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Invalid I was hacked!!!

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Gut755[TFF][SFT], Nov 16, 2012.

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  1. Gut755[TFF][SFT]

    Gut755[TFF][SFT] New User

    I recently just got hold of my steam account, the moment I got back on I was being asked about my rep and I almost died when I found out that someone hacked my Paypal and also hacked my steam. I used to use all the same passwords ( I have now changed my stupid mistake) and i guess he got a hold of both of these account somehow. I know you're thinking " what are the odds?" I understand that they're very slim but you gotta understand that most of good stuff is missing and my Paypal is completely wiped. Also i had very good rep and why would I ruin all that for scams. If i get a second chance I will try to find out who this hacker scammed and pay them back.
    thanks for your consideration and bye

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  2. [Gent] Jeremy

    [Gent] Jeremy New User

    If the hacker did anything to your Paypal then it would appear under the history?

    Also you'll want to provide a screenshot of the ticket you sent to Support to get your account back
  3. Gut755[TFF][SFT]

    Gut755[TFF][SFT] New User

    After awhile the Paypal history gets cleared, I didn't have control over the Paypal. I didn't go to support to get my account back I caught who did it and he gave me the account back but it was cleared when he did, but he blocked me, I did take screenshots of that though
    . I also posted some pics of other people that have scammed me

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  4. The Marvelous Medic

    The Marvelous Medic New User

    Do you have any more concrete proof of this guy being your scammer? It might also be useful to provide, if you have it, his steam url's, because if he changes his name you own't be able to track him back.

    Last but not least, if you had send a ticket to steam support, you would've gotten your items back as well.

  5. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
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