other than steam?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: College
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: so yes or no?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: at this moment I mean
    FoG | FriendlyLord: No
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: ok
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Howd you get that unusual?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I traded for it
    FoG | FriendlyLord: 1 Earbuds?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: a lvl 42 ap sap, a S mantreads, and minor sweets
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: so you go to collage with this guy?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: College is High School
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Collage is University for my Country
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Oh ok
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Hes on
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: :D
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Come to the ring
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: we should use a middleman i geuss?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Out of 3?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Ya
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Trust me.
    FoG | FriendlyLord: I trust you
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I do, but an unusual is rather high stakes :P
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: besides, we conveinently have an owner here
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Middleman can run.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Not the owner :P
    FoG | FriendlyLord: So just box?
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Please
    FoG | FriendlyLord: SOmeone stole my bud once
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I trust you, and if you run, I shall hunt you down (assuming you lose somehow)
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Can't afford to do it again
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Its ok
    FoG | FriendlyLord: I will give it to you promise.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: alrighty
    FoG | FriendlyLord: Same applies to you
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Ok, I promise
    FoG | FriendlyLord: You got 1
    FoG | FriendlyLord is now Offline.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: i trusted ya
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I shall be reporting you to steam rep, assuming you aren;t already marked
    FoG | FriendlyLord is now Online.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Hello
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: why did you leave>
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: you gonna ignore me?
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I still have this whole chat
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: which is plenty of evidence to get you banned plenty of places
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I advice ya to reply
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I said I'd hunt ya down if ya ran, and it won't be pretty
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: I've done this before with another guy
    FoG | FriendlyLord is now Offline.
    [Idea Co-Leader] -Alphadef: Ok, enjoy your steam rep mark, and ban from every trade server

    Putting this in at the bottom, the first pic is "too Large" to upload straight to steam rep, also new, the pics got put into the top idk how to move em, sorry :p

    Attached Files:

  2. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    weird, pic 4 got moved to the bottom, sorry the pics messed everything up
  3. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    I friend got some more evidence in a chat with the scammer, He has pictures, but we are currently working on a way to transport them between us. In the mean time, here is a transcript of the chat

     6:38 PM - Ohaidere..: Hay.
    6:37 PM - Ohaidere..: Why'd you add me?.
    6:38 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): hi i heard you were heavy boxing for unusuals? i was curious if i could bet 2 buds?
    6:38 PM - Ohaidere..: I don't have any unusuals.
    6:38 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): The unusual headwarmer
    6:38 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Nevermind
    6:38 PM - Ohaidere..: I don't have one
    6:39 PM - Ohaidere..: I've never boxed
    6:39 PM - Ohaidere..: Why you acting wierd??????
    6:39 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Hm?
    6:39 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): How am i acting weird?
    6:39 PM - Ohaidere..: Look at your profile, compare what your acting to now.
    6:40 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Your actually acting like the one thats weird.
    6:40 PM - Ohaidere..: I can guess what you are.
    6:40 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): What am i?
    6:40 PM - Ohaidere..: SteamRep Admin.
    6:40 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Okay, for one, Thats a no (i wish)
    6:40 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Im just a normal trader
    6:41 PM - Ohaidere..: Yeah right.
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): and how am i acting weird?
    6:41 PM - Ohaidere..: Don't tell me bullshit.
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Wtf?
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Okay, mind i ask. Why does it matter if i am or not?
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): for one, im not
    6:41 PM - Ohaidere..: Hate it when f✿✿✿✿✿✿s come from steamrep.
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): and two, you could check
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): -.-
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): So im a f✿✿✿✿✿ even though im not a admin?
    6:41 PM - Ohaidere..: I can guess what you are now
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): What am i then?
    6:41 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Cause im not a steam rep admin..
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): (even though i wish i am, would be able to support the community)
    6:42 PM - Ohaidere..: A f✿✿✿✿✿✿ a✿✿✿✿✿✿ and an idiot pedophile who li
    ...[just cutting out some chat between me and him in the middle]
    Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): 6:42 PM - Ohaidere..: A f✿✿✿✿✿✿ a✿✿✿✿✿✿ and an idiot pedophile who licks their moms p✿✿✿✿
    6:42 PM - Ohaidere.. is now Offline.
    6:42 PM - Ohaidere.. is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Oh says the person who scammed
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): I have evidance on you by the way
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Video Recordance
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): This chat proving your afraid of a steam rep admin
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): You know you could get banned?
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Oh im aware you still see my messages
    6:42 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): If you wish to get out of the s✿✿✿ hole your in,
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Just contact me
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Cause well.. Lets face it
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Your going to get banned from steam rep + outpost + other trading sites
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): You wouldnt be able to profit well.
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Anyways, Enjoy. Im no steam rep admin
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): nor middleman
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): But im admin of numerous trade servers + admin of a unusual trade server
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Be alert you are banned,
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): From 5 trade servers
    6:43 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): and will be warned to other servers due to many hosts know me
    6:44 PM - Hotshot-Stephanie's Hubby.. :): Thank you for the chat evidance! :)
  4. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    Btw, he keeps changing his name a lot, and is on valve trade probation
  5. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    Will this ever be looked at? The report is a week old with out even "An admin will reveiw shortly"
  6. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, a SR admin will look into this when he / she can.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  7. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    two weeks since last post...
  8. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    1 month since report made...
  9. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    Getting closer to 2 months now...
  10. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    As he was already tagged by one of our affiliate sites, he was already tagged. Adding to notes. Thanks for the report. :)
  11. :/I-N\:* -Alphadef

    :/I-N\:* -Alphadef New User

    ;-; Finally, thanks!