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I Scammed. I admit it.

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Nathan Cash, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Nathan Cash

    Nathan Cash New User

    Hello. I was reported a few weeks ago for raffle scamming. The evidence was overwhelmingly against me, and yet I still argued. I tried to justify it by saying that all was well because I gave the wealth in question (a few rec) back (I really did) but that is no excuse. Had nothing been questioned I would of left with the rec happily. I filed an appeal trying to prove I didn't do that. Just a minute or two ago I closed that appeal. Lying won't get me anywhere and it shouldn't. I feel compelled to come forward because I feel that telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is in line. So yes, I went on a server saying I was doing a raffle for a loss to gain reputation. I got several people to pay the rec entry. I employed my friend to join the raffle. He "Won". When it was found we were friends I said he won fairly. He didn't. I rigged the raffle in hopes of making a ref or so. I did give the wealth back but that doesn't excuse what I did. I stole from honest, trusting tf2 players. After playing honestly for over 400 hours it killed me inside that I forever blew my rep in about half of an hour. I come to apologize. I did the wrong thing and I deserve what I got. My friend who was involved in the scam encouraged me to write this confession on behalf of both of us. Again, no words can describe how horrible I feel for abusing the trust other tf2 players had in me. It feels liberating to tell the truth. Thanks for listening to my confession.

    My sincerest apologies,

    Nathan Cash.
  2. Scooty Puff Jr.

    Scooty Puff Jr. New User

  3. Mvskoke

    Mvskoke New User

    Im really sorry for what happened, we we're stupid for doing it. We're kinda trade noobs and were trying to get some more metal to buy trade. Like he said we're really sorry for doing this. And if we could do it again we would never scam anyone. I have 1 rec I don't know who to give it back to. You can have it. Since it's not like I earned it or anything.

    Anyways sorry for what we did. And I'm really sorry for lying to you guys. We kinda thought we could get out of it. And we already agreed to not scam anyone again.
  4. Nathan Cash

    Nathan Cash New User

    I'm not appealing. I thought appeals were only for if I have proof I am not guilty. I am guilty so I don't believe there is a way to get my ban reversed
  5. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    As I commented to you on your profile, I appreciate the courage it took to come forward like this. People lie to us all day every day. It's the coward's way of trying to shirk responsibility for his/her actions. You chose the path of owning up to and taking responsibility for what you did and that in and of itself speaks well of your character. I just want to thank you again for this. If everyone who was marked took the road of maturity and responsibility as you have, it would make the entire community a better place. :)
  6. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    If what I read is in the fact the whole truth and without ulterior motive, then I applaud you for coming forward in this manner.

    I would encourage you to appeal at some future date, perhaps 12 months. Redemption is not a dirty word and I do believe that if you can be honest in a pissy video game, that bodes well for real life too :)

    Good luck.
  7. Ace♡

    Ace♡ TF2 Raffle House admin Friend Community

    I like it! It's guys like you that show that not erry person that makes a mistake can't realize it.

    If you do appeal at a later date I do hope it's accepted, you deserve it for the honesty.
  8. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User


    That's going a little too far saying he deserves it to be accepted. My caution tag is only because I was honest. In October, I bought a hat from homeyhomedawg. Pretender questioned me about it and I was honest and told him that MCT admin Patymcd[MCT] gave me a warning as a friend that I could get in trouble for buying the hat ahead of time. I wanted the hat and did it anyway. 2 hrs later I was added by secret taco, he questioned me further and I told him I paid homey $5 in cash as part of the trade and I was cautioned. I could have kept both of these facts a secret, no one would have known. I would not have a caution tag today.

    Honesty does not mean he shouldn't have a tag.

    A scammer is a scammer, whether or not they admit it.

    Yes, it's the noble thing to tell the truth, but he shouldn't have done it in the first place.
  9. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    The point is he isn't appealing, in fact he closed the thread. That is the reason we are applauding the honesty.
  10. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    I know. I was referring to the previous poster's comment. I am of the same opinion. Of scammers, guys like him have the highest respect I could give a scammer. But I think it's going a little too far to say he deserves to win an appeal.
  11. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Well I think I said virtually the same thing. I reckon the guy should appeal in 12 months, and I hope that in light of his post here, it might be given consideration. The thing that really stands out here, is not only is he admitting to his crime, he is saying he isn't going to appeal (and for the right reasons).

    No one likes a scammer, but I wish more were this honest (if we can take his post as gospel), if so we would have far fewer repeat offenders.
  12. Ace♡

    Ace♡ TF2 Raffle House admin Friend Community

    Not my decision, nor will it be. If a guy can realize his mistake, I think he deserves a clean slate, especially if he makes reprimands. Low chance of getting one with this system, though, especially with the number of people who'd attempt to abuse it, simply bringing us full circle.

    On another hand, we wouldn't have these problems period if one just didn't do silly things like this.