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Rejected 76561198041278331 testedhorse368 (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by testedhorse368, Mar 22, 2012.

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  1. testedhorse368

    testedhorse368 New User

    Captureaefaeraefear 1231341341.PNG
  2. testedhorse368

    testedhorse368 New User

    i keep on replying, but its not showing up...
  3. testedhorse368

    testedhorse368 New User

    Is my case still being looked at?
  4. Neko

    Neko New User

    Yes, the SteamRep admins however have a backlog of appeals, they'll get to you as soon as possible.
  5. testedhorse368

    testedhorse368 New User

    Ok sorry for bugging you guys
  6. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    Keep an eye out for my invite.
  7. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    You scammed, and at the time when the admin who originally marked you tracked you down, you refused to return the hat. That was pretty much right then and there your only shot at redeeming yourself. Now when I add you, you play dumb with me. I really hate that.

    I really have no hope for you ever redeeming yourself, you take no responsibility for what you did and deflect. It was painfully clear that you did not care if your tag was removed or not. You did a good job at pissing me off tho, credit is due there by blatantly lying about not knowing about what a profiles id is. Clearly you are using a custom id masked as a profiles id so people who search you don't discover you are really a scammer. Below is near the end of our chat:

    12:41 PM - Starburst: "im marked as a sop scammer and i didnt do anything
    im being banned from tf2tp and mareked as a scammer can someone tell me why this is"
    12:42 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: was that after i scammed the modest?
    12:42 PM - Starburst: a month after when you came back under a new account
    12:43 PM - Starburst: because your first was banned.
    12:43 PM - Starburst: :/
    12:43 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: Oh... at that time, I probobly was realizing that i was an idiot, and that they had marked scammers by ip adresses
    12:44 PM - Starburst: so you were playing dumb
    12:44 PM - Starburst: like you are with me now?
    12:44 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: I am...(But all that stuff with the id64, etc. genuinely confused me)
    12:45 PM - Starburst: thats complete bullshit form how many posts and accounts you have
    12:45 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: Ok... sorry let's just get this done
    12:48 PM - Starburst: You screwed yourself when you didnt cooperate with the admin who originally found you. Instead you told him to f✿✿✿ himself and never returned the hat. That was when you blew your 2nd chance, and im not going to allow you a 3rd
    12:48 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: Ok... thanks for your time anyways
    12:49 PM - Starburst: a tip for you, stop lying and playing dumb
    12:49 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: well... My brother just sold a hearts milkman for paypal, and hes marked as a scammer... soo
    12:49 PM - ★ ORIGINAL ★: I hope ill be able to do the same
    12:50 PM - Starburst: thats what I thought.
    12:50 PM - Starburst: nice try.
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