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Accepted Report: 76561198869675645 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Merdaridian, Feb 16, 2019.

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  1. Merdaridian

    Merdaridian New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198869675645

    Victim profile: 76561198279832665

    What happened? Description:
    Today, 16.02.2019, around 16:20 by Moscow time, I got a friend invintation from a user who I therefore accuse of trying to scam me/other website participants.
    Because I was working on my computer, I instantly saw the invite and added the user as he had a 30 level profile and had tf2 items shown on his profile. Im not a trader anymore, but I thought that the user wanted to trade.
    As you can see from a chat screenshot n1, I started the dialogue and asked why he had added me. He said that he needs some help. After that, he went offline for a few seconds (thats why I said "F" "for his internet connection"). After I asked once again what he was in need of, he replied saying that he is a moderator of a gambling tf2 website and needs help in promoting it.
    As you can again see from a chat screenshot (n2) I said that he was lucky I am programmer (I thought this was all about the in-browser search promotion and social media promotion) and I asked to give me the link.
    He quicky gave me the link and told he would pay in tf2 items.
    I checked the link from my mobile phone that isnt logged in through steam as I didnt want to get hacked/get my account stolen.
    As I said that I checked his website, he asked me to check the participants and select one of them. So I did - I have chosen the one with least chances, and said his nickname (LOMAR, as you can see from the screenshots). Initially, he magically won all the bets.
    For the truth, I was shocked by this fact. If that was true and he actually IS a moderator of this website, it would mean that he is able to manipulate ALL the bets and scam hundreds or even thousands of people.
    Basically, his offer was to put the link either in my steam username or somewhere on my profile, so once a week he would choose me to be a winner.
    At that moment, I had two thoughts in my mind - I remembered, that to win a bet you actually have to put a bet first - and I had no guarantees that I will win it even if I do what he says - he could have not only promoted the website to all my friends, but ALSO steal my items and after that just block me. Brilliant idea, isnt it? The other thought was that he would actually manipulate the bets. I not only didnt want to take any risks, but I thought that it wouldnt be right as it would be a clear scam of all other participants. I cared.
    I said "f*** you" and was about to block him and report to steamrep. Accidentally, he forgot to change the language in which he types in - he typed in RUSSIAN (screenshot n5)!
    Apparently, Im a native russian. I tried to talk to him in my native language - here's the translation of the rest parts of our chat:
    User: шеы тщкьфд
    f✿✿✿ off
    (this is where he typed in russian)
    After this point, all our messages are in russian. (Screenshots 5-7)
    Me: f✿✿✿, stand right here
    Him: ahaah
    Me: Russian?
    Him: go f**k yourself
    right man my ass
    dont you give a s**t that somebody is gonna lose?
    Me: Sorry, Im not an as****e.
    Him: insert the link, get the money
    Me: Im not into fa**ottry.
    Him: you are way more probably a milksop
    Me: Milksop? Funny.
    Him: its not funny
    its sad
    Me: Im not a f****t.
    Him: right, bye
    you f****t
    Me: Alrighties
    Sad thing though is
    Our chat is saved
    And you tried to f**k me up
    I will make report on rep.tf
    note: I wasnt into report websites that much, therefore I thought I would report him on rep.tf
    How do you like this, Elon Musk?
    note: a local russian meme

    I am afraid that this user not only tries to scam people, but for a chance might be a moderator of the gambling site you can see in the screenshot and might manipulate/manipulated the bets there. Therefore I reccommend and strongly ask: DO NOT TRY TO BET ANYTHING ON THE WEBSITE. If any of your friends use the website - tell them the same thing.

    Hope this would be useful.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here you can see all the evidence. Please note that to screenshot all of this I had to use PrtSc button + Paint. I didnt crop any of the images.
    The first screenshot - proof that I verified the identity of the person.
    All screenshots of the chat in order, numbered:
    Number 1.[​IMG]
    Number 2.[​IMG]
    Number 3.
    Number 4.
    Number 5.
    Number 6.
    Number 7, the last screenshot of the chat.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Merdaridian Please don't embed images mounted on 3rd party hosting sites like IMGUR..just upload.
    Also you failed to provide a FULL screenshot of the users profile WHILE friends which helps verify identity.
    Please follow next set of instructions.
    issue is I can't confirm you were ever friends with this exact user by SteamID - all I see is a chat box with a name and profile image. Need to verify this and you can do that with a screenshot of your friend/user activity thru a web browser - when you take this and it shows you adding the user hover your mouse pointer over the users name so it shows the popup of the profile. Make sure you open this in a web browser before doing anything rather than steam client. Take the screenshot and make sure it's Full Screen, not edited or cropped in any way! Upload HERE…NOT imgur, NOT gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site!

    Please review this screenshot guide should you need assistance:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2019
  3. Merdaridian

    Merdaridian New User

    The only thing I see when trying to add him
    It doesnt let me hover over his name.
    Also, ALL screenshots I provided WERE uploaded through my computer. The only ones from Imgur - the ones in the evidence, they were also uploaded on imgur and next to steamrep (as when redacting evidence I saw that I can add an image through URL). Sorry for this inconvience.

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    That isn't what I asked for.
  5. Merdaridian

    Merdaridian New User

    Im sorry, but I didnt fully understand what you had asked for. Info in READ ME doesnt help either.
    I cant understand what you mean by this:
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  7. Merdaridian

    Merdaridian New User


    Attached Files:

    • 1.png
      File size:
      132.8 KB
  8. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    perfect thanks
    nothing else needed at this time.
  9. Merdaridian

    Merdaridian New User

    Can I ask if he is going to be tagged on steam rep?
  10. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    When its reviewed again - Don't be so impatient - this isn't to punish them.
  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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