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Urgent question about an impersonator

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by Lucky Shot, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Hello. A guy has impersonated me - at first, on twitch, and then on steam. Thing is, I can't prove that he impersonated me on steam with the intention to scam. I can prove though that he impersonated me on twitch with the intention to scam someone from the cs:go skins that I won. The proof is on the twitch video of that guy and I can post the link here too. On the video, it shows his trade offer link and his profile with his previous name. He has changed his account now to look identical to mine. Is this enough proof to report him before he manages to scam someone else? I would be glad if you'd help me really fast. Thanks a lot for your time!
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Without clear intent to scam there is nothing SteamRep here will do - report user to Valve if you want.
  3. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    I already reported him. :( There IS a clear intent to scam. He tried to scam a person on twitch with my name and you can see the video to see his steam account too.
  4. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    Did you watch the video before rejecting my report? You can see his profile and his trade link.
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    We don't accept videos (Its nearly 2hours long and I have no time to sit here and look for evidence thru it) - nothing thru twitch is acceptable since at no point would it ever resolve back to a STEAM account that your accusing or any account for that matter.
    This is nothing we can help here - you can report user to Valve and report the twitch stream to twitch support.
  6. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    I mentioned specifically:
    Video proof: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/212437605
    Trying to scam on 1:59:55.
    I said the EXACT second he tried to scam the other person! I NEVER told you to watch the whole video.
    You can see his trade offer link and his steam profile in the video, if you watch it after 1:59:55.
    Do you want me to take photos of the video at the points you may be interested in?
    How much more specific do you want me to be? How can I help you any more? Just please watch it after the second I told you. :'(
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    There is nothing there that ties anything to this user you accused by which being the one that posted it via Steam ID.. regardless of URL posted for a trade URL - You can't prove who posted anything - its a TWITCH account - nothing to do with steam.
    I've watched those few moments but there is nothing there that again links whoever said that to this accused user in the report you made.
    Perhaps the twitch user doing the giveaway should have paid more attention to whom they award gifts to but regardless the report is rejected - no intent to scam proven against this STEAM user.. decision is final.

    Before you continue to use this thread to argue Please review the link below and the section #3


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  8. Lucky Shot

    Lucky Shot New User

    I know the rules. But you rejected my report without even watching the proof. You even said before that you didn't watch the proof. What did you want me to do? To be happy about it? I'm not trying to waste your time, but you made it clear that you didn't even watch the proof. You just rejected it immediately, after 3 minutes - and that's not really professional.
    You can see that the twitch scammer posted his trade link and, when the twitch streamer clicked on that link, you could see the photo and the name of the steam scammer I'm telling you. So, you're saying that some person on twitch may have posted a trade link of someone else, but not his own steam trade link? Just because the twitch account isn't linked to his steam account, means that I can't prove it? Why a twitch scammer would send a trade link of someone else and not his own trade link? Does it make any sense to you?
    That's my final argument. I can't actually say anything else. If a video isn't enough proof, where you can easily see his steam trade link, steam picture, and steam name, then I don't know what is. It's practically like saying you don't accept any kind of reports. At least, since I believe you closed the report via error, can I resubmit it?
    Thank you for your time. I just want a final answer. Happy holidays.
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Its clear your still continuing to argue the reports results - I'm sorry but what my last post said was the end of it and reasons why it was rejected.
    It was rejected rather quickly because it failed to have any evidence what so ever acceptable for what we can use to review... videos aren't acceptable and that after you posted this thread it was apparent that you were going to make the report anyway even if you didn't have what was acceptable to accuse an innocent user of scamming.
    Nothing thru twitch can be used since you would never know who said what when and where for all we know it was a joke and then a setup -you could have made another twitch account to frame that user with the trade offer URL.
    I already told you to report to Valve if you want, report the twitch feed if you want and you can inform the user doing the giveaway if you want.
    Archiving this before its continued after I've asked once already about arguing the case and gave you the policy FAQ stating why.

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