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Under Investigation Report: 76561197994857407 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Other cash fraud (webmoney, bitcoin, etc)
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197994857407

    Victim profile: 76561198143509057

    What happened? Description:
    He stole a Golden Frying Pan.
    He contacted me and said he was interested in the pan and was willing to pay 1500€.
    I accepted and said that I only accepted bank transactions. He agreed and soon he showed me some fake screenshots of him transfering 1500€ to my bank account. But I refused to give him the item until I received the money.
    Until then he gained my trust by playing with me and even giving me a recommendation for a pc part I wanted to buy with the money.
    So I waited a day, not knowing there actually was no money to begin with, and checked my bank account. Nothing.
    So I told him about that and he said he feared that I could possibly a scammer and he was going to cancel the transaction. I did not know that you cannot cancel transactions, once they're on their way so I got into panic because it's kinda hard to find someone that is willing to pay a good amount for it.
    That's when I sent the pan. He soon gave me his GRU as a gift because I trusted him.

    Soon lolkiller contacted me and told me The Doctor was a scammer and proved it, showing his chat history with him.
    Because of that I said to the scammer The Docter I wanted the pan back and he could cancel the transaction but it was too late. He blocked me and lolkiller, changed name and ID.
    He also appears to have sent the Pan to an alt account and now says he never even knew about a stolen pan, which is obviouls a lie.​

    Provide Evidence:
    1. He got the pan for nothing (Screenshot)
    2. He told someone that he scammed me. (Screenshot)
    3. He says he didn't steal the pan and doesn't even know about that. (Youtube video)( )
    4. He changed his name and ID very often lately.
    5. Someone contacted me and wanted to sell it to me even though it's scammed. (Screenshots)

    Most of the Screenshots are in German, if someone could translate them, I would be grateful.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

  3. The Tenth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor New User

    you didn't even uploaded screenshots of our conversation, why? :eek:
  4. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    @The Tenth Doctor because steam doesnt let me view old conversations+you blocked me.

    tu doch nicht so. gib einfach die pan zurück und dann ist gut.
  5. The Tenth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor New User

    so basically you're saying that "i offered you 1500€ and sent you faked screenshots", but you can't proove it? seems legit!
  6. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    instead of spamming this forum, you could just send me a private message. also i proved that you got a pan from me for nothing, so?

    ehrlich jetzt mach dich nicht lächerlich. wir wissen beide, dass du mir meine pan gestohlen hast.
  7. The Tenth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor New User

    I just told you that i would pay 1500€ for it, we actually never made a deal, we don't even talked about how i should sent you the money! (paypal, pure, bank transfer, skrill, etc)
    The next day You sent me a trade offer (maybe because you hyped yourself so much while thinking about 1500€], i just accepted it. It's not that i forced you to sent the offer.
    Dunno what's wrong with you, but when I get a trade-offer with a golden pan, i'll surely accept it. i would accept any offer that gives me free items! everyone would do that.
  8. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    i wont play your games anymore. i have proved that you scammed me. you even told some other guy about it. its too late for excuses. nobody believes you especially after you lied about the pan on your profile.
  9. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    btw that story is ridiculous. why would i give you something before we actually made a deal?
    also why did you block me then?
  10. The Tenth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor New User

    i'm not lying. i just said that i don't have stolen a pan, and that's the truth. it's not theft when you just give me your item.
    btw that logic, you're using a screenshot of my steamprofile that says, that people should check your "proofs", as a proof?

    i simply blocked you because you annoyed me.
    as i already told you shortly before i blocked you, i was in the next city, buying some food and my phone was constantly vibrating because of you.
    You were crying about that you want your pan back, as you realized that you did make a mistake sending it to me before even talking about payment and stuff.

    dude go to the police, even they will tell you that's your fault.

    also i won't reply to any posts of you anymore, this conversation is waaay to stupid for me.

    if any of the steamrep admins have a question, i'll surely reply!
  11. advicebanana

    advicebanana SteamRep Moderator Friend Community

    @Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro
    We do not accept evidence hosted on 3rd party sites such as imgur. Please add all screenshots as attachments.
    Videos are also not accepted as evidence. Please take uncropped screenshots of the relevant parts and add them as attachments.

    You did also not provide screenshots of any trade agreement.

    @The Tenth Doctor
    Can you unblock the other guy and upload the remaining previous chat?
    You said
    but before that, you said
    That is contradictory to me. Please help me understand.

    @Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro
    Please upload screenshots of all the chat with the accused user, not just excerpts.

    @Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro
    Auf externen Seiten hochgeladene Bilder akzeptieren wir nicht. Bitte lade alle Bilder mit dem "Upload a File"-Button als Anhänge hoch. Videos akzeptieren wir auch nicht. Bitte lade Screenshots der relevanten Stellen als Anhänge hoch, ohne sie vorher zu beschneiden oder zu bearbeiten, beschreiben, etc.

    Du hast keine Screenshots einer Abmachung über den Verkauf/Handel des TF2-Items hochgeladen. Das ist gegebenenfalls nötig um diesen Fall zu bearbeiten.
    Bitte lade auch noch Screenshots von sämtlichem Chat mit dem Beschuldigten hoch und nicht nur Teile.

    @The Tenth Doctor
    Bitte hebe deine Blockierungen auf, um zu helfen die Situation aufzuklären. Bitte erkläre auch deine beiden oben zitierten, widersprüchlichen Aussagen.
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  12. The Tenth Doctor

    The Tenth Doctor New User

    I did, but i'm afraid that there is no previous chat shown, i can't even open a chat window.

    To your other question:
    I said to him: "Dude, i would like to buy your pan for 1500€", after this we played some casual rounds and then he had to go offline. We did not talk about a middleman service or how the deal will work or how i should pay him the money. We just played a little bit.
    The next day he just sent me the trade-offer with his golden pan, i was pretty surprised, but i accepted it. everybody would, i mean it's a golden pan :eek:

    i hope this helps you to understand :)
  13. [WoAQC]TeH PuDDinG

    [WoAQC]TeH PuDDinG New User

    So earlier this morning I got a mysterious friend request. In a way or another, he was involved in this problem and, from what I remember, his name was lol killer. He began telling me to read this post telling me that my friend (which is the one accused here) had scammed his friend in a very immature way (Began using cap locks, telling me I was stupid, pretty much insulting me for not believing him). Since this guy wanted me to report him and unfriend him, I decided to try and clear things up. I asked Doctor what hapenned with this guy and he actually told me that they never made some type of deal or ways to pay him. He told me that he just got an offer from lol's friend giving him his golden pan. The fishy part in this is that he added around 20+ of Doctor's friend all telling them the same thing and that his friend wanted to kill himself, got in depression and pretty much making it dramatic so that they would believe him. That is what I had to say about this and I think that the person that is claiming to be scammed pretty much scammed himself giving away the pan before making a deal.
  14. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    I am sorry for what lolkiller told you. I am not planning to kill myself and dont have depressions whatsoever. i did not make up the story and can proof it once i can recover the chats from me and the scammer.
    btw: of course did the scammer tell you that he didnt scam me, he cant risk getting me more evidence for the scam, especially after he told another guy that he scammed me (see screenshots)

    @The Tenth Doctor du musst mich zuerst adden, bevor du ein chatfenster öffnen kannst.
  15. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User


    because you dont accept 3rd party websites im uploading the screenshots myself now.

    Attached Files:

  16. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    sry clicked post reply too early

    Attached Files:

  17. [WoAQC]TeH PuDDinG

    [WoAQC]TeH PuDDinG New User

    • This person is NOT staff and nothing they say will have any bearing on the outcome of this report.
    Its YOUR fault if you gave him away the pan without any agreements of some sorts or finding way to transfer the money. Take an example of 2 dudes wanting to trade some xbox games they dont want. The first one says that he will give him black ops II for Modern Warfare . 2 days later, the 2nd dude comes to the other guy's house and let the game infront of his door because he is actually not here. The first dude finds the game at his door 2 days later and picks it thinking he actually wanted to give him the game because they never made any types of deal/agreements. 2 hours later his friend, who gave him the game, calls him asking for him game he promised to trade for but since they never made any deals or agreements the guy with the game isn't supposed to trade his game because they never made a clear deal before giving it.

    Next time you trade make sure you actually do with: 1. a middleman 2. not send a trade request and do it live because its like in the example, you gave it away like if it was a gift without any deals.
  18. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    I know that and learned from my mistake. But the scammer still needs to get punished, to prevent him from scamming other people with little experience. Or do you let a burgler get away, just because he succesfully steal something?

    I don't want anyone saying "if you were smarter back then this wouldn't had happened." This is not helping in any way and just wastes everone's time.
  19. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User


    He added me and now I got screenshots of all my chat history I could see using the android app.

    Note: These are not cropped and I hope they are posted in the right order.

    Screenshot 1-15:

    Attached Files:

  20. Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro

    Abgeranzt (GER) #teampyro New User

    Screenshot 15-30:

    Attached Files: