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Archived Appeal Review for 76561198058702192 (Spaciepoo)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by PICKLE.EXE, Mar 23, 2020.


    PICKLE.EXE Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: New evidence not produced in your original appeal
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...rthday-pootis-banned-by-sr.75243/#post-287735

    Steam profile: 76561198058702192 (Spaciepoo)

    Make your case:
    The denied appeal I made was a mess, maybe a little because of me, but I feel like it's the admin who handled it's fault way more. It took me around 6 years for the thread to be denied. 3 years for an admin to even respond (they didn't even say anything of note) and when they finally did say something reasonable, it was after I completely called them out. I didn't even look at the thread after that because I knew it just wouldn't get appealed. I didn't lie, I didn't give inconclusive evidence, It stated that the alt account is NOT my account account, it just had the same IP, probably from one day like 7 or 8 years ago. I'm not sure if he was on my computer, or just in the same house on a different computer. But If you take a 5 second look at the profile in question, it will be immediately clear that this is a main account of someone, no question. The profile is my older brother's friend, I'm guessing he went on my brothers or maybe my computer to play with him and it got linked to me. If you want more information on this, I made some other threads, I mainly did this because the admins would not respond to the first one I made. Maybe a "more information" tag would be sufficient enough, nope, just nothing. But enough of my wining. You probably have already come to the conclusion that it's not my account already, and weather or not my appeal was a mess, or anything else, nothing will change that fact. Thank you.

    Also It said I had to have an attachment so I just put a picture of a bacon egg sandwich.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    As has been made very clear in the form you filled out, this is not a "second chance" appeal. You can't simply demand a do-over because you don't like the admin's decision.

    You indicated in the form selection that you are claiming new evidence which was not produced in your original appeal. The burden of proof for new evidence is entirely on you. It is out of my scope to review details of your case, or decide whether I agree with the admin who denied your appeal, only whether you have sufficient new evidence to warrant a re-appeal as you claimed. A picture of a bacon sandwich doesn't qualify for that.

    I suggest you take this more seriously in your next reply, because you only get one chance at an appeal review.

    PICKLE.EXE Banned on SteamRep

    The profile has been private for many years without me having anything to do about it. The 'new evidence' really just is being able to look at the profile information, seeing how many games he has (pretty sure an alt doesn't have 50+ games...), seeing the new IPs he's been on, seeing that he hasn't been on my IP in probably over 7 years, his inventory, etc. and being able to distinguish that it is not mine. I really don't find it necessary to provide picture evidence of his profile since there is an easy to click access link already on my profile. But here it is if you want - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075718484

    If you think that I don't like the admin's decision, you'd be right, I don't like it. But I believe that he is wrong. He claims I "lied by omission", no I did not, I stated that he is not my alt account. I have no way of using your fancy IP trackers to know every account that has played on a computer in this area, I didn't even know why he was linked to my account because I was 11 years old when I wrote that review. Maybe I was a little naive, but I never lied, and didn't keep information to myself, I told them everything I had the knowledge of and it was nothing at all. Now that I have experience on this sort of thing (been on this for 7 years) now I know that any account that has even been on steam in my house (not just on my computer like I assumed) is an "alt" according to your website.
  4. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your appeal was denied for the following:
    That's 2 reasons:
    1. Admin asked you for follow-up on August 17th, 2017, you didn't respond, so instead of waiting any longer, he closed your appeal on October 12, 2019 and moved on to other appellants waiting in line behind you. Had you responded in your appeal when prompted, and then not received a fair consideration, you might've had a stronger case for an appeal review. Why didn't you follow up regarding your case during that 2 year interval?
    2. The admin believes you omitted information regarding your alt account, hoping/expecting we wouldn't know about it. Asking about alternate accounts up front is a part of standard appeal procedure, as a test of honesty among other things. Lying is grounds for automatic rejection. If your story largely matches up with our private notes, or you disclose something we don't know about and don't otherwise have evidence for, the admin is far more likely to give you benefit of doubt and your appeal outcome will reflect it; but if you withhold something we knew about, then unless there's a good reason for that discrepancy it's considered lying by omission, and you will be denied automatically unless you have a really good explanation for why it was withheld. We try to make that process pretty clear in the appeal tips (see sections 1 and 7), but one reason we don't allow multiple appeals is that particular test of honesty won't work anymore if you're already aware of what we do/don't know about yet. We don't (or at least shouldn't) simply link for sharing an IP address on a single date. I double-checked the evidence on file, and there is more evidence connecting the accounts than that. So tell me, why did you withhold that information?
    Appeal reviews are for extenuating circumstances, when through no fault of your own, you did not get a fair shot at your first appeal. They're not a do-over for when you don't like the first outcome, and it's still one-per-person by policy. As such, you will need to adequately address both of these in order to invalidate your previously rejected appeal and make a new one.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  5. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    2 weeks notice to follow up, before we make a final decision without you. Once denied, you cannot submit any more appeal reviews.
  6. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Appeal decision is upheld.