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Declined 76561198026700671

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$, Mar 9, 2013.

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  1. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Victim: |steamID: $LikeABoss$Steve-O$
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50125281
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060516290
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060516290
    Scammer: |steamID: In_the_heat | QS O. Fire TC
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33217471
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026700671
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/in_the_heat
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026700671
    This is why he should be marked, these are also the facts about how and why I got my old caution tag.
    1. He gave me the hat in a server I hopped onto I had no idea he was there I was scavaging.
    2. He told me I can have the hat because he got a free 10 bud AA scorching flames, I accepted it.
    3. There is NO proof that this was only for a short time to wear.
    4. I took the hat and like anyone I showed it off to my friends on a different server.
    5. He got on and started yelling at me and telling my friends I "scammed" him out of "his" hat.
    6. I got my friend marret to talk to him and me and he has posted what he noticed on the old thread.
    7. He then in the chat acted as if he I scammed him and trying to put pressure on me and I DID NOT break because it was such crap coming from him.
    8. He told me to add his friend bonkers who is now marked with a caution tag and is NOT friends with heat any more.
    9. Bonkers for some reason did NOT put his chat with me and only included in the scammer thread a chat with me and Heat and it showed no where that I intended to scam.
    10. http://gyazo.com/a8f77d7b83b94d00d59654791ed8c69d he said the hat is part of his "Dream set" if you look at his bp now he has sold it off meaning he didn't actually give a damn about it.
    11. Bonkers who made the thread for him was NOT there when this occured and only listened to what heat told him and proceeded to not only make the scammer thread against but BRING Aces Gamer into this, he is friends with him even now and Aces has tried to help Bonkers with his appeals and what not showing he fully supported him I had one of my friends who WAS there point his facts out but no one acknowledged it.
    12. http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198060516290.12561/#post-41754 this is the old thread that was made about me.
    13. He should be marked for lying about having this hat as his dream set hat, Scamming ME and trying to make it look like I was the scammer, if you look carefully at the chat I didn't block him while I was talking to him I went through the whole process, he's saying stuff like "why did y scam me boss" I didn't he kept repeating it and I said you "GAVE" it to me, the reason why I asked for another unusual was because at that point the Phantom was MINE and I didn't care what hat he would switch with I was fine with any and that is NOT scammer like no scammer would ask to replace the hat with another one he would take it block the idiot and run away I did NOT do that I gave it back to him because I felt scammed and betrayed.
    Bottom line: That thread was accepted hastily, biased towards heat because Aces Gamer got on it and commented with his friends, he should be getting tagged for lying about his Phantom being his dream set if it really was he would NOT have traded it off and would not have given me the hat in the first place.
  2. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    And also Bonkers did NOT provide a chat with me and him he knows why he didn't, he tried acting like I didn't know dangers of scamming and he kept saying Heat wants it back and I wont give another unusual which I was fine with I gave the hat back NOT because I was scared because I didn't want to get into any mess, also take in that Bonkers said in the old thread I almost "purchased" the hat, I had about 5 weapons I don't think he knows what he was talking about, and I think heat did NOT want bonkers to put his chat up with him, why would he put his chat with me and Heat but not with him and me. Where he said I would purchase it http://gyazo.com/ae0b8e6a2d4b992c8635b71d95f8cf7c
  3. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Also Bonkers is banned by valve, banned from trading by steam rep, AND has a caution tag given this guy had this much trouble with his past you can tell he never finishes his side of posting the chat with me, I did not have a screenshot taker at that time because I didn't see myself getting setup for anything.
  4. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Also, bonkers or heat did not post this they never said what TIME bonkers got to me, but as I recall it was less than 10 minutes because I didn't keep the hat for very long, Heat could not have explained the whole story to bonkers, show him the chat AND get aces gamer to comment on my thread that quickly, either bonkers knew of this set up or he is the fastest typer in the world which I don't think is him. This may not be proof to the admins but please keep in mind the minutes that went by before I gave the hat back and how quickly he made the thread.
  5. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    http://gyazo.com/673642e02a3a1008add6282edafecd81 this is my friends marrets comments who DID talk to me and bonkers and at the end get us to negotiate, he also noticed from what HE saw and that heat has plenty of rep and a big trader so why in the world would he give me a unusual if its part of his dream set, and that too think that "loaning" is the same as "letting me keep" the hat are the same thing. Like I said this comment by marret wasn't acknowledged and nobody replied to it, neither did heat or bonkers. I'm turning this around no heat for what he did, he made a big dent in my identity even if it was a caution tag, if I didn't care about a caution tag on my old account I don't think I would have made a thread about it. He Set me up, Made it look like I scammed HIM but vice versa and got top moderator at that time to help him out.
  6. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    I also think the other side of this is bonkers was mislead by heat and at the end thinking that I did scam the 13 year old "repped" trader. But thats only bonkers and I still think heat knew what was going on, I also talked a little with aces a little and we are under good terms but he also thinks it was a big misunderstanding and I can see that it can be the case but I don't think Heat misunderstood at all he pulled in someone and and made them think I was the scammer.
  7. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    http://gyazo.com/be5c5d71e77d27ddb533845cb01ee7ee , http://gyazo.com/0a12910978f7eb9dbcfeaef67a60920d , http://gyazo.com/60e23960e314d95cc33b59d0afdd84f9 < here is my chat with Heat recently today, look at it carefully he even ADMITS there wasn't enough proof to tag me and he said at the end that him and bonkers provided all the proof they had which is such bs, because you can tell in the old thread I was talking to bonkers and heat at the same time, he obviously wont admit to scamming but he does call me a "sloppy scammer" and said you guys only tagged me because I looked "100% guilty" he was busy as I was talking to him and HE said that the PHANTOM WAS NOT HIS DREAM HAT, but in the old thread he says it was and again such bs.
  8. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

  9. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Also bonkers I think either unfriended me or blocked me instead of just answering my simple questions.
  10. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Heat has blocked me right after I talked to bonkers, It may be that bonkers has warned him that I am boss.
  11. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Sorry about the overwhelming info but theres a little more http://gyazo.com/9a2d26e71b0703e4e7144d47b1a84a49 he said hes good friends with ghs admins and can have them vouch for him, but he is now saying stuff like the admins arent treated with respect, they have no life, and coming to the conclusion hes not really friends with any of the admins.
  12. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
  13. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    No he never gifted it to me, he traded the hat to me in a trade server, and he has no proof that it was just for lending purposes just like he stated in the chat with me.
  14. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Do you have confirmation of him saying that you could keep it forever?
  15. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    No this was smart of him too because he said it over the mic, the chat only happened after I received the hat, he has no proof either that it was just to wear and is only going off the fact that I acted "100% guilty" as stated in my chat with him recently. But there is no info from him that it was just to wear, and also he did not provide the chat with me and bonkers, which was bonkers fault and I chatted him but did not answer as to why. Heat also said that was "all the proof they had".
  16. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    Heat also said "both sides had to lie a bit" and said that him and Bonkers were lying to me, but I think he also lied to the admins straight in their face because he states that there was barely any proof of the "scam" and that they provided all the info which is not true, you can see that I was talking to bonkers and heat and I don't know why he bonkers did not provide it but as I did try to question him recently he did not say anything besides blocking me.
  17. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    The only time heat admits to have said he was going to give a gift/free item was in the old thread about ME http://i45.tinypic.com/2wpq81x.jpg he says "i was thinking about giving you something free" acting like he already didn't. Also he also told me he would give me another hat so It looked liked I was blackmailing him, it was his idea basically also stating he would 1:1 but ended up not doing anything.
  18. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Maybe Gencobra can get some more information out of this but the evidence I see just points out to a weird personal dispute between people who know each other.
  19. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    Declining this report. Everyone involved got their items back, and no one lost anything. Keep your personal disputes to yourselves next time.
  20. $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$

    $$LikeABoss$teve-O$$ New User

    I understand that this may look like a personal attack but it's really not I talked to cobra and he said the thing thats missing is heat saying it was a gift, and that will prove that in fact it wasn't just to wear and that hat should have still been in my property.
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