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Is this reportable?

Discussion in 'SteamRep General Discussion' started by Sirius CCS, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

    Hi there. First of all sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I'm new and not sure if it's the correct place.

    Well I usually trade steam games (gifts) for tf2 keys or dota2 treasure keys at very good prices. I have posts in some different forums and I specify I can buy more than 1 copy if the person needs them. We can say that I buy on demand to trade.

    So some mins ago a guy added me and asked me for a game, I said I could do and he oppened me trade window. I bought the game while he was adding the keys and then I added the game and both sides clicked the green box so we could finish the trade. I clicked the confirmation button right away, and then he didn't do it. I said what was wrong and he asked me to wait for a sec. Waited and asked again and he said to wait again. After a few mins and I was tired of waiting, he said he found a better deal and cancelled the trade. I said he cannot regret a trade when he agreed to the price and I actually bought the game for him. He just told me he can he's a good trader and I could sell the game to any other person, but the truth is that now I have money sitting in my inv so I wasted time and money and idk when I'll recover it.

    I'm not sure if this is a kind of scam, but ppl should think twice before adding someone and make him waste his time and money cause he cannot make up his mind ...

    I also found this case that looks similar: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198055834777-link5798.26425/

    I got very upset at the end but this is the second time I suffer the same in last 12hrs, with big expensive games ...

    Can I report this? In case affirmative I'll add proofs.

    Thanks in advance for help.
  2. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Notes for SR Admins:

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  3. Regen

    Regen New User

    >TFW No notes are shown.
  4. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I've adjusted it.
  5. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

  6. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

    Well as I've seen, my report was rejected (I just did what i was told here) and said it was "frivolous". Well, making me buy something he doesn't want isn't frivolous also? Anyway I also got my threads closed for having no stock, should I now report ALL other traders who buy on demand?

    This is hipocresy I guess.

    Anyway thanks for your time.
  7. Bluedemon

    Bluedemon Retired Staff

    In the same minute he said he wanted to buy it, he told you to wait because he needed to check something. This is clearly shown in your 1st screenshot. Just because you jumped the gun and bought the game before he confirmed he was ready doesn't make him a scammer. The user who posted that it was a reportable offense in this thread was wrong. You should not take advice from someone who is not a moderator or an admin on this site when it pertains to reportable offenses. Report what you want on outpost as long as it's legit reports, we will handle them the same way. 0 stock trades are not allowed to bump on outpost. It's clearly stated in the rules.
  8. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

    I bought the game in seconds, and put it in the window, he already accepted but didn't click the confirmation button, so don't try to make me look worst than reality. He said wait AFTER both accepted green boxes and was already waiting ... I should have taken a screen of that window also ...
  9. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    With the thread you linked to, the case is different because the guy in it was purposely setting up a scam. Scammer asks the victim to buy a very specific game with no intention of actually completing the trade. Specific game is bought, scammer cancels in a very trollish or impolite way so the victim is then left feeling helpless that he/she is stuck with a 'worthless' game. Scammer's friend then adds all the people that were set up like this and offers to take this 'worthless' game off the victim's hands for an insanely low price. Because the victim had such a bad experience, the victim agrees and takes the loss. This type of bait-and-switch scam has been going on for ages and is particularly nasty because usually the victim doesn't realize he/she has been scammed unless he/she checks the friends list of the game buyer. Sometimes, like in the link you posted, it is clear that something is up because the victims of the scammer realized they were set-up but this is not always the case.

    In your case, the buyer did clearly intend on making the trade but then cancelled because he got a better offer. He wasn't setting you up to lose money or to scam you. It's within the rights of both the buyer and the seller that a trade may be cancelled before the confirm button is pressed. The gentleman who cancelled the trade even reassured you that you could resell the game, which is quite the opposite of what bait-and-switch scammers do. While there is clear intent to scam in the link you posted- which is why that person was marked- there was no intent to scam with the person you intended to trade.

    I hope that cleared it up for you! :) Let me know if you have additional questions and I'll do what I can to help clear them up for you. :)
  10. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

  11. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

    Ok Helen, I understand about this. Let's say it was unpolite and maybe inmoral from him, but not "ilegal". I'm sorry I just got really dissapointed cause 2 guys did this same thing to me in the last night and when I saw somebody saying was reportable I ran to do it.

    Also as you already know, that same guy reported me in tf2op for bumping threads with no stock. I've searched the rules and can find that rule concerning keys and currency, but nothing about games.

    The thing is that I get f✿✿✿ed up by someone cancelling a trade and that same person f✿✿✿s up all my weekend. I'm just annoyed how things happen, I just wanted to do some trading offering good prices and making some business, the result is ppl trolling me and being banned for the same person that actually acted wrong towards me. I hope the ban is reconsidered but now I understand why so many ppl quits trading cause they get tired of dealing with such people :(

    I guess I was hurt and hit for trying to do good :/

    Have a nice day.
  12. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Well certainly it sucks when someone backs out of a trade, but that is always a remote possibility. Besides, like the guy said, I am sure you will sell the game :)
  13. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    well, I'd ask a down-payment before actually buying from steam a game, so any loss would be mitigated ahead, if they cancel, then they lose their down-payment.
  14. Sirius CCS

    Sirius CCS New User

    The worst thing is that apart from being screwed by this guy, when I told him I was going to report him or post so ppl can know which kind of person he is, he told me to report me for having no stock, and he actually did. This is a rule I really can't understand cause in the rules specify that stock is related to keys or other form of currency, doesn't say anything about games, and that I must have the intention to trade what I post. The truth is that I don't have actual stock like ALL GAME SELLERS (on sale) cause we can get unlimited instant stock, so if we consider this, I have stock and the intention to trade, but well, admins told me common sense should make me think that the rule is not only bound to keys and currency, and seems that the fact that i can get instant stock doesn't matter. So the result is I got screwed and banned for an unclear rule.

    Also after seeing this I reported a lot of traders/posts that also didn't have stock before I was banned (my threads were already closed) and the result is that no one was banned or any post closed. Idk if we all are not equal or what happens to me, but as I said this made my day a hell, got screwed twice, closed my links, banned for an unclear rule ... they just can punch me and the day would be complete ...

    A down-payment won't be done by anyone in this situation, there are tons of posts trading things with no stock so they would just move to another one. Again as I said I reported some but nothing was done.

    Some examples:
    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/9935717 (private backpack, probably no stock)
    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/9811032 (no stock)
    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/9785129 (no stock)
    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/9759032 (no stock)

    I reported these and some more, why are they trading so happy and I'm f✿✿✿ed up? Welcome to fair world ...

    Anyway I'm tired, was a hard day getting upset and putting me down so I guess I'll pass about this.

    Thanks for all advices and help, but still think this is not fair and I was treated like s✿✿✿ or scammer or whatever.
  15. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Let us be clear about one thing, SR has rules which are clearly displayed, defined and promoted.

    You need to understand that beyond this, even if a server or community is affiliated with SR in some way, they often have their own rules which deal with matters that go beyond the scope of SR. An individual server may ban an individual simply because they do not like pony sprays or the user was mic-spamming for example, which has nothing to do with SR.

    Outpost (and other places), have their own rules, and are perfectly entitled to manage their servers as they see fit. Personally I see nothing wrong with someone advertising "games on demand" and purchasing such games "just in time" to suit the buyer, some other places may not condone this, such is life.
  16. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    SR needs clear rules, otherwise the definition of scammer and causes of caution tags would wander way too much between communities. It already does slightly differ a bit between admins and between communities. Everything outside that, indeed, any community may ban anybody for any reason they see fit. In the end its their site. SR only keeps only a eye out on the Scammer/trade stuff.

    So if any community wants to ban somebody for having a avatar that is disliked, then they can do so. SR specifically does not involve with such, its their community/site, and they run it as they see fit. Including the cooperation with SR.
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