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Pending Report: 76561198066745446 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by AxsusXD, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. AxsusXD

    AxsusXD New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198066745446

    Victim profile: 76561198047490707

    What happened? Description:
    User McLovin' gave at csgolounge.com offer, in which he wrote that buys CS:GO Gift for 5 keys. A few days after the added to friends I decided to trade with him, after sending him a CS:GO Gift, he sent me via Steam trade which contained 5 keys, but then he canceled the trade and blocked me.
    (Sorry for my bad english!)​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. Royale with Cheese

    Royale with Cheese New User

    Related: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561197965939087-steam-steam-games.95942/ and http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...-counter-strike-global-offensive-items.81528/

    These people are degenerates. They are using multiple accounts and "+rep'ing" each other to lure people into their trap.

    Sadly, I also got scammed by them and managed to get one of them banned.


    [QUOTE| steamname: Chantelle_Piper
    | steam3ID: [U:1:5673359]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:2836679
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965939087
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/4I9
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197965939087[/QUOTE]

    Just recently, 76561198066745446 has cleared their inventory:
    Inventory before
    Inventory now:
    AxsusXD likes this.
  3. Royale with Cheese

    Royale with Cheese New User

    So today I got a friend invite from a guy (different account) that scammed me previously (http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561197965939087-steam-steam-games.95942):
    During our chat I was being racially harassed:
    He also said he pays his friends daily to help him with his scams:
    "McLovin'" (who has moved their inventory and is THE ACCUSED of this thread) is in his friends, too

    Later on, he made his profile private and refused to make it public again:
    Ehm... Then he completely lost his s✿✿✿.
  4. Royale with Cheese

    Royale with Cheese New User

    Full chat from clipboard:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, March 28, 2015
    13:19 - Royale with Cheese: Sorry I got you banned
    13:19 - Royale with Cheese: :(
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: lel like im mad ✿✿✿✿✿✿
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: I paid 4 pounds for that account
    13:20 - Royale with Cheese: good for you
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: i didnt pay for csgo the knife
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: however id like to know one thing
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: When are you gonna ban my other accounts
    13:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: Im bored let me see what you can do p✿✿✿✿ fart
    13:21 - Royale with Cheese: keep talking :D
    13:21 - TrainSp0ttinG: You're just gonna report it on steamrep then be like "omg he's back ;(((((("
    13:21 - TrainSp0ttinG: Don;t give a f✿✿✿
    13:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: and btw they arent even my accounts
    13:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: But your so damn dumb you just want to ban everyone like the power hungry bastard you are
    13:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: And last but not least, this isnt my account ✿✿✿✿✿✿
    13:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: Literally borrowed it to play csgo
    13:22 - Royale with Cheese: =[
    13:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: You must get bullied at school
    13:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: I can see by the comments you're in school
    13:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: either that or you're a ✿✿✿✿✿✿
    13:23 - Royale with Cheese: sorry I rekt your account
    13:23 - Royale with Cheese: :(
    13:23 - Royale with Cheese: now move along, please
    13:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: Sorry you're so poor you had to cry over csgo
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: Me move along
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: You got all my friends and commented on them
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: you're the ✿✿✿✿✿✿ who should move on
    13:24 - Royale with Cheese: Yep, they are now aware
    13:24 - Royale with Cheese: :D
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: Nigga i aint even mad i feel bad for you
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: You have like 2 friends
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: They already were
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: I pay them on the daily to f✿✿✿✿✿✿ help me scam
    13:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: So keep nigging
    13:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: And now you're gonna get your nerds to report this account
    13:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: Can't wait
    13:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: Go ahead
    13:26 - Royale with Cheese: got something else to say?
    13:26 - TrainSp0ttinG: yeah, are you poor? Must be poor in lithuania
    13:26 - TrainSp0ttinG: To get this mad over csgo
    13:26 - TrainSp0ttinG: Literally scammed 50 copies
    13:26 - TrainSp0ttinG: Your the only c✿✿✿ to complain
    13:26 - TrainSp0ttinG: And good luck banning this isnt my account
    13:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: So I don;t give a f✿✿✿ blood
    13:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: Do it
    13:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: Do it right f✿✿✿✿✿✿ now
    13:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: and show me your p✿✿✿✿ ass thread when you make it
    13:28 - Royale with Cheese: cool
    13:28 - Royale with Cheese: I could use another story
    13:28 - TrainSp0ttinG: http://puu.sh/gSUnc/696995722a.jpg good luck
    13:29 - Royale with Cheese: Sildrig should I report this guy
    13:29 - Royale with Cheese: too?
    13:29 - TrainSp0ttinG: what for?
    13:29 - TrainSp0ttinG: Being my friend?
    13:29 - TrainSp0ttinG: Wow
    13:30 - Royale with Cheese: guess you also pay him to help you scam people
    13:30 - Royale with Cheese: fake rep
    13:30 - Royale with Cheese: :(
    13:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: Say what you want
    13:33 - TrainSp0ttinG: I've traded with him loads
    13:33 - TrainSp0ttinG: So how is it fake?
    13:40 - Royale with Cheese: private account
    13:40 - Royale with Cheese: bit too late I guess
    13:40 - Royale with Cheese: :D
    13:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: Not for you mate just so when i play games nobody calls me on my playtime
    13:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: so you gonna link me yet?
    13:51 - Royale with Cheese: god
    13:51 - Royale with Cheese: what do you want from me?
    13:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: Thought you were gonna report me again
    13:52 - Royale with Cheese: I have a better idea
    13:52 - TrainSp0ttinG: Yeah?
    13:52 - Royale with Cheese: I don't think I should spoil all the fun
    13:52 - Royale with Cheese: do I?
    13:52 - TrainSp0ttinG: What fun would that be?
    13:57 - TrainSp0ttinG: I see no fun
    13:57 - Royale with Cheese: bog off, wanker
    13:58 - TrainSp0ttinG: No i have no idea where you're going with this
    13:58 - TrainSp0ttinG: Please continue
    14:03 - TrainSp0ttinG: Are you crying now?
    14:03 - TrainSp0ttinG: Like really nigga keep going
    14:04 - Royale with Cheese: make your account public please
    14:04 - TrainSp0ttinG: what for I ain't doing s✿✿✿ for you unless you explain to me what fun you meant
    14:04 - Royale with Cheese: ok
    14:06 - TrainSp0ttinG: I have a right to be private
    14:06 - Royale with Cheese: of course you do
    14:12 - TrainSp0ttinG: add me on steam so we can talk
    14:12 - TrainSp0ttinG: *skype
    14:13 - TrainSp0ttinG: f✿✿✿ if you do ill give you back your csgo
    14:19 - TrainSp0ttinG: Hello?
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: what
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: why should I talk to you on Skype?
    14:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: Can i get your skype bro? I'll give you back csgo if i can hear your voice
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: f✿✿✿ the csgo
    14:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: I just want to know if im right
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: its more than that
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: now
    14:20 - Royale with Cheese: =]
    14:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: what is it now?
    14:20 - TrainSp0ttinG: Well that way you still win even more
    14:21 - TrainSp0ttinG: Think of your spoils
    14:22 - TrainSp0ttinG: is it because you're a kid?
    14:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: C'mon tell me
    14:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: Wipe away your tears you f✿✿✿✿✿✿ c✿✿✿ and speak
    14:23 - TrainSp0ttinG: Stop being a p✿✿✿✿
    14:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: yoou're a little p✿✿✿✿
    14:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: PUUSSYY
    14:24 - TrainSp0ttinG: p✿✿✿✿
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: At school you're a p✿✿✿✿ on the computer you think you're someone
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: But you're still a little p✿✿✿✿
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: I know it
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: I can smell how much of a p✿✿✿✿ you are
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: You stink
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: Of grease
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: Cause you have no pals
    14:25 - TrainSp0ttinG: Now f✿✿✿✿✿✿ tell me
    14:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: little nigga dick
    14:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: God damn kid
    14:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: You're worse than anything i've ever seen
    14:27 - TrainSp0ttinG: YOu acted so hardcore when you blocked me
    14:28 - TrainSp0ttinG: What happened to the cool kid
    14:29 - TrainSp0ttinG: Who "rekt" all scammers
    14:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: I mean that is you right?
    14:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: Or are you like a p✿✿✿✿ who hides behind his pals
    14:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: all 3 of them
    14:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: Because you dont have pals either
    14:30 - TrainSp0ttinG: Loads on steam sure
    14:31 - TrainSp0ttinG: But I bet you have none once you walk away do you bro?
    14:31 - TrainSp0ttinG: You'll be alone for life, chilling isn't it?
    14:32 - TrainSp0ttinG: You're not even gonna prove me wrong
    14:32 - TrainSp0ttinG: It's funny
    14:32 - TrainSp0ttinG: You're probably crying as I speak
    14:33 - TrainSp0ttinG: Like the little kid you are
    14:33 - TrainSp0ttinG: Crying to mum about cyberbullying like the wanker you are
    14:33 - TrainSp0ttinG: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ pathetic mate
    14:33 - Royale with Cheese: sorry
    14:33 - Royale with Cheese: I was busy
    14:33 - Royale with Cheese: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...-counter-strike-global-offensive-items.95846/
    14:35 - TrainSp0ttinG: Make more please
    14:35 - TrainSp0ttinG: You haven't made enough
    14:35 - TrainSp0ttinG: Give me your skype man you're just a kid i bet
    14:36 - Royale with Cheese: stop being mean
    14:36 - Royale with Cheese: you are hurting my feelings
    14:36 - TrainSp0ttinG: Give me your skype
    14:36 - Royale with Cheese: so you can ddos me?
    14:36 - TrainSp0ttinG: Why won't you answer?
    14:36 - TrainSp0ttinG: No kid ddosing is for manchildren
    14:37 - TrainSp0ttinG: So I can know wether you';re a kid or not
    14:38 - TrainSp0ttinG: and btw you proven me right once again
    14:38 - TrainSp0ttinG: You left out major parts
    14:38 - TrainSp0ttinG: They don't help me scam it's the same c✿✿✿ who gave you that ssg who scams
    14:39 - Royale with Cheese: thanks
    14:39 - Royale with Cheese: more
    14:39 - Royale with Cheese: evidence
    14:39 - Royale with Cheese: !
    14:39 - TrainSp0ttinG: And put this on
    14:39 - TrainSp0ttinG: Number one
    14:39 - TrainSp0ttinG: This account is not mine
    14:39 - TrainSp0ttinG: I'm using to to talk s✿✿✿ to you and play csgo my real accounts arent on my steam
    14:39 - TrainSp0ttinG: Next
    14:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: Mc'Lovin hasnt scammed once in his life he had traded his stuff away because you threatned to get him trade banned
    14:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: Which might I add is a horrid threat
    14:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: Last but not least
    14:40 - Royale with Cheese: but but
    14:40 - Royale with Cheese: McLovin has a steamrep thread on him
    14:40 - Royale with Cheese: :(((
    14:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: He does and he was deemed innocent
    14:40 - TrainSp0ttinG: so you can f✿✿✿ off
    14:41 - TrainSp0ttinG: You smelly semen eating c✿✿✿
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: how is he innocent
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: if he's not
    14:41 - TrainSp0ttinG: He is
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: ho?
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: how?
    14:41 - TrainSp0ttinG: He didn't scam anything
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: same account
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: unfortunately
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: :(((
    14:41 - TrainSp0ttinG: He legitely bought them then the people asked for it back
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: hahahaha
    14:41 - Royale with Cheese: sure
    14:42 - TrainSp0ttinG: You're so mad, I'm just talking s✿✿✿ to you to fuel you
    14:42 - TrainSp0ttinG: and you take it like an autist to a bike
    14:42 - TrainSp0ttinG: And as a result you have now successfully fell into my trap
    14:44 - Royale with Cheese: awesome!
    14:44 - TrainSp0ttinG: And you dont even see it
    14:44 - TrainSp0ttinG: I'm obviousl not a proffesional
    14:45 - TrainSp0ttinG: I just wanted to see if you'd fabricate it and twist it
    14:45 - TrainSp0ttinG: And you did
    14:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: Why did you fail to add the part where i told you those accounts aren't mine and above all
    14:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: fail to add the part where you called me a wanker
    14:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: Oh yeah
    14:51 - TrainSp0ttinG: You try to make yourself look good
    14:52 - TrainSp0ttinG: I'm done im gonna keep the fuill convo in a notepad and if this goes any further i have more proof delete your post or ill make you look like a c✿✿✿ now
    14:52 - Royale with Cheese: I'm the good guy here
    14:52 - Royale with Cheese: =D
  5. Royale with Cheese

    Royale with Cheese New User

  6. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell New User
