1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Invalid Appeal: 76561198106347267 - (Swimming In Silver / SR CAUTION)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Swimming In Silver, May 16, 2015.

  1. Swimming In Silver

    Swimming In Silver Unconfirmed Reports

    Appeal for SR CAUTION

    Steam profile: 76561198106347267 (Swimming In Silver)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    Hello, as you may have noticed, I have an unconfirmed report on my profile. I had received this for attempting to scam an innocent steam trader. This is completely wrong and will not be done again by me. I have nothing to refund as the trade did not go through and i am glad the other party had reported me so that I could realize these faults and change my views towards creating an actual trading profile. During recent trades, many have turned back because of the fraud warnings that they receive (even when I was willing to go first) this had taken its toll on the trades that I had been attempting to make. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I would understand if this appeal does not go through due to the recent reports and evidence provided. Thanks!​
  2. DAFISH#got scammed D:

    DAFISH#got scammed D: Caution on SteamRep

    Why did you create this thread?
    You don't have any tags(just a pending report) on SteamRep.The report is still pending,, you would want to reply in the report to clear your name but in this case ... you have self-admitted that you scammed the victim!
  3. Swimming In Silver

    Swimming In Silver Unconfirmed Reports

    I am not going to lie, I did something wrong and there is clear evidence....I thought you could appeal a pending report. But again I am not going to lie about the clear evidence and I hope the staff can understand the situation.
  4. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello @Swimming In Silver,

    You filed a appeal. This appeal thread was Invalidated & Archived for one or more of the following reasons:

    You already have an open appeal, or already have appealed:
    Only 1 appeal is allowed on SteamRep. The one appeal you have is the only chance you get. We don't have the resources to indulge appeal upon appeal of the same person.
    - There is no point in creating a new appeal when the one you already have is still open. Please wait for your turn.
    - If your previous appeal was Rejected, there is nothing more that you can do. At least 2 different admins have already looked at your case and felt the ban was justified.
    You have an open report, but are not yet banned by SteamRep:
    As long as you have not been banned you will have to reply to the open report and resolve issues from there. Only once you are actually banned with a red or orange tag by us, can you appeal here. I've been reported on SteamRep, but I do not have a "BANNED BY SR" yet, what should I do?

    You have a red tag on SteamRep, but the listed ban is not handled on SteamRep forums:
    SteamRep currently ONLY handles the following tags for appeals:

    SR = SteamRep
    SOP = SourceOP
    AF2 = Ace Fortress 2 (Defunct Community)
    ASBO = ASBO Gaming (Defunct Community)

    Any red or orange markings on our site not listed above are handled by the respective community they were issued by, NOT HERE. If you have a tag that is not listed above, you can find where to appeal here:

    You have bans recorded on your SteamRep profile that are not handled by SteamRep:
    If you have bans or cautions of multiple communities other than, or in addition to, a SteamRep ban, you will need to address those FIRST before applying for an appeal for the STEAMREP ban. This includes the Valve Trade Ban / Valve Trade Probation. You can find where to appeal here:

    Only once you have addressed the other bans, you can appeal on SteamRep.

    You aren't Banned or Cautioned on SteamRep:
    There is nothing to appeal here. Wherever you are banned or whatever your issue is, it has nothing to do with us. Any community may ban for whatever reason they see fit. Most common issues:
    - D2Lounge ban: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dota2lounge/discussions/11/
    - CSGOLounge ban: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/csgolounge/discussions/3/
    - Valve Trade ban: http://support.steampowered.com/
    We cannot possibly list all possibilities. The above are the most common, if you are banned somewhere, you have to appeal THERE. You have no ban here, hence we cannot help you.

    In all above cases:
    There is NO point to appeal to us, do not make a new appeal. Look at the information above and find out what applies to your situation.