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Accepted 76561198064077767 (I7aHchO)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by DCK.tygerman, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. DCK.tygerman

    DCK.tygerman New User

    |steamID: DCK.tygerman
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52513451
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065292630
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tygerman
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065292630

    |steamID: I7aHchO
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:51906019
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064077767
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064077767

    http://i.imgur.com/wowDS.jpg (Picture of chat/trade)
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108768764&insideModal=1 (picture he showed me)
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108973739 (The egg prior to the trade)
    http://i.imgur.com/CN57h.jpg (screenshot of trade history)

    Description: I traded a voracious 3x unusual for a greedy egg with x2 unusual I thought It was legit because he clocked in okay on SRep + had lot of hours. I asked for screen but he said error, from there I shouldve known. The greedy egg had no unusuals

    I7aHchO: hi
    I7aHchO: yes ?
    DCK.tygerman: hi
    DCK.tygerman: you have green egg?
    I7aHchO: offer?
    I7aHchO: yes
    I7aHchO: green
    I7aHchO: trade drodo??
    DCK.tygerman: lol noooo
    DCK.tygerman: Does it have 2 unusual?
    I7aHchO: yes
    I7aHchO: bro
    I7aHchO: 2 unusual
    I7aHchO: trade drodo i + sweet
    DCK.tygerman: Voracious x3 unusual for it
    DCK.tygerman: lol
    DCK.tygerman: Drodo is 50 keys man.
    I7aHchO: ok i egg green+DT morok+set drow
    DCK.tygerman: no
    I7aHchO: +dt item
    DCK.tygerman: I'll trade you Voracious x3 unusual for your egg
    I7aHchO: and set
    I7aHchO: show voracious
    I7aHchO: lol
    I7aHchO: ok
    I7aHchO: go
    DCK.tygerman: screen shot you greedy egg with 2 unusuals
    I7aHchO: yes
    I7aHchO: my
    DCK.tygerman: show me a picture
    I7aHchO: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108768764&insideModal=1
    DCK.tygerman: lol when did you picture that?
    I7aHchO: what?
    I7aHchO: i bad english
    DCK.tygerman: when did you take the screenshot?
    I7aHchO: sry
    DCK.tygerman: take a new one
    I7aHchO: gj
    I7aHchO: go or no???
    I7aHchO: i understentd you
    DCK.tygerman: i need to know if its true or not.
    I7aHchO: bye
    I7aHchO is now Offline.
    I7aHchO is now Busy.
    I7aHchO: hi yes ?
    DCK.tygerman: I'm sorry I want to do the trade
    I7aHchO: )
    DCK.tygerman: I just need proof
    DCK.tygerman: of your green x2
    I7aHchO: yes yes
    I7aHchO: bro
    I7aHchO: 2
    I7aHchO: unusual
    I7aHchO: go me trade
    I7aHchO: 1 unusual???
    DCK.tygerman: how do I know you're not scamming?
    DCK.tygerman: wait
    DCK.tygerman: you want me to trade
    I7aHchO is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
    I7aHchO is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
    I7aHchO is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
    DCK.tygerman: 1 unusual essence
    DCK.tygerman: for your greedy greevil?
    I7aHchO: that where, how do I know that you are not мошеник?!?!? I have рупутации more of your 100 times, I sell things for the money! Is full of the clients! I do not have in front of you then make excuses! Want to change you want it or not!!! Able to change my own unusual essence! I'll be very glad!!!
    DCK.tygerman: what?
    DCK.tygerman: i'm sorry I dont understand
    DCK.tygerman: Све што ја питам је да ли узети новију екрана јајета.
    DCK.tygerman: Все, что я спрашиваю, что вы берете яйцо новыми экранами.
    DCK.tygerman: Я хочу, чтобы вы новую картину яйца, потому что вы взяли эту картину 2 дня назад.
    I7aHchO: I'm trying to, I have not loads a new picture!!!
    DCK.tygerman: Can you so that we can trade?
    I7aHchO: Yes I can can! kapets that you don't believe!! I have a reputation is very high! I'm not kidding! Can buy from you unusual essence! no keys!!! Now the error какаята when downloading! I play, resources write! Kapets!!! I can't get distracted!!
    DCK.tygerman: I'm sorry. Just take the new picture then we can trade for voracious greevil x3 unusual
    DCK.tygerman: Why? I just don't want to be scammed and why is it a problem to you to prove youre not scamming?
    I7aHchO: I f*** why did not load! Go f*** yourself short!!!
    DCK.tygerman: I'm sorry I don't understand you...
    I7aHchO did not respond to the trade request.
    DCK.tygerman: trade?
    I7aHchO: Ш ПФЬУ
    I7aHchO: i game
    I7aHchO: go?
    You have accepted the trade request from I7aHchO.
    DCK.tygerman: wait how will I know your not scamming?
    I7aHchO: )) not not
    I7aHchO: bro
    DCK.tygerman: okay trade for wha?
    You cannot request a new trade while you are still in another trade session.
    DCK.tygerman: go
    I7aHchO: hahah
    I7aHchO: lol?
    DCK.tygerman: wait wheres the new screen shot?
    I7aHchO: go or no??? no dowload new screen! i no why...
    I7aHchO: go or no??
    I7aHchO: 2 unusual
    I7aHchO: egg
    I7aHchO: ebana panarama
    DCK.tygerman: What if you scam me though.
    I7aHchO: scam scam
    I7aHchO: ok ok
    I7aHchO: tnx
    I7aHchO: bye
    DCK.tygerman: ?
    I7aHchO: or
    DCK.tygerman: I don't get why
    I7aHchO: trade me unusual??
    I7aHchO: i you 3 courier
    I7aHchO: ??
    DCK.tygerman: what?
    I7aHchO: red+blue+yellow
    I7aHchO: you me 1 unusual
    I7aHchO: trade?
    DCK.tygerman: shw e
    I7aHchO has accepted your request to trade.
    DCK.tygerman: i'm just asking
    DCK.tygerman: why cant you take a new screenshot?
    DCK.tygerman: because the one you sent was old
    I7aHchO: Yes I don't know! He writes the error can't load, ошбка, error! I already 10 times did!!! does not load does not load!!!
    I7aHchO: in a sense??
    DCK.tygerman: I don't understand your english
    I7aHchO: this prevents us to change?? How much do you will be wasting your time??
    DCK.tygerman: give me egg
    I7aHchO: go trade unusuaL??
    I7aHchO: or egg you?
    DCK.tygerman: No I want egg
    I7aHchO is now Offline.
  2. DCK.tygerman

    DCK.tygerman New User

    Seriously? No one is going to look into this?
  3. Nobel

    Nobel New User

  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Marking him for egg scamming- thanks for the report. :)