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Accepted Report: 76561198318399813 - ([Other] Other game items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by misslindsey, Jun 17, 2017.

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  1. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Other cash fraud (webmoney, bitcoin, etc)
    Virtual item type involved: [Other] Other game items

    Accused profile: 76561198318399813

    Victim profile: 76561198279669201

    What happened? Description:
    I am really in a tough place financially right now and I reached out to this person trying to borrow a little money. I told him Id give him skins as a collateral and he took the rust skins and dipped, about 120$ worth.

    Its worth noting that he initially sent my items back because I think he was nervous, and then I had to send them a second time and thats when he dipped.

    Im beyond embaressed and really upset with this. Please make sure hes banned.

    https://gyazo.com/cf5ed8661fcca8c36349c13b5c710bca >>> Screenshot showing his 64 ID and that he blocked me/private profiled.​

    Provide Evidence:
    https://gyazo.com/cf5ed8661fcca8c36349c13b5c710bca >>> Screenshot showing his 64 ID and that he blocked me/private profiled.
    https://gyazo.com/ecd722a82a4b7038f1e3c6dfd441171e >>> showing logs begin and end where i said they end below
    https://gyazo.com/6bfb90f844458b53cefcdc915a422d53 >>> Showing the chat logs are this person.

    If you need anything else I'm 100% down to share anything. f✿✿✿ this guy, taking advantage of me when he knew my situation.​

    misslindsey: do you have bitcoin
    logic: Yeah, why?
    misslindsey: like any bitcoin to pay for stuff rn?
    misslindsey: over 100$
    logic: Like 130
    logic: Why?
    logic: What's up?
    misslindsey: so I need a favor
    misslindsey: one sec
    logic: mhm
    logic: what's up?
    misslindsey: so long story short my paypal got f✿✿✿ed by a scammer
    misslindsey: and I need to pay my bills this weekend and I need about 100$ btc
    logic: Don't you work for like ESL?
    misslindsey: my paypal is f✿✿✿ed rn
    logic: Ahhh, that seems kinda sus.
    misslindsey: listen
    misslindsey: Ill give you 150$ in rust skins as collateral till i pay back
    misslindsey: Id be able to pay you back within a week
    logic: If you can send them first, I can do that.
    logic: What's your Bitcoin ID?
    misslindsey: also having my steam rep with you will be good since Im pretty big in trading
    logic: Adress.
    misslindsey: one sec
    logic: who scammed you btw?
    misslindsey: Its pretty big, like going on csgonews
    misslindsey: ull see lol
    logic: who was it tho
    misslindsey: not gonna tell anyone till the csnews ep is out
    logic: Alright
    logic: Just seems a little sus :/
    misslindsey: one sec
    logic: Sorry.
    misslindsey: Im giving you the skins first
    misslindsey: no biggie
    logic: Hold up, I dont even have rust.
    logic: How do I check prices?
    misslindsey: Even I didnt pay you back you go list them for the buyer request price and get like 130 on steam and buy keys or something with that
    logic: Alright.
    logic: Trusting you on this.
    misslindsey: steam inv helper or steamwizard
    misslindsey: either of those will show price
    misslindsey: rough prices ofc, thats why Im sending you 150 so that even worst case you could sell em for like 120
    logic: alright
    misslindsey: 1LxWCXzTSXuAGh3vbguLT3YnyFj4JUAHWT
    misslindsey: one sec while i send a trade
    logic: alright
    misslindsey: will be a minute
    logic: is this the real Lindsey?
    logic: This just seems kind of
    logic: idk
    misslindsey: yes
    misslindsey: lol
    misslindsey: Its me
    logic: ;/
    logic: ok
    misslindsey: gonna take a few so I know prices are right
    logic: alright
    logic: I feel like this is some kind of setup.
    logic: lol
    misslindsey: I swear its not, ill send first no problem, and you can check prices no problem
    misslindsey: i have a lot to lose here
    logic: Before we even do this
    misslindsey: yes
    logic: I deserve to know what happened between you and this scammer
    logic: before I give you money
    misslindsey: ex boyfriend used my paypal for a while, and he had payments and stuff throughout our relationship, well now im pregnant with my current bf and he decided it would be cool to refunded thousands from my paypal and it locked my account while ii dispute it
    logic: uh
    logic: holy s✿✿✿
    logic: okay.
    misslindsey: ya
    logic: Well first off.
    logic: Congrats...
    misslindsey: LOL
    misslindsey: thank you haha
    logic: Second of all, hwy would this be on csgonews?
    misslindsey: because im pretty well known in cs and he is as well
    misslindsey: well
    misslindsey: i take that back
    misslindsey: just i am
    logic: Alright
    logic: Who is he?
    logic: Like the f✿✿✿head who's doing this?
    misslindsey: Id rather not say for now, itll be blasted out soon i think
    logic: Alright.
    misslindsey: pending investigation and all
    logic: I can get more in bitcoin.
    logic: If you need.
    misslindsey: nono I only need 100 for today and I cant afford more in skins lol
    misslindsey: giving you most of what I have lol
    logic: Okay xD
    misslindsey: im honestly scared to do this but im desperate
    logic: we dont have to if you dont feel comfortable
    logic: i just
    logic: idk
    misslindsey: i need it
    logic: you have so many powerful friends
    misslindsey: giving you a chance to prove your not a scammer i guess
    misslindsey: hahaha
    logic: but that's just the thing
    logic: i'm not a scammer
    logic: in any way
    logic: I feel like you're working with that HeyHey scumbag.
    misslindsey: why would I send first
    misslindsey: and let you price check XD
    logic: idk
    logic: this is just a weird situation
    misslindsey: im just desperate
    misslindsey: for a few days
    logic: alright
    logic: well lets do it then ig
    misslindsey: so it says 135 in opskins value will that work
    logic: yeah that's okay.
    logic: hey
    logic: i gotta switch connections
    misslindsey: was about to send
    misslindsey: but np
    logic: im here
    logic: just had to switch lmao
    misslindsey: o ok
    misslindsey: good to send then?
    logic: yup
    misslindsey: i sent i think
    misslindsey: take ur time checking, im about 80% sure its like 140
    misslindsey: maybe 130
    logic: kk
    logic: https://gyazo.com/d3d9ccae033046a8d94a96380077779e
    misslindsey: huh?
    misslindsey: never seen that
    logic: im accepting on my phone
    logic: and checking
    misslindsey: ok
    logic: where do I check the price?
    misslindsey: Steam market or whereever
    misslindsey: you can instant sell them for buy order price for like 120 or so
    misslindsey: then use that money to just get keys
    logic: okay
    logic: Do you mind if I restart my pc
    misslindsey: and by then youll have 110 in keys roughly
    logic: to get rid of this?
    misslindsey: ya idc
    logic: or try to get rid of this
    logic: back
    misslindsey: ok
    logic: okay i see
    misslindsey: Good to go?
    logic: I'm not of age to use opskins
    misslindsey: U dont need it
    misslindsey: use steam market
    misslindsey: insta sell for buy order price
    misslindsey: like what the buyer requests for
    misslindsey: and youd make 120ish
    logic: mind if i try selling them?
    misslindsey: just do the "buyer requests for X amount"
    misslindsey: it istant sells and credits you steam
    misslindsey: you know this
    logic: yeah
    misslindsey: its same as cs
    logic: inventories are delayed currently
    misslindsey: lol ofc
    misslindsey: silly steam
    logic: do you just want me to send them back>
    logic: ?
    misslindsey: no i need this
    misslindsey: its fine
    logic: ok
    misslindsey: is it up again?
    logic: not yet
    logic: are you sure you dont want it back
    misslindsey: I just want the btc if thats ok
    misslindsey: And Ill pay you back to get my rust skins back
    misslindsey: I really need this lol
    logic: Okay
    misslindsey: part of it is for my phone bill thats due in two days and part of it is for flowers for my dads grave on fathers day
    logic: steam is up apparentlt
    misslindsey: full disclosure
    misslindsey: both things are VERY important
    misslindsey: ok
    logic: i can't make any money from this
    logic: im sorry
    logic: i can't do this
    misslindsey: ...
    logic: the items aren't available to sell
    misslindsey: you just instant on steam get all 100+ back and get keys tho?
    misslindsey: Wait what?
    misslindsey: How long is the sell thing?
    logic: they don't sell
    misslindsey: yes they do?
    misslindsey: I sell them all the time
    logic: wait
    logic: gimme a sec
    logic: the 25$ item that you sent me is only worth 5$ on steam xD
    misslindsey: ugh
    logic: ;/
    logic: im just gonna send them back
    misslindsey: Fine
    logic: also, I don't understand why you ask me
    logic: of all people
    logic: Jus sus to me
    logic: Sorry
    logic: So just like that?
    misslindsey: No im doing something rq
    misslindsey: sorry
    misslindsey: no i understand
    logic: accept the offer
    misslindsey: just was worth trying i guess, im desperate
    misslindsey: will one sec
    logic: ...
    misslindsey: Ty for sending them back
    logic: ye
    logic: lindsey
    logic: i think i can do it
    misslindsey: please do
    logic: do you mind throwin gin the fever dream and aug
    misslindsey: the rust skins are just collateral im paying you back
    logic: so I can get a nice knife?
    logic: Oh
    logic: gotcha
    misslindsey: is that ok?
    logic: okay send an offer whenever
    logic: ye
    misslindsey: thank you
    misslindsey: sent offer
    logic: kk
    misslindsey: 1LxWCXzTSXuAGh3vbguLT3YnyFj4JUAHWT
    misslindsey: thats my btc
    logic: kk
    misslindsey: ill have you paid back likely within a week, no more than two weeks
    logic: Okay
    misslindsey: i dont forget things like this
    misslindsey: thank you so much
    logic: Do you mind if I have the awp and aug to play with? xD
    logic: all good if not
    logic: just curious
    misslindsey: they are not mine :/
    misslindsey: they are a guy named danks, he lent em to me to play with
    misslindsey: well, the fever that is
    misslindsey: the aug idc
    misslindsey: Sent that too
    logic: kk
    logic: sent a payment to the bitcoin address
    logic: all set?
    misslindsey: Hmm how long does that take to show that u sent it
    misslindsey: do u use coinbase
    logic: im not sure
    logic: im new to bitcoin as well
    misslindsey: ok ill give it 10 mins
    logic: i used a website to cashout
    logic: and it took like 10 mins
    logic: ya
    misslindsey: doesnt even show a pending transaction u sure you sent ?
    logic: I dont think so
    logic: i typed in the right adress
    misslindsey: Pasted it right?
    logic: ya
    misslindsey: screenshot the transaction
    misslindsey: pending
    logic: wym
    logic: i dont have that
    misslindsey: like gyazo
    logic: do i have to confirm via email?
    misslindsey: or prntscreen
    misslindsey: check ur email lol
    logic: gimme a sec
    logic: nothing here
    misslindsey: try again? Idk lol
    logic: lets give it a couple mins
    misslindsey: does it show a pending one?
    logic: doesn't show anything
    misslindsey: what website
    logic: but my balance changed
    logic: Poloniex
    logic: i think i sent it to the wrong adress.
    logic: how do I cancel?
    misslindsey: seriously..
    logic: ?
    logic: what do i do
    misslindsey: show me the transaction
    logic: idc where im looking
    logic: idk
    misslindsey: your recent activity
    misslindsey: like how paypal shows transactios
    logic: its blank lol
    misslindsey: show em
    misslindsey: me
    logic: sec
    logic: im ingame
    logic: gotta run from the gas
    misslindsey: k
    misslindsey: please hurry now im panicing
    logic: relax
    logic: i can get more money
    misslindsey: just screenshot the transactions please
    misslindsey: ya you didnt send anything to me thats forsure
    misslindsey: u either did the wrong ad, which is like impossible, or idk
    misslindsey: i mean if btc doesnt work I guess I can just use a paypal that isnt mine, but im scared of refunds and stuff
    misslindsey: hello?
    misslindsey: logic..
    misslindsey: helllooooo?
    misslindsey: Really?
    misslindsey: really hope youre just into a game and not dipping out...
    misslindsey: you have no idea what you just did.
    misslindsey: say good bye to ur steamrep

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    All of your screenshots are unacceptable - they are too cropped and show no date/time stamp on them.
    Do you have them full screen? Also we do NOT accept evidence hosted on gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site. Must all be hosted to the report.
  3. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User


    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Is everything uploaded to the report that you have?
    Also you didn't explain this very well.. what items..what payment?
  5. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    he told me hed give me 100 in bitcoin for these items as a loan to help me out.
  6. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    is this enough?
  7. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    if he had been banned from all the other reports on this guy this never wouldve happened :/
  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Don't bump the report - we get to them as we can- You need to stop cropping your screenshots.
    Read this guide before posting here again
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.
    Also I want the BTC address pasted here in a reply AND I want a full screenshot of it used on blockchain.info
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Other reports are irrelevant to this one - you read the reports and even if we banned them they can STILL trade so thats pointless. Using that as an excuse is just that...an excuse.
    You had every chance to read the reports yourself and decide to deal with the user - which is the purpose of the reports NOT to punish.
  10. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

  11. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    Second, Heres a capture of my inventory history

    Attached Files:

  12. misslindsey

    misslindsey New User

    Heres the screenshots showing that the hyperlinks things at the bottom showing its him in both instances

    Attached Files:

  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - now its rough to get caught up like that but my best advice is to be careful and slow when dealing with anyone.
    You don't know who is who behind a user name - some scammers will friend you for months before taking advantage.
    Looking at your history if you are in fact who you say you are it could be inviting as a target, preying on your trusting nature.
    SR isn't here to punish and while I'm accepting the report the user can still trade so be sure to report the user to Valve. Even though it may not do something right away its still there.
    Don't mean to sound rough with my response earlier but I don't like excuses.. use your head, slow down and research users better... don't know, just ask someone.
    I'm not fond of users being taken advantage of.
    Also in the future full screenshots of the chat thru steam chat vs a browser - it made it really difficult to review this case cause of all that and your cropped shots.
    Read the guide in my signature - very helpful.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  14. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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