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Did i just get scammed with the steam marketplace

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by deathmetaldan, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. deathmetaldan

    deathmetaldan New User

    I bought some cs:go cases for myself and a friend today. After all was said and done i had less than 10 dollars in my wallet. I managed to be lucky enough to get a feild tested crimson bayonet, i was going to keep it but the lure of being able to buy more games on steam seemed better than just having a cool knife just for looks. I looked at the price graph and saw that 2 sold for 60 dollars this week so that sealed the deal for me. I put it up for around 57 dollars which would give me 50 dollars steam wallet credit. It sold almost instantly and i had trouble breathing because of how excited i was.
    After the funds showed in my wallet i bought 12 more cases and keys which came to less than 10 dollars. I opened my first case and happened to glance over and saw that my wallet balance was only 14.77. Once again it was hard to breath, i submitted a ticket to steam support and supplied screen shots of my market and wallet activity so hopefully i will get a non robot response.
    I googled to see if this was a common problem and found a couple people complaining about it but nobody that said anything about it being resolved.
    Is this a common problem and what can i do to get this fixed? Right now this is pretty much what decides if i continue to spend money on steam or not, sure i didnt really lose anything i paid..... but i used the system that valve/steam has in place fairly so i could give them more money.
    Maybe the funds need to "clear" like paypal or something but i have never had that happen or heard of it before, hopefully i am just stressing over nothing.
    I can provide screen shots of emails (thanking me for my purchases and notifying me that i sold an item in the market) and my transaction history on steam but at this point im not sure if it is a scam or not. I was trying to see if there was a market place scam going around and found this forum.
    thank you for any and all help.
  2. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    hmm, valve takes a big % to "guarantee" their wallet money transactions, so even if it was bought with fraud money from you, that money should not have been taken from your wallet afaik.


    Basically says that if any money was fraudulently added to steam, the steam transaction fee is to cover that for valve, and should not touch your wallet...

    But as its not entirely clear to me what happened with you, I'm not sure if this applies.
  3. deathmetaldan

    deathmetaldan New User

    yeah, wasnt fraud money haha. I have done my share of shitty things in the past and now i do what i can to keep it clean and watch my butt. I can post my transaction log and you can see i add money to my account from paypal and then immediately spend it on cs:go stuff. So am i right in thinking this isnt normal? My next post will have screen shots so stand by.
  4. deathmetaldan

    deathmetaldan New User

    i took screen caps of everything i could think of





    I have a couple things i can not stand, one of the top ones is getting ripped off by a company when i try to do honest business with them. Sure, maybe me not giving them my money any more might not make much of a difference but i talk to alot of people that play video games and i will make sure to tell every single one of them that valve and steam might as well be some ass hat scamming people on ebay.
  5. deathmetaldan

    deathmetaldan New User

    if any more pictures or video are needed to prove i am in fact not the scammer here i have no problems providing them.
  6. deathmetaldan

    deathmetaldan New User

    just added everything up.... i am an idiot... everybody feel free to point and laugh. Thank you guys anyway. Lesson learned, do not become blind with rage until you look at everything haha.

    sorry for junking up the forum. I will be checking back here though to see what scam are actually going around other than user error :)
  7. SilentReaper(SR)

    SilentReaper(SR) Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I deleted one of the screenshots, for it was showing your Login name to steam. For wherever you uploaded it, I don't know if you have access to do so, but I'd remove it.

    also, I didn't mean fraud by you, but for the case of others doing fraud with steam wallet adding money. And them then buying stuff on steam market. And they then sell it for paypal or other payment systems.
    The money that therefore is brought in fraudulently is compensated by the 5% for valve to do so.
  8. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Nah, we've all been there and miscalculated a thing or two. Good luck with your Steam purchases in the future, though.