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Need More Info Report: 76561198048673892 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by SnakeManvsArbok, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. SnakeManvsArbok

    SnakeManvsArbok New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198048673892 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198125279742

    What happened? Description:
    I had posted a trade offer for a Nuts'n'Bolts Bonk Leadwear, when I got an add from the Scammer. I asked him what he needed and he offered to sell my a Bubbling Bonk Leadwear for a bud, despite backpack.tf's recommended price of 1.4 buds. I told him this and he still agreed to the pricing. Immediately after the trade, he asked for a Bill's ontop of that. This was not in the original deal, and I did not feel comfortable paying more than what we agreed on. I decided to give him his hat back and a Stockpile crate for my buds back, but he simply declined and removed me. I may have made .4 buds in profit, but I still feel uncomfortable from the whole experience and I want to trade him the hat back soon.​

    Provide Evidence:
    SnakeManvsArbok: Hello
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: hi
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: you want to buy unu?
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: bonk..
    SnakeManvsArbok: Yes
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: but that not nuts n bolt that better good that bubling and worth 1.4 bud i can for 1 bud
    SnakeManvsArbok: OK
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose has accepted your request to trade.
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose has accepted your request to trade.
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: man
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: can i add 5 keys
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: and you add bill?
    SnakeManvsArbok: I don't have an unpainted
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: but i ad
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: d
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: 5 keys and hats
    SnakeManvsArbok: Thank you
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: man cn you add me litlle for unu>
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: /
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: olz
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: plz
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: little
    SnakeManvsArbok: You asked for a bud, but alrigt
    SnakeManvsArbok: I'll see what I can throw in
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: ok
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose has accepted your request to trade.
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: ?
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: why?
    SnakeManvsArbok: You're marked as a scammer
    SnakeManvsArbok: I'll add the crate for my buds back and you keep your hat
    SnakeManvsArbok: Sound fair?
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: no thx but if you sell me the bills for 5 and hats so maybe
    SnakeManvsArbok: No thanks
    SnakeManvsArbok: I just want my buds back
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: but we did a deal
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose: sry bro
    SnakeManvsArbok: You changed it though
    SnakeManvsArbok: At the last second, you changed it
    SnakeManvsArbok: I don't want the hat, I just want to trade it back for my buds
    ๖ۣۜN.B.D FightingForApurpose is now Offline.​

    Attached Files:

  2. SnakeManvsArbok

    SnakeManvsArbok New User

    I apologize for the duped screenshots. This is my first time and I wanted to make sure I had them in the right format. After I clicked back, I thought they had disappeared and I added the 2nd set.