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Declined Report: 765611979624148755 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by BoJO97, Oct 19, 2022.

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  1. BoJO97

    BoJO97 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 765611979624148755

    Victim profile: 76561198291175441

    What happened? Description:
    I came across this video on YouTube: where the guy: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tradel0rd/ tells about trading on this quite old and popular site: https://csgotraders.net
    The video itself is in Russian, if needed I can create and provide you with a transcript or translation.

    After watching this and more videos on the channel I decided to start trading on this site, and I bought ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe (Field-Tested) on DMarket: https://dmarket.com/ After the trade ban I set up all the things to start trading.

    The video tells that after you bought a premium on it it is possible to use "trade bots" to store your items on them to trade quicker and avoid 7 days ban for your items (in fact the site does not have any trade bots and there is a message on the site to notify you about that). While I was trying to create a trade offer on the site nothing happened and trade offers from bots, as was mentioned and shown in the video did not come to me (because the site indeed does not have bots on it). But the video shows me otherwise, that there is an inventory on the site and there is an option to withdraw your skins from it. Later I got that it does not show an address bar on the video and maybe it is just a copy of the site to make a fake video.

    I decided to add him on Steam to ask about this issue, the link to his profile was in the description for the video. After I added him on Steam he told and assure me that is just a bug and it is happening from time to time after expiring the subscription. He recommended changing my trade link, logging out and logging in to my account on the site again, and clearing the cache for my browser. I did only that, I did not download any files or so, and my API key was turned off as well. Unfortunately, I was chatting with him via the Steam Chat application on my smartphone, not via Steam client, but I will provide you with the screenshots anyway. I have no chat history since he banned me on Steam and deleted me from his friend list as well.

    I was continuing to create offers on the site. At that moment, he was probably checking my profile on the site and once I created the offer with gloves on the site - he send me the offer on them from this another account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/765611979624148755 and a "confirmation code" massage in trade (basically, it was just an offer ID on the site). I firstly declined the offer since I had to go at the time and after some time I continue. I have created this offer: https://csgotraders.net/trade/2458964 and suddenly receive trade from this account again: https://steamcommunity.com/id/765611979624148755 with the next message "Your Secure Code: #2459034". This profile was with the site's avatar and hidden. I accepted the offer and nothing happens, I just lost my item. I did not immediately understand what happened and created another offer with USP-S, but declined it afterward.

    After some time skin sure did not appear in my inventory. But the account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/765611979624148755 is not hidden now and you may see my gloves in his inventory now. I do not know if it is the second account of that "YouTuber" guy, but I put this history as it was, and since the "YouTuber" guy blocked me it is clear now that it was a scam. His entire YouTube channel is based on and works for this scheme, and I have also contacted another victim of that fraud. If needed he can contact you as well, but his history is quite similar to mine.

    Thank you for your time, if any questions arise or additional information is needed, please let me know.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here are some screenshots:​

    TradeLORD | YouTube 11:06 AM
    Перезаходить пробовал
    и обратно
    у меня такое прост бывает когда ток премку покупаю снова
    после того как закончилась
    крч попробуй еще ссылку заного вставить на обмен и закрыть обмены и заного создать
    мне обычно чето из этого помогает
    не знаю че только
    если не в поддержку напиши
    [3IRD] BoJO97 11:14 AM
    Хорошо, спасибо. Буду пробовать
    TradeLORD | YouTube 4:26 PM
    мне вчера чувак тоже писал с этой же проблемой
    сегодня написал что 3 раза перезашел пересоздал и заработало
    напиши плиз если что то поможет
    чтоб я в видосе сказал
    [3IRD] BoJO97 4:26 PM
    Я вот пробую сейчас и пока ничего
    TradeLORD | YouTube 4:27 PM
    напишешь если чё, спасибо
    [3IRD] BoJO97 4:27 PM
    Он просто трейд ссылку менял?
    TradeLORD | YouTube 4:27 PM
    я не знаю я ему так же как тебе сказал он сказал не помогло сегодня сказал что пару раз еще обмен пересоздал и помогло
    [3IRD] BoJO97 4:33 PM
    Походу заработало
    Поменял пару раз ссылку на трейд и пришёл оффер от сайта
    TradeLORD | YouTube 4:34 PM
    и всё?
    ты ссылку полностью в стиме менял
    или что
    или просто стёр
    и вставл
    [3IRD] BoJO97 4:35 PM
    Я просто менял саму ссылку на трейд, удалял старую
    Ставил новую
    Делал оффер
    На сайте
    Вот теперь пришёл оффер
    [3IRD] BoJO97 9:28 PM
    Удалось мне всё же закинуть туда вещь
    Когда она будет видна в инвентаре теперь? На сайте ее не видно

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

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