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Archived Appeal Review for 76561197984403890 (Xarq0n's Ex's Boyfriend)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Crise Ice, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. Crise Ice

    Crise Ice Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: Other extenuating circumstance at admins' discretion. NOT USUALLY GRANTED!!!
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561197984403890-crisis-sr-scammer.11748/

    Steam profile: 76561197984403890 (Xarq0n's Ex's Boyfriend)

    Make your case:
    I was banned nearly 3000 days ago, 8 yrs ago for scamming 3 keys in a fake middleman scam. My appeal was denied because there was sufficient evidence against me. I have attempted to repay the victim, who has been inactive for years. Pending friend request. He has an SR scammer tag and page comments indicate he committed suicide.


    I have learned my lesson, and I am willing to repay if this person ever comes into contact with me. I believe that staying banned from trading for 8 years is sufficient punishment for one small value scam. I do not participate in any marketplace, I just want to be able to buy weapons on scrap.tf. I promise to not scam again.

    Attached is my attempt to disuss the matter over PM with You Are The One, as he requested in one of my appeals in 2014.​

    Attached Files:

    • 2.JPG
      File size:
      46.1 KB
  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sorry, length of time since you were first banned does not qualify as an "extenuating circumstance" because SteamRep bans are permanent by design.

    A change of heart, and the associated attempt at repayment, is something you should have taken care of prior to your first appeal. It's a requirement for the appeal to be considered, not a guarantee your appeal will be granted. Failure to do so before your change of heart appeal does disqualify you from it.

    At a quick glance over your original appeal, and the admin's response, I didn't see anything out of place that might qualify as extenuating or deviating from policy.

    You can't just submit an appeal review because you want another chance. That's not how it works.

    Is there anything I missed?
  3. Crise Ice

    Crise Ice Banned on SteamRep

    I apologize, when I made the first appeal I didn't even know what Steamrep was or how it worked and it was 8 yrs ago. I wasn't aware of what I was being reported for in the first place. I was a kid. I mean just look at the nature of the scam itself, a stupid low effort fake middle man in a trade server for three keys.

    After I read the report I began contacting the victim to repay and make right

    I know the order of events might be out of the ordinary / out of policy, but I have had a change of heart over the very small one time scam with no priors and no additional reports against me, and have continuously tried to repay. I've done everything that you guys require for a change of heart appeal and I've had the tag for 8 years now. I was told to make this appeal review as its the only opportunity i have to remove the ban, according to another admin. Please consider removing the tag for such a small offence that i have tried to make right for many years, even a caution tag I don't mind. I just want to be able to use scrap.tf, I'm not even trying to participate in the market.

    If my circumstances meet your typical bar for a change of heart appeal, I'm asking that you please consider this appeal as my first appeal and let me have that opportunity again, considering it has been 8 years since that first appeal.

  4. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    As has been made very clear when you filled out the form, appeal reviews are not appeals. Your "only opportunity to remove the tag" was your appeal, and you already blew that by lying.

    Nothing you posted here qualifies as an extenuating circumstance, so you do not qualify for special permission, and may not appeal again. If I made an exception for you, then I would have to make that same exception for everyone else asking who lied in their appeals. For a number of reasons, we have a firm once-per-lifetime appeal policy. Unfortunately, that means if you don't take the appeal seriously on your first try, you are out of options, forever.

    Appeal reviews are not for second chances when you don't take it seriously, they're for very rare, extenuating circumstances, similar to those outlined in the form you filled out. By design, they provide an additional level of oversight when all the other checks within our system fail an innocent trader who acted in good faith from the beginning. They don't provide a free second chance to whoever asks for one because they didn't bother to take their appeal seriously the first time, that would be unfair to everyone else waiting in line for their own appeals to be looked at. I couldn't justify giving you another chance even if I wanted to.

    Your appeal review is denied.