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How to Receive a Response on a Privacy Inquiry?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by W o l f e n s h i r e, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. W o l f e n s h i r e

    W o l f e n s h i r e New User

    I have attempted, through multiple channels (most notably, the requested one in the "Contact Us" form) to get in contact with any individual that may be able to handle a privacy request of mine. While I wanted to avoid the creation of any further publicly visible content, I have yet to receive any response for what is beginning to amount for months. If a member of staff can guide me in the right direction here it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I'm sorry, no SR volunteer staff are able to assist you per ofpf policy (and none of us SR volunteers have access to that mailbox). The contact us email box is the only way to reach ofpf staff for anything beyond what SR policy can provide you.


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  3. W o l f e n s h i r e

    W o l f e n s h i r e New User

    Hello, I appreciate the expedient response, though I must say it's left me unfulfilled (not your fault, of course). When you say
    , is there any way you can provide me with a direct contact method to these individuals or someone that can handle the request? Unfortunately, the email address attached to this account is inaccessible (deleted), and when using the "Contact Us" box at the bottom of the page, it pre-fills this inaccessible email and it is immutable before submission. I have mentioned in my requests that replies directed toward said email address cannot be read, though after a few months of trying, I am uncertain whether my requests have been responded to and the reply simply was sent to an inaccessible inbox or if they have been ignored. If there's an email address I can send the request directly to, outside of the "Contact Us" box, it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. W o l f e n s h i r e

    W o l f e n s h i r e New User

    Apologies for the double-post, but I should also note that I attempted to use the contact form here (https://www.ofpf.org/contact-us), as well, with no luck getting a response.
  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Their is no direct contact I can provide you. The ofpf "contact us" is the only way I know for members to reach ofpf for anything outside of what SR policy allows and as a volunteer, I can only speak for SR.

    I can verify the "contact us" is working and tho I am not privy to what is submitted, I was told its possible your request was not complete enough to process, lacking identification of specific PII that SR is allowed to remove. In that case, you can PM an SR Admin. Or lack of PII per SR policy (requesting removal of non PII) so the request went unfulfilled. Not 100% sure at this time but seems likely one of these two options is the case.

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  6. W o l f e n s h i r e

    W o l f e n s h i r e New User

    Thanks for the information; one last thing before I PM an SR Admin, is there anywhere that I can read what is considered PII by SteamRep (and/or the OFPF)? Also - I noted you were an Admin of Appeals, would continuing this conversation via PMs with you work, as well, or is there any specific Admin I should contact (should my case fall under removable PII).
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You can either use the post report system or PM @Lava (PR) or myself @You Are The One. An unofficial guideline to use, the wiki page on PII, Ill attempt to get public clarification posted somewhere if it is not already (We have dozens of outdated guides/guidelines that need front facing updating)

    Please be careful tho, ofpf has a legal policy that prevents volunteers from communicating with members after they make claims/accusations, they are hundreds of such examples you can find on this site fairly easily. Best way to avoid any issues is link the post in question, clearly identify (best way to do this is quote what you consider to be the PII) and why if not obvious, claiming other reasons usually means we (all SR staff) are not able to talk to you about anything else, ever and you end up with a cut/paste legal reply.