1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Exactly why should SteamRep restrict you?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Hng. - SO GODAMN BORED, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Jet Justice

    Jet Justice New User

    currently at school so i cant access right now...
  2. Eoj Nawoh

    Eoj Nawoh Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    1A) SteamRep doesn't. You're free to trade who you want to trade with, but there are consequences. Even if SR wasn't here, it's still your reputation. And the fact that a trade ban follows SR marks is not cause and effect. Valve gives trade bans based on their evidence and what they believe is a correct action. The fact that trade bans follow SR marks shows SR knows what it is doing.

    I agree trading should be fun. We should all get what we want and never have an issue. But it's not gonna happen. Scammers scam, sharkers shark, hijackers hijack. And I'm sure if you got scammed every trade you do, you'd think trading wasn't fun. A major part of is the community's effort to curtail scamming and give it a solid consequence, a Mark.

    It does improve the safety of trading. Like I said before, you have free will, you're free to go out and trade with scammers, get scammed and lose your hats, but SR is here to help and fight that from happening widespread and to players all over. And SR does list trusted individuals, but it's much harder to prove someone is trusted and never going to scam, rather then mark those who do scam.

    The "Then it's your fault" argument has never worked. Any server I've ever been on, if someone got scammed despite admins/mods telling them they would or they may be, they blame it on the Admins. ... Alright, I made a reference for my point about SR controlling who you trade with, see Section 1A of my argument. And in the real world, we investigate, arrest and convict criminals, that's what is similarly happening here.

    This one time, I sent a trade on a gaming server.

    Well it's not out of the question. There's plenty of felons that can't participate in jobs, and etc because of their crimes.

    As Mattie! stated, that is not SR's current policy. Scammer friends can factor. If there's a guy with 10 out of 10 scammer friends offering to buy hats for $1000, and there's other evidence, sure he may be marked. And friends can affect it.

    See Section 1A. And you can friend anyone you want. And you can trade anyone you want, but it affects your reputation either way. If you bought items from scammers, I wouldn't trade with you, whether you had a mark or not. And there's plenty of legitimate players to trade with.

    SteamRep is essentially a guidebook, you choose whether or not to listen. We all advise using it. Countless scammers have been stopped. Items/Money saved, and there's been plenty good to come out of it. Sure there's mistakes, that's inherent, but SR has done a tremendous amount of help to the community.

    I'm glad you shared your thoughts.
    VenGanZa and Backseatsman like this.
  3. Rico Lambrini

    Rico Lambrini New User

    there are still too many scams. young players are vulnerable, they just need more protection. what new measures are being done.

    nigerian scams are notorious, perhaps the origin of many pro scams. maybe they should be blacklisted, a practice done by many corporations.
  4. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Scammers are being "blacklisted" by a load of communities you find on our front page. problem is that there is way more "space" outside them.
  5. Rico Lambrini

    Rico Lambrini New User

    i meant to say ghana. what u mean by space...
  6. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    While steamrep is carried by roughly 300 servers, there loads more servers and sites out there, in the area of 4.000-10.000 servers, and loads of websites without support.
  7. D2Girls

    D2Girls New User

    I'm glad this site and all the hard working mods who go through hundreds of open tickets try to sort things out and make the trading community safer. Sure there are some unfair scammer tags but in most cases its due to rampant wonton trading with no concern wether the items are really legit or not. Almost everyone who's got a tag deserves it in someway or another. If you are worried about friends of yours becoming marked by trading with scammers, educate them instead of letting them be ignorant.
    VenGanZa likes this.