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Archived Appeal Review for 76561198231669144 (ErycTriceps)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by * ErycTriceps, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. * ErycTriceps

    * ErycTriceps Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: Partner community is abusing their tag privileges, and won't let me appeal
    Past Appeal: http://www.steamrep.com

    Steam profile: 76561198231669144 (ErycTriceps)

    Make your case:
    My SteamRep account is marked as an alernative account of a "Reddit Gaming" scammer.

    I contacted a Steamrep on twitter as I was unsure of what actions to follow. They told me that I need to appeal my ban on /r/globaloffensivetrade, even though when I click appeal on my steamrep profile, it re-directs me to /r/tf2trade, according to steamrep on twitter, it's a bug.

    So then, I contacted Fatmetal on twitter - a r/globaloffensivetrade administator, to look into it and see if it's the correct place to appeal it.

    And he told me this: "Your steam acount isn't linked to a reddit account. It has nothing to do with us." ; "We don't have you in our database, so we didn't do anything"

    Then I went back to Steamrep on twitter as I was unsure of what actions to follow, and they told me this: "The person who issued your tag was with r/globaloffensivetrade at the time it was issued, but is no longer a mod. You can relay that to the r/globaloffensivetrade mods, and they can handle your appeal or choose to simply drop your tag if they have no documentation for it."

    Finally, I was told to submit a review here. I am in all honesty really confused and unsure of what to do, different people tell me different things so I suppose it's best to ask for help here.

    I have attached screenshots of my conversations on twitter, if you feel that they are lacking context, feel free to ask for the full conversations, I will provide them in any way you want - screenshots or I can hop in a discord call and video share the conversations.

    P.S - It wouldn't let me type "not applicable" without quotes on past appeal, so I linked steamrep, hopefully it's not a problem.

    View attachment 757626 View attachment 757627 View attachment 757629

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    For this absolute second, I am going to put a freeze on this thread. SR has some formalities to sort out (unrelated to your specific case) and I would hate to invalidate this thread just to have you remake it at a later time, this might still happen anyways.
    Ill update this thread either-way in the next few weeks.
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Wanted to give you a quick update that progress is being made on our end to address our internal formalities and the review has not been forgotten. I have unlocked it for now but probably wont be addressed for a tad more time.
  4. * ErycTriceps

    * ErycTriceps Banned on SteamRep

    Not a problem, thanks for the update.
  5. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'm sorry for the delay. This was held up by some unrelated internal affairs, and I was unable to act until I got a green light from other admins. I'm taking care of it now.

    Per our standards with partner communities, users are always entitled to have 1 appeal with the community who tagged them. If that partner does not allow appeals, or somehow abuses their position, then it's my job to get involved and sort things out. Since your story implies you were unable to submit any appeal to begin with, I contacted the community in question on your behalf, and was pointed to this:


    It appears you did submit an appeal, but later deleted your Reddit account after the appeal was denied. Their automod bot takes a snapshot of your post, along with documentation of your linked Reddit and Steam accounts, so the full appeal is still intact. Why did you delete your Reddit account? Why didn't you disclose your original appeal?
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative).**
  6. * ErycTriceps

    * ErycTriceps Banned on SteamRep

    I don't recall deleting my reddit account, so it was probably automated, there is a possibility that i just don't remember deleting it though. I don't use reddit besides for steamrep.

    I didn't disclose my appeal because I couldn't find it, thought I appealed on here but that one was invalidated.

    Also I noticed looking back at the reddit appeal, there isn't an explanation or a reasoning as to why it was denied, is it possible to clarify that? As I've mentioned in the thread, even an admin of the redditcsgotrade is confused and can't find anything in the database.
  7. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    On further review, you deleted the post itself, not the Reddit account. Apologies for misunderstanding that detail, but it doesn't help your case. Specifically deleting your appeal suggests you tried to hide the rejected appeal from us before requesting we intervene, to influence your outcome here, rather than simply deleting the entire account like I thought you did. Then you implied that you never got an appeal. Deleting the thread did throw some of them off, but once some more senior mods got involved when I asked, they were still able to uncover it, so nice try I guess.

    Policy binds them to review one appeal from you, and you already had that. It doesn't matter who you are, we don't play favorites. In the matter of how said appeal was handled, you made no attempt to plead innocence, and instead cited your fame as a streamer as a reason for lifting it. SteamRep doesn't give preferential treatment to celebrities, and we instruct partners to follow in kind, so they had plenty of reason to summarily reject it, without a detailed explanation; you didn't put in the effort, so your case speaks for itself and they didn't need a reason. As such, I see no evidence of mishandling.

    Since you failed to disclose your previous appeal, you failed to disclose the DMs with r/gotrade moderators before that (a separate instance of having your appeal rejected, less formally), and your original appeal amounted to "I'm famous and people are asking me about the tag, so please remove it" without any clear indication of a change of heart, I cannot take anything else you say here at face value. Were this thread a regular appeal, you would be denied for lying by omission, but appeal reviews generally have an even higher standard. As such, I am upholding their decision and rejecting your appeal review.