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Pending 76561198097570361

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Dabombber, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Dabombber

    Dabombber New User

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097570361 (shadypineapple)

    scam1.png scam2.png scam3.png scam4.png scam5.png scam6.png scam7.png

    He added me, and at the time had picture which the tf2wh.com bots use and his name followed their convention. When confronted, he changed his name/pic and then asked to trade for my all-father, which was not listed on any trading site. He asked me to show him everything I was trading, then tried to convince me he would give me an unusual if I gave him a few hats.

    Apologies for not having a screenshot showing the tfwh avatar, I copied over that when I got his steam profile url. Hopefully his reaction in chat is proof enough for it. I also forgot to get a transcript of the trade chat, if there's a copy of this in my steam folder somewhere let me know.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Dabombber: hello there bot impersonator
    shadypineapple: wut
    shadypineapple: no i like pineapple
    shadypineapple: i was interested in trading
    Dabombber: orly
    shadypineapple: ya
    shadypineapple: O GOD
    shadypineapple: I FORGOT MY PICTURE
    shadypineapple: sorry
    shadypineapple: i was a nub back in 2011 wen i tried to get item but failed
    shadypineapple is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    shadypineapple: items*
    The Genuine Pineapple is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Dabombber: ...and?
    The Genuine Pineapple: and wut
    Dabombber: and why did you add me?
    The Genuine Pineapple: I SAID I WANTED TO TRADE
    Dabombber: trade what?
    The Genuine Pineapple: ur all-father
    Dabombber: not selling it
    The Genuine Pineapple: o
    The Genuine Pineapple: well put wut ur selling the trade
    Dabombber: which trade...
    The Genuine Pineapple had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    You have accepted the trade request from The Genuine Pineapple.
    Dabombber: o.0
    Dabombber: everything im selling?
    The Genuine Pineapple: basically
    Dabombber: that's some of it
    Dabombber: there's more on the bazaar bots
    The Genuine Pineapple is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    The Genuine Pineapple: dude?
    Dabombber: mmm?
    The Genuine Pineapple: well?
    The Genuine Pineapple: like 5 items for an unusual
    Dabombber: wow, that sounds like a really good deal
    Dabombber: but i think i have a better one for you
    Dabombber: have about i give you the finger
    Dabombber: ..|..
    Dabombber: and you gtfo