1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Ask A SteamRep Staff Member

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Xenophobia, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We don't take reports on alt accounts from the general public, for several reasons, I'm afraid. If this looks like something the scammer put a lot of effort into, and isn't just one of many throwaway accounts, you could try reporting it to a partner community. Our affiliated Partner Communities can link alts when discovered in our database, or report them to us through their own channels.
  2. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Ah ok i see, and yes he has put alot of effort into his account, steam level 69, a convincing steam group with 1k+ members which he changes admins when his account gets trade banned, a ton of skins like a souvenir desert hydra, howl, dragon lore, emerald knifes shown on his profile and a ton more in his storage unit, plus quite a bit of +rep comments aswell
  3. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Oh his profile is public now so it will be easy to see what i was talking about in my thread i posted earlier on today.
  4. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Hell yeh he got banned, thanks so much :) you are going to help alot of people not get scammed from this guy. Its so funny seeing the him lie straight through his teeth, pretending that this is his first time on the site and that the other account is not his even doe they have shared the same name including his alt steamrep account which is literally called ModMenu lol
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Let me just add here so others don't get the idea to create such reports - even though yours was created there were other factors or instances in the past that may or may not have made the result.
    I want to stress to everyone reading here that we do not accept reports about accusations of others being alternate accounts of tagged/untagged users here.
    Please keep this in mind since this result is almost always never going to happen as you saw it here. You are also to happy for the situation - this is never a happy situation for anyone.
    We are not here to "ban" people...our objective first and foremost is for education and to give others the ability to review others including YOU before they deal with someone for trading or in general.
  6. Blackout Menace

    Blackout Menace Banned on SteamRep

    It is possible to be unbanned or at least change to caution? I am bannd since 2300 days ago. I change my heart, and after my scam antempt no one was harmed. Was just one unsuccesfuly antempt. thats all. Ty!
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You've been told this many times already over all of your attempts and messages, the answer is no.
    Do not ask again here or anywhere as this alone is a violation of GF FAQ #3

    Lastly do not PM random staff members for the same reason as you did me. This will not change anything at all.

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    You Are The One and Roudydogg1 like this.
  8. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I would suggest reading this recent announcement and keeping a look out for when the new program it mentions gets launched. That announcement would have the answer you seek, but I make no guarantee of any particular outcome. Like appeals, that program will also be once per person.
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  9. EGk5FWsS

    EGk5FWsS New User

    About SR history profile opt-out request, is that still a thing? Just wondering because I sent in a request about 3 weeks ago, and it's still pending, I get the mods/admins here are volunteers, the process appears to be done manually, it's the holidays, new year's coming up and there are other current events going on so everyone's taking a break or busy with other things, I'm just making this post for peace of mind and so I don't have to constantly check my profile on the SR website.

    Happy holidays everyone!
  10. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yes still a thing and it was noted to you to be patient that it would take time and yes we are in a holiday period. Please be patient it will get done when it gets done.
    Thanks :)
    EGk5FWsS likes this.
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Hello Sir,
    I am the primary individual responsible for processing such requests. As of this post they are 31 pending requests about three weeks behind today mostly due to holidays. I also wait until they are enough in the queue to justify logging into our back-end system to update profiles (as it all has to be done manually) this is usually about a dozen or so pending requests. Looks like you missed the last batch by two days. If the status change does not update within the next two weeks, please bug me about it.


    [Please note to everyone else wondering about their opt-out status: all requests are done in order received if properly submitted, we do not process requests by any-other means. Above users inquiry will not affect his position in line, do not ask, doing so may DELAY processing.]
  12. Cryo 2

    Cryo 2 New User

    Was trying to get a person reported as a scammer hence you guys dont look at twitter logs but everything has added up hes been scamming since august and still is I wanna get intouch with an admin

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  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    If you do not have the proper/required evidence we can't/won't review the report - we can only review but so much. Steam trading or steam users but anything being discussed thru twitter, discord, facebook all of those would reflect those accounts and being able to 100% match up the users is nearly impossible.
    I'm afraid we just can not help you due to policies we have in place here on what we can and can not review.
    This link is available and provided to everyone prior to clicking the report submit button - please take your time to read thru it and you will see what we do and do not review.
    You can still report the users to Valve/Steam/Twitter or whoever sources you have available.
    Roudydogg1 likes this.
  14. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Just wanted to clarify our reasoning a bit here.

    When a scammer takes the conversation to another platform, such as Discord or Twitter, they give themselves a layer of plausible deniability. That's why they do it. If we banned someone for it, and they turned around to say the Twitter account in question wasn't theirs, or the Discord conversation was fabricated (super easy to do in Discord, and almost impossible to verify), then we'd have nothing to uphold the decision. What is to stop a scammer from linking to someone else's Steam account (such as their victim) from Twitter, just to get them banned? What's to stop someone from sending a "gift", then faking a conversation over Twitter or Facebook to claim they were scammed? How would we verify something like that? I realize that probably seems like a stretch to you, but we actually get scammers trying to frame their victims like that all the time, often to extort the victim's items or account, so we really have to prove the scam beyond reasonable doubt. We can't just take your word for it, or even a single cropped screenshot like you posted.
  15. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Where am i able to report alt accounts as i have found multiple accounts from a scammer that has been banned already.
  16. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You don't, we don't take reports here accusing others of being alts. Reason being is that what normal users see vs what we see and must verify are almost always different so we don't want people accusing others in public reports of being linked to other accounts.
    If the accounts in question are doing bad things you can report them to Valve however. I'm afraid Valve is the only method of reporting that you can do but I highly advise you not to seek out against others in this manner.
  17. hendwik

    hendwik New User

    Oh ok, i was only asking since Lava mentioned that i could report it to one of your partner communities that can link alts once they are discovered, but i dont know what these partner communities are and where to go.
  18. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Those are listed front page of steamrep.com - however even they require proper evidence of such things and for the most part follow our policies on those things since the tags all go thru the same data base. You really should just avoid scammers in general rather than spend your time looking for them. People can make new accounts everyday, some buy old accounts - till Valve puts a stop to all that I'm afraid its cat and mouse non stop.
  19. Cutechri

    Cutechri New User

    Could someone please check the pending profile history opt-out request I made? I've been waiting for quite a bit
  20. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please be patient! You can read this recent post that should help address your question

    In any event - we get to them as we can.
    This was noted on that page where you started the process:
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