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Declined Report: 76561197987062074 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by nekolover08, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. nekolover08

    nekolover08 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197987062074 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198096452401

    What happened? Description:
    The accused abused their position as a trusted community admin in order to get a very expensive hat from a newbie unboxer. While I do understand that "sharking" is not a steamrep taggable offense, I do believe that knowingly exploiting the trust of the community by someone in Tien's position is (or should be) some type of fraud. Furthermore, the accused does not see anything wrong with the actions they took despite being one of the people who are supposed to prevent and discourage things like this from happening in the trading community.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. Kareemela-Made My Day

    Kareemela-Made My Day New User

    OMG Tein did this?! a "Trusted" tf2 trader admin!?!? OMG I hope they all get banned :(

    Why would they make such a new player upset instead they should have been Helping him, Those dirty scammers!
  3. Kareemela-Made My Day

    Kareemela-Made My Day New User

    He* gets banned
  4. Tien Yih

    Tien Yih New User

    The evidence there is clear as day. He gave me the price he wants which wasn't UNREASONABLE. The whole "using admin powers" to shark the kid is blatantly taken out of context. He asked how would he know if I'm not a scammer or not? I gave him the proof. Admin, SR, Outpost. Where did I use my Admin powers to shark the kid is beyond me but I'll let the people that matter judge my actions. Good day.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  5. Tien Yih

    Tien Yih New User

    Another thing to note is that Kyran's old "200 bud C/Os" on his Burning Crones were both COLLECTING and RETRACTED offers that have been there for months now and he hasn't removed them. Has he sold the hat yet for what he wants? Has he gotten a new legit offer of 200 on it? No.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  6. Monkey 2

    Monkey 2 Retired Staff

    Hey guys please dont misunderstand me. Yes the unboxer could of gotten more in the long run if he waited. But this is nor a scam or a shark.

    In the proof provided komrade the unboxer... told tien what he wanted. and he did get EXACTLY what he wanted. Another thing he never used his "Admin" as a trust to gain for his hat. He promptly asked how do i know you are not a scammer and he said im a server admin for a trading group also provided his steamrep.

    Here is some proof of the former Admin - Apollo and Our chat.

    Convo start with apollo:

    http://prntscr.com/3tig4d - Remainder of chat

    Tiens screenshot chat with the unboxer after apollo starts talking to him cause he closed the chat after he traded him.

    The fact is that he paid exactly what the unboxer wanted and both parties were happy with the trade until apollo came in.
    Apollo as an admin got emotional and handled the situation badly. She didnt even bother try talking to tien and automatically assumed it was sketchy and went on a hunt.

    Apollo admits he said yes thats what he wanted when tien and the unboxer were trading: http://prntscr.com/3tinnj

    I know komrade posted this SR report but if you look at the wording correctly this is definelty written by Apollo. She even posted her side of the story falsifying why she was kicked out as a admin.

    For those who are reading this please understand why apollo was kicked from admin.
    I am sure most current admins from any community will agree.
    As an admin we are to stay Neutral in any case.
    She only heard one side of the story actually didnt even hear one side of the story. She went straight into adding komrade. told him what she thinks its worth "200 buds" ( no actual sales to prove this price) and told him he was scammed.
    as provided in the screenshot where tien was talking to komrade.

    As an admin you stay neutral and listen to both sides of the story. Looking at all the proof and not getting emotional. She got emotional and did everything that an admin cannot do. Sharks are considered people who pay 20% or less. Even if the hat was priced at 200. he paid roughly 100 - 110 in mix. majority being pure. which is 50% even if it was priced at 200. Currently it is priced at 160.

    Note that the burning crones is now 1 OF 3. 3 exisit.
    Randombrother bought his for 94. Which he sold to kyran for an OVERPAY of 160 as an endgame hat.
    Note his trade and his offers only show as the 200 in cash by me. which i retracted long ago as a private message. Versus offered 200 but he later on bought the burning ke. and The private offer of COLLECTING 250.
    Current outpost trade. : http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/18462305
    http://prntscr.com/3u7957 screenshot saying it was a ENDGAME hat.

    I even approached and talked to 1 current admin of PPM and 1 former admin of PPM. Since they were involved due to apollo talking about it with them.
    I will update the chats.

    Please understand one thing everyone. This is not a shark case nor a scam case. The fact apollo and komrade are trying to defame tf2-t's credibility and tiensto's reputation will not change. Because the fact is simple. He asked for what he wanted from the burning crones and received it.

    Proof of purchase:
    Screenshots as listed are the trade history:


    Everything is listed. If anyone needs to talk to me about the situation. They can feel free too. Especially any moderator or admin handling this post.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2014
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    In my opinion this does fall under a "sharking". But im not here to judge anyone. Admin are our leaders and who people look to for advice and guidance. Weather or not this person was sharked/scammed or simply made a bad trade is not up to me. I will leave this to higher level.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  8. Tien Yih

    Tien Yih New User

    I don't see how it is sharking when he gave me the price even before I even asked him how much he wanted here: http://i.imgur.com/pkCItHX.jpg You can see in the timestamp that he gave ME the prices before I even asked him how much he wanted. AND IN ADDITION..the price was REASONABLE. It wasn't like he wanted 20 buds for a 160 bud hat..that would have been a TOTALLY different story. It is clear that he wanted 50 buds + 50 unusuals. The hat isn't worth 200 buds like everyone THINKS. There are 3 Burning Crones out there. NONE have sold for more than 160 yet...with Kyrans sales being an outlier due to him wanting it as an "end-game" hat. It's all about PAST SALES. NOT current offers of collecting AND retracted offers. In reality I paid roughly 60-65% of the hat with 60% of pure in my offer. Please keep these in mind. It's all about FACTS not FEELINGS.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  9. Tien Yih

    Tien Yih New User

    Also, sorry for not adding an attachment to my last post. Here it is.

    Attached Files:

    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  10. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
    • Don't make judgement calls on cases- leave that to the moderators & admins. :) All SR admins & moderators are trained extensively on what type of evidence is needed for each case and the like. In addition, I've seen some people say, 'SteamRep doesn't mark for this' etc. Depending on what it is, we can make exceptions. So it's better to just let the admins handle it."
  11. Kareemela-Made My Day

    Kareemela-Made My Day New User

    I've been doing some reasearch and ive talked to some admins while they all seem to want to hide this fact infact they didnt even want to tell me why apollo got his admin removed

    Attached Files:

  12. Monkey 2

    Monkey 2 Retired Staff

    alterr wasnt even apart of our team until AFTER this mess. if you look closely in my post i have stated the reason why she was removed from admin. if you dont want to scroll up. i will quote it here..

    Now understand this thing. This SR report is not about apollo. It is about the trade tien and komrade conducted. Which apollo is all gung ho about.

    Komrade the unboxer told him what he wanted. and he received it. i know apollo wanted it but then added him and complained to him he was scammed. idk what she wanted after that. but she lost her cool and only spoke to 1 person. This SR report is not about apollo. It is about the trade tien and komrade conducted. Which apollo is all gung ho about. in my professional opinion. its not a sharking case or a scam case. nor a fraudulent trust case. because he only provided to komrade that he isnt a scammer by saying hes a server admin for a trading group. also provided his outpost link and steam rep link to show hes not a scammer. There was no wording that said or meant anything of telling him to give him the hat for a low price cause he is a admin. komrade asked for the 50 in pure and 50 in unusuals. when he received 60 pure and 40-50 in unusuals. it is a very reasonable offer and payment. as for the 200 range. there is no actual sale at that price to proove it is worth 200. yes i offered 200 on kyrans. back in MARCH and retracted a few weeks after in a PM to kyran. even when he bought it as a overpay it was due to a end game hat. all actual sales were in the 94-130 range. 94 being randombrother buying the 2nd one. 130 being the first one bought by voo. and voo paid 115 in unusuals and 15 pure to sweeten it. so paying 100-110 in mix depending on the unusuals is def a fair and reasonable price in my opinion.
    Tio José das Vacas likes this.
  13. [swaveboard]

    [swaveboard] New User

    Now everyone is putting a hashtag #sharkweek behind their names because of this...
  14. Kareemela-Made My Day

    Kareemela-Made My Day New User

    I agree with you im just gonna go neutural like everyone else
  15. Metalogic-Gone for 3 days

    Metalogic-Gone for 3 days Donator - Tier III

    I don't know, and don't care if anyone will give two s✿✿✿s if I give some of my insight on this, but here goes. As a retired semi-big time trader, I have seen many cases that look like this, but perhaps people are throwing much more of a fit since Tiesto is a well known admin on a well known server/website. It seems to me that people are angry for Tiesto not being 100% honest with the previous owner since he did not tell the previous owner what the crone had got in the past. Though this may be true, Monkey does have a point: Tiesto payed what the seller asked and what the seller was asking was not a small price mind you. I am not taking sides here but Tiesto also had full right to not return it since the seller AGREED on the deal. The deal was finalized and made, no going back after that.

    In regards of Apollo and those who claim these admins are corrupt and should all be banned:
    There is full right to feel angry because YOU WOULD'VE JUMPED AT THIS DEAL. If you had a 200+ bud backpack and someone approaches you saying this, OF COURSE YOU'RE GOING TO JUMP AT IT. You would be daft not to. Apollo I feel was jealous (if not livid with anger that she watched someone get such a good deal) and she overreacted. Just calm down all of you, and go back to your trading lives.
  16. [-ICS-] ♥PootisBird♥

    [-ICS-] ♥PootisBird♥ New User

    This isn't Sharking.Tiesnto asked Komrade what he had wanted for the Crone's and he asked for atleast 50 pure,50 in unusuals,AND THATS WHAT TIESNSTO HAD PAID.So if Komrade had not asked about what the Crone's has gotten in the pass,Tiesnto does not have to tell him.And once a trade is finalized and made.Tiensto wholes the right whether to do a re-trade or not.In which case he did not.As for Apollo's Ban,that was just taking it too serious.
  17. maxlasa

    maxlasa New User

    This may not be sharking, but its a down-right dick move. As a trusted admin, he should have chosen to advise the person and tell him what he could get as opposed to taking advantage of the fact that he was oblivious of the price. He payed what he asked, but he only asked for 100 because he didn't know its value.

    This being said, I have nothing against the TF2-T community, and tien didn't do anything ban-able IMO. He just chose not to help out a user in need, which may be an a✿✿✿✿✿✿ move seeing as hes an admin, but he didn't shark or scam.

    I don't believe Tien should be banned, but he should consider putting those who are oblivious before him and helping them out instead of taking advantage of this.
  18. Cryptoth

    Cryptoth New User

    The original unboxer had gotten an offer of 70 Buds pure at first, so when 50 pure and 50 mixed was asked, he assumed he was highballing. Yes, Tien is a trusted admin, and used that to deceive Komrade, knowing very well the true price. Anyone who claims to be a trusted administrator or trader using their title as that to make someone trust you is conniving, greasy and deceiving. I read over the conversation, between separate people, and the unboxer happens to be a friend of mine, and he is disgusted at Tien. TF2-T is another story.
    I do not see why TF2-T supports Tien even after this move, and anyone with this tag of #sharkweek will be banned going into their server. You may have an admin you think is trustworthy, but really isn't. Banning one of your admins for supporting someone that another one of your admins sharked, and sticking up for the person who didn't know any better is just pathetic.
    You say Apollo might have been jealous. I wouldn't doubt it, but Apollo was doing the right thing regardless. This user was sharked out of what is essentially $2000, it make sense for someone to stand up for their case.

    I would define sharking as taking advantage of someone who has a valuable item, and making an offer of something worth much less than what you are sharking off of said player. In my opinion, Tien should be banned.
    Roudydogg1 and Sniper Pro like this.
  19. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas SteamRep Admin Partner Community Donator - Tier V

    SteamRep Admin:
  20. Cryptoth

    Cryptoth New User

    Y'know they say they aren't covering stuff up but who knows? Apollo also talked to other admins of TF2-T, but is there proof otherwise?
    Can't I state my opinion too? C:
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