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Archived 76561198022485014 Skullcrusher_x2 (sr scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ^3Viol3nt ^8x_X, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. ^3Viol3nt ^8x_X

    ^3Viol3nt ^8x_X Banned on SteamRep

    |steamID: ^3Viol3nt ^8x_X
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:31109643
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022485014
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198022485014
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198022485014
    Some links;

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980590671 - The guy i had a missunderstanding with. He says it was not the meaning i should get banned as we had a deal, but he dident take it so he wanted his items back which i gave to him. Talk to him for further information.

    My appeal of me ''scamming him'' as i said that i actully scammed him but i did not. He says so too, we had a missunderstanding and i gave him a brand new game code that he claimed did not work then i cooperated and said ok. i will give you your items. it was a missunderstanding, and i gave him items too. but he claimed he got to little... so therefore he talked to this guy admin in the uhc unusual hat club KOKKA which talked to a steamrep admin and banned me here. With no evidence from me ''scamming him'' as that is not what i did, no pictures nothing. And i dont have pictures from the happening, neither does the guy i had a missunderstanding with, because this was just a normal trade and had no meaning of to be taken as a ''scam''

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/healthyadolescentsexdrive My reference, former tf2outpost admin, which i have told my story too and he has been a part of settling this. talk to him for information also

    http://i.imgur.com/hasRZLf.png?1 (picture shows me - Giving Vintage bonk helm and crocleather slouch) to the guy i had a missunderstanding with. I got banned the 12-18-11 06:47
    But the trading went on the day before 12-18-11 as you see in the picture. This happening was 2 years ago

    - The second link you see is my appeal, as i felt as a scammer for making him unhappy and actully doing was i was doing, and we had a fair trade. he says so himself, we both were stupid back then. i wrote this when i was in a deeply sad/please forgive me mood. As i write i Refused giving him items back at first, because we actully had a legit trade, and the items i gave him was actully mine that i got from trading with him. At first when he said that i ''lowballed'' him and that it was his bank i gave it back to him. as it stands in the appeal. I also wrote the things i did wrong because he made me feel like i scammed him, and as kokka said that i actully did scam him and i was begging not to banned but i got banned. i did not do anything, not scam not anything. And This i can back up with that noone, not kokka, not the ''victim'' noone has ''proof'' that i did something not right. the proof does not exist because it was a regular trade. and not a scam. there is no proof to that i am guilty, of him saying i lowballed him... As i write ''scam'' alot in my appeal is because kokka/the admins said it was scamming so i did not know what to call it back then, so i wrote ''after the scam everything went well'' what i meant was, after the missunderstanding that me and him did both bad traders back in the day afraid to get scammed, i gave him back some stuff that he wanted because he said later on i took too much of charge

    -Some more information. If anyone did not understand (I DID NOT) scam the guy. We were having a fair trade, with a game code, and some tf2 items. And he said i basically charged to much and that he couldnt afford it and said i was a scammer, so i gave him some of the items back. And now he realizes this was a MISTAKE. He got me banned quickly as he was friends with kokka, who is quite popular in the admin system around here in steamrep. so i basically got banned without evidence or anything. i say it again (there was no evidence) as this was a regular trade, and not everyone documentes what they are trading.

    ... Of me sounding like a scammer in my appeal is terrible, because i did not know what else to write when i got set in the category as a SR scammer.. When i thought and the ''victim'' and the admins thought i did something wrong/but actually i did not.
  2. ♫♪Tammihiiri♪♫

    ♫♪Tammihiiri♪♫ New User

    This was a missunderstanding 2 years ago, when I and viol3nt were really bad traders, and I thought I had been scammed but I didnt get. We had a fair deal, and luckily, I met the guy that actully gave the items back that I did not want to be in the trade, so, I think he deserves an unban, as I have no proof. It was my mistake over-reacting too much, I did not know what properly a scam was, and I also did no appeals on steamrep at Viol3nt, I just contacted kokka.

    I hope he gets unbanned so he can play on his fav servers again :p
  3. Starburst

    Starburst New User
