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Accepted Report: 76561198006461703 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by n8thn, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. n8thn

    n8thn New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198006461703

    Victim profile: 76561198303998119

    What happened? Description:
    I contacted a buyer who was willing to pay $530 paypal for a Karambit | Fade. We talked out a plan of action and he used my stubborness against me, took my knife sold it and blocked me on steam.​

    Provide Evidence:
    In the images provided below, you will see me talking to a person who goes by the name daniel. I contacted him due to his interest in buying a knife similar to the one I had. We talk about what deal we're going to make, and I'm getting anxious and nervous the more and more he tells me what the deal is. So i ask for a few favors such as middlemans, and him giving me the money first. But soon after the deal had been made, he sold my knife and blocked communication with me.​

    Daniel > Cashout Service: hello u added me
    Daniel > Cashout Service: how can i help bro?
    n8thn: have 60/40 karambit fade
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok let me check,give me 3 min
    Daniel > Cashout Service: 0.03 float
    Daniel > Cashout Service: nice knife
    n8thn: ty
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok i am interested to buy it
    Daniel > Cashout Service: tell me price for it and payment method
    n8thn: for 60/40 pattern and float = $530
    n8thn: and paypal if you can
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i wanted to say 520$ price but i am good with 530$
    Daniel > Cashout Service: paypal,of course
    Daniel > Cashout Service: so we have a deal?530$ for your knife via paypal?
    n8thn: yes
    n8thn: you don't mind going first do you?
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i am going first with peoples who have more rep then me
    Daniel > Cashout Service: as u can see i have more then 150 comments,cash reps
    Daniel > Cashout Service: gold donator on csgo lounge
    Daniel > Cashout Service: 101 steam level,i am for a long time in this job without one single report
    Daniel > Cashout Service: so i think u need to go first here bro
    Daniel > Cashout Service: your paypal email to prepare transaction?
    n8thn: [email protected]
    Daniel > Cashout Service: double check it pls
    Daniel > Cashout Service: [email protected]
    n8thn: yes
    n8thn: last favor please, can we instead use my friend as a middleman
    n8thn: he's reliable, i understand all of what you've asked and said but i still find it hard to trust anyone these days
    Daniel > Cashout Service: bro i have tons of reps,i dont need middleman to do this,transaction is ready i just need an steam offer and money will be sent
    Daniel > Cashout Service: u can relax here bro
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i do this all day long for last 2 years
    Daniel > Cashout Service: tell me when u sent the offer i have one more customer in chat...
    Daniel > Cashout Service: [email protected]
    530$ ready to send here,u will receive 530$ pure i cover all fees involved
    n8thn: can i have a screencap of the transaction for a last security
    Daniel > Cashout Service: of course bro,give me 3 min pls,another customer is pain in the ass
    Daniel > Cashout Service: https://gyazo.com/33d1fb31013adb6bc0b9c6c22d8e4dc9
    Daniel > Cashout Service: here u go
    Daniel > Cashout Service: tell me when u send it so i can send cash
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok he is gone,he is noob he want overpay like 50%
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i deleted him
    Daniel > Cashout Service: are u there?are we going to do this bro?
    n8thn: just really nervous,
    Daniel > Cashout Service: just relax,i gave u a proof,i just need an steam offer and money will be instant on tour paypal account
    Daniel > Cashout Service: trust me i am doing this all day long for the last 2 years
    Daniel > Cashout Service: its just your first time and u are no feeling confortable
    n8thn: do you have link to lounge profile
    Daniel > Cashout Service: https://csgolounge.com/profile?id=76561198006461703
    Daniel > Cashout Service: of course i have bro
    n8thn: why do you have only 2 rep on here
    Daniel > Cashout Service: because its a real rep,i dont buy fake reps
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i got 4 but one kid - rep me,he asked like 500 euros for an 300 euro item
    Daniel > Cashout Service: so i told him i dont want to trade and he - rep me
    n8thn: I'm recording this, and im accepting now
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok u can record and just relax bro
    n8thn: I need one last verification of some sort man
    Daniel > Cashout Service: just need phone confirmation bro and money will be instant on your paypal
    n8thn: how do i know you have the money
    Daniel > Cashout Service: bro like i told u i am for 2 years in this job,without one single report,tons of trades made,tons of possitive comments
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i am 100% legit cashouter
    Daniel > Cashout Service: money will be instant on your paypal,i just need to see pending offer
    Daniel > Cashout Service: u are 1 click away from receive money
    n8thn: before you accept i would like to see money, can you do this??
    Daniel > Cashout Service: its important to send the offer
    Daniel > Cashout Service: but promise u will not cancel
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i can send when i see offer
    n8thn: i will send but i would to like to see money before you accept trade
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok but dont cancel the trade offer ok??
    n8thn: understand
    n8thn: I*
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok tell me when u send it
    n8thn: sent
    Daniel > Cashout Service: let me check and i will send cash
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok sending cash
    Daniel > Cashout Service: do not cancel ok?
    Daniel > Cashout Service: money sent
    Daniel > Cashout Service: acepting
    n8thn: no money
    n8thn: ?
    Daniel > Cashout Service: just wait
    Daniel > Cashout Service: need up to 3-5 min
    Daniel > Cashout Service: thank u for trusing me
    n8thn: you said instantly
    Daniel > Cashout Service: instant
    Daniel > Cashout Service: max up to 5 min
    Daniel > Cashout Service: i am going to make coffee brb
    Daniel > Cashout Service: till i am back money will be on your acc
    n8thn: scammed....
    n8thn: wow
    Daniel > Cashout Service: lol
    Daniel > Cashout Service: no one is scammed wtff
    Daniel > Cashout Service: just going to make coffee
    n8thn: its already been 5 minutes man.
    Daniel > Cashout Service: back
    Daniel > Cashout Service: u receive???
    n8thn: no..
    Daniel > Cashout Service: let me contact paypal suport
    Daniel > Cashout Service: this is strange
    Daniel > Cashout Service: usualy 5 min is max
    Daniel > Cashout Service: most of the time instant
    Daniel > Cashout Service: but now...just wait and dont wory
    n8thn: send me a screencap of the transaction
    n8thn: did you type my email correctly?
    Daniel > Cashout Service: [email protected]
    Daniel > Cashout Service: right?
    n8thn: yes
    Daniel > Cashout Service: we double checked
    Daniel > Cashout Service: wtf
    n8thn: screencap transaction
    Daniel > Cashout Service: wait i will contact paypal suport
    n8thn: that will take hours
    n8thn: please screencap of transaction
    Daniel > Cashout Service: ok listen
    Daniel > Cashout Service: try to log out and rellog on paypal
    Daniel > Cashout Service: if still no money
    Daniel > Cashout Service: restart your pc
    Daniel > Cashout Service: and then msg me
    n8thn: that will not do anything
    n8thn: the internet doesn't run off my computer
    n8thn: where did you send my knife
    Daniel > Cashout Service: on opskins sold him already
    Daniel > Cashout Service: bro just listen to me,just restart your pc
    n8thn: that will do nothing
    Daniel > Cashout Service: do that and msg me after u do that,if not i will contact them
    n8thn: no, if you scammed me just tell me, there's no reason this should be taking this long, restarting my pc will do nothing, i work in the IT field. I know how this stuff works
    Daniel > Cashout Service is now Offline.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload. Also need a screen shot of your Paypal ACTIVITY (not Summary) for let’s say the last several days full screen DO NOT edit this shot in anyway. Upload HERE…NOT imgur, NOT gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site!

    Review this screenshot guide to help you:

  3. n8thn

    n8thn New User

    Here are the screenshots of my paypal activity and trade in question.

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  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @n8thn Unacceptable...both screens are not full screen and are cropped or cut off at the bottom..the 2nd one isn't of your trade inventory history either - its for offers and not what I asked for.
    Read this guide
    Since its already been 48hours you have 24more to follow up with what we need here or the report is to be archived.
  5. n8thn

    n8thn New User

    Below you will find the correct images you are asking for.

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  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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