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Accepted Report: 76561198254318600 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by i am hang weiner on noose, Oct 1, 2019.

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  1. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198254318600

    Victim profile: 76561198194821761

    What happened? Description:
    I posted a thread on reddit advertising my AK Fire Serpent, M4 Poseidon, and AUG Akihabara accept. I received a friend invite from Mr. Krabs, to which he said he'd pay me $200 for my fire serpent. I tried convincing him to go first, as he had no cashrep, but he wouldn't budge. I wanted to sell my item, so I trusted him because he had quite an expensive inventory. I sent him a trade offer for my Fire Serpent, which he accepted. I asked him to send me $200 via paypal, and he said that he "sent $200.20 for the meme." After that, he said he'd go to the bathroom for 2 minutes, and after I messaged him again much later, he ignored my messages. I never got any money in my paypal activity, and he left with my fire serpent in his inventory.

    I was extremely suspicious of this guy, so I asked one of my friends to add him and ask about some of his items. At the same time Mr. Krabs was ignoring me, he was happily talking to my friend. When my friend asked him about the fire serpent, Mr. Krabs claimed that he had paid me, when in actuality, I still haven't received my money. A few minutes later, the scammer ignored both me and my friend.

    Friend information:
    | steamname: ✪ Lil Peep ✪ cs.deals
    | steam3ID: [U:1:108551050]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:54275525
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068816778
    | customURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/bot_larry
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198068816778

    Provide Evidence:
    Friend's chatlog: https://pastebin.com/YFvjfvk8

    [6:28 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    Interested in my FS?

    [6:48 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:

    [6:49 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    aight cool
    how much?
    my b/o?

    [6:49 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Im not going to lie
    im just looking for your post
    lmao i cant remmeber if its 205 or 210

    [6:50 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    fs is $200

    [6:50 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    f✿✿✿ thats evne better

    [6:50 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    poseidon is $210

    [6:50 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Yup only rly into fs unless you wanna sell pose 175 lol
    i can offer you 200$ cs deals. Not interested in direct, sadly.

    [6:50 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    i have cashrep if that helps?

    [6:51 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Unless you are secretly anomaly I won't be interested. Sorry :p
    I got scammed... ft cobalts. cost me f✿✿✿✿✿✿ 475$ cause they were .22
    well actually i meant to buy the cobalts
    so i got scammed money
    I made a steamrep report and he got banned, i guess

    [6:51 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    if i went first?
    i mean id be willing to as long as you have cashrep
    *a decent amount of cashrep

    [6:52 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    I mean by all means I've no problem. No, I dont have a cashrep. Sorry.
    Lmao i typed the first part before you typed your last couple sentences
    Cs deals isnt that big of a deal.. its 1% fee. I can cover the 2$ fee xd
    so.. 202

    [6:52 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    looking at your inv im assuming you're not in it to scam anybody
    Ill send it to you first as long as you use paypal F+F to pay

    [6:54 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Hey. Sorry just picked up my pizza
    Im not going to lie i havent really bought anything direct at all before haha

    [6:54 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    can you use paypal though?

    [6:54 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    I've no problem doing that. It's just I enter your email and pay you yea?
    Yea duh

    [6:54 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:

    [6:54 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Ive always used pp

    [6:54 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    [email protected]

    [6:55 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    what does nau stand for?
    Just curious lmao

    [6:55 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    my uni
    school email

    [6:55 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    ah. Im going to resist the urge to google that
    But deadass though can't the school just steal your paypal accounts?

    [6:55 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    anyways ill send the fs over now
    send the money asap after
    and if you could comment on my cashrep thatd be great

    [6:56 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Yup, ive got you. again to reiterate 200 usd not like euros

    [6:56 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    yeah usd no euro

    [6:56 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    like us dolla
    cause one time he wanted euros
    and im like

    [6:56 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    and via F+F so you cant chargeback

    [6:56 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    excuse me sir wtf
    Yea, ive no problem doing that. Just curious - arent the hentai augs like 1000$/

    [6:56 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    MW yeah
    FT are like $330 market
    You sent Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls a new trade offerView trade offer

    [6:56 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    oh, thats really f✿✿✿✿✿✿ cheap lmao

    [6:56 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    k just sent the offer
    yeah ikr

    [6:57 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Whats your buyout?

    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls has opened voice chat. Waiting on Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper to join.

    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls has ended voice chat.

    [6:57 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    wrong button
    I mean deadass
    combo deal me?

    [6:57 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    i mean if you're interested

    [6:57 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    gimmie 15$ under your buyout for the hentai aug?
    i mean as long as the bo isnt like 315$

    [6:57 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    can you send the money for the fs first tho then we can discuss :>

    [6:57 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    I can send you over the money right now yea
    no problem haha. are there fees?

    [6:57 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    b/o rn is $205
    not for F+F
    for paypal goods and services it's like 3% or something

    [6:58 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Honestly i dont even know what that stands for. is it friends and family? I have like 4 options in front o fme lmao

    [6:58 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    friends and family yeah
    just go to send and request

    [6:58 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Alright. Again, sorry for being autistic lmao

    [6:58 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    then type my email in

    [6:58 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Yea, ive got it copy pasted

    [6:58 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:

    [6:58 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    [email protected]?

    [6:59 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:

    [6:59 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Just being 100% sure

    [6:59 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    oh 1 question
    how much are bayo sapphires rn

    [6:59 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    honestly it just depends
    like what float?

    [7:00 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    havent gotten the money yet, have you sent?

    [7:00 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Yup. Its on my phone I was typing in when ya dmed me lmao

    [7:00 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    ah o k

    [7:00 PM]
    Mr. Krabs LF>Fade/Cobalt Skulls:
    Alright, is it just send? i sent you 200.20 usd
    cause more memes the better
    alright brb 2m going to piss

    [7:01 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    havent gotten anything
    well s✿✿✿
    u there?
    scammed again f✿✿✿ me
    staying optimistic just because you have a nice inv

    [7:19 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    If you're there and not scamming and somehow had paypal issues let me know

    [7:28 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:
    if you dont respond soon here im just going to make a report on steamrep

    [7:45 PM]
    Ben Shapiro Hamburger Helper:

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please don't copy/paste chat text like that - it doesn't help with anything and is unacceptable evidence anyway.
    I need to see the trade offer you sent. Full screen pls.
  3. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User


    Do you need anything else?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2019
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    How did the user know where to send funds to begin with? I see no paypal information noted on steam chat.
    Do you have that?
  5. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User

    Yeah i can send another ss after class.
  6. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User

    here's where i give him my paypal email

    Attached Files:

  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Do you have any more? Clearly you had more of the chat is there more or is that it?
  8. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User

    here's pics of the entire chatlog.

    Attached Files:

  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload. Also need a screen shot of your Paypal ACTIVITY (not Summary) for several days beginning with the date before this trade..full screen DO NOT edit this shot in anyway. Upload HERE…NOT imgur, NOT gyazo or any other 3rd party hosting site!

    Also please review this screenshot guide should you require assistance:

  10. i am hang weiner on noose

    i am hang weiner on noose New User

    Included everything you asked for.

    Attached Files:

  11. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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