1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198091402412

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Death 101010 [OzFur], Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. Death 101010 [OzFur]

    Death 101010 [OzFur] New User

    | steamname: Death 101010 [OzFur]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:38636383
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037538495
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Death_101010
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198037538495

    | steamname: L-M-A-O ^1990^
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:65568342
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091402412
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lmao1990
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198091402412

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/inz8z7tavtpb4uq/steam page1.png
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/55phoczy7nl4nla/steam page2.png

    This player added me over steam an immediately offered on my Modest pile of hat, they linked rep, which i could tell was fake due to using sourceOp previously.
    After 13 minutes the player stopped replying so i deleted them, knowing it was a scam.

    2:56 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: hi
    2:56 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: hey
    2:56 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: how can i help you
    2:56 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: i wanna buy modest for 1200$ check rep please http://forum-sourceop.org/threads/243341-Rep-Thread-LMAO/
    2:56 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: good?
    2:57 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: hold on a moment
    2:57 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: kk
    2:57 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: the page doesn't seem to load for me
    2:58 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: is it ur connection?
    2:58 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: possibly
    2:58 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i'll brb
    2:58 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: ok
    2:58 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^ is now Offline.
    2:58 AM - Your state is set to Offline.
    2:59 AM - Online now and rejoined chat.
    2:59 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^ is now Online.
    2:59 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: hmm, i'm still having trouble
    3:01 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: have u seen my rep?
    3:01 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i keep getting error 501 bad gateway
    3:02 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: still trying
    3:02 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: MALWARE-SUSPECTED-TINYURL-.com/lmaorep
    3:02 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: try this
    3:02 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: hmm, that one worked
    3:02 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: nice
    3:03 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: you have quite a lot of reputation
    3:03 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: yep
    3:03 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: 16 pages
    3:04 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i counted 11 =p
    3:04 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: oh no
    3:04 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i'm wrong
    3:04 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: even better
    3:04 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: yeah
    3:04 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: good?
    3:05 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: yes, that's quite suitible rep
    3:05 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: ok
    3:05 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: so your paypal mail
    3:05 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: one moment
    3:06 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i'd prefer to use a middleman
    3:06 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: man u checked my rep
    3:06 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i did, however for something this...valuable...i'd like some security
    3:07 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: surely, with your rep, you know somone
    3:07 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: man 16 page rep means no middleman rlyy
    3:08 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i also notice that the names on your rep don't match at all times
    3:08 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: let me have a quick look
    3:09 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: i know you've used middlemen before "Bought 10 keys w/ a middleman since I don't have rep (my idea). She was helpful and transaction was smooth. Thanks!
    3:09 AM - L-M-A-O ^1990^: check last pages
    3:11 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: so you're willing to go first?
    3:17 AM - Hey, it's Death 101010: hello?
  2. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, a SR admin will look into this when he / she can.

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