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Declined Report: 76561198091234783 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by fmca, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. fmca

    fmca New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulant behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198091234783

    Victim profile: 76561198083879442

    What happened? Description:
    I was contacted by steam user 76561198083879442 (Henceforth referred to as 'Elena') about a confidence scam that had been perpetrated on her by user 76561198091234783 (henceforth referred to as 'The PinkWalrus'). Elena had added PinkWalrus after meeting in MvM. PinkWalrus subsequently donated some items to Elena, including a unique festive buff banner (item history: http://backpack.tf/item/1339798083 ) and several robo parts. Having done this and gained Elena's trust, PinkWalrus then offered to buy Elena a variety of unusuals, testified to me as including an unusual antlers and an unusual brigade helm through his 'bot', wherein he claimed to store an amount of high-value currency, 20 buds to be precise. Elena then expressed an interest in PinkWalrus's unique Scotsman's Skullcutter, and PinkWalrus stated that he could also donate this item to Elena. Having sent her a trade request, and while directly trading, PinkWalrus said to Elena that if she added her Unusual Aces High Respectless Rubber Glove, there would "(maybe lol) be a little surprise ;)". The overall details of the trade are provided below - I estimate the value that PinkWalrus offered on Elena's unusual as being 25% of its actual market value. Having accepted the trade, Elena was then unfriended and blocked by PinkWalrus, and he subsequently sold the Respectless Rubber Glove to user 76561198079033916 (hereby referrred to as 'SWAG'). SWAG currently owns the unusual in question.

    Elena, as may be apparent, is extremely gullible and was easily taken in by the methods employed by this confidence trickster. Having already donated items to her, Elena believed that PinkWalrus would in fact donate an unusual to her in return. Her gullibility made her an easy target, but the trading practices PinkWalrus displayed in this are questionable to say the least. There is every possibility he could go on to repeat the methods he used against Elena and convince people that he is in fact someone who likes to donate items to other users, and in so doing scam/shark them out of their unusuals by making promises of reciprocity he has no intention of keeping. I contacted PinkWalrus and made him an offer to put right his actions, but he refused, hence why I am now taking the time to fill in this report. I attach the details of the trade Elena accepted, relevant item histories, chat logs and the like. Unfortunately Elena did not keep the original chat log between her and the PinkWalrus - I attach a chat log whereby she testifies as to what happened to me. She is extremely unfamiliar with steamrep and the methods whereby she might get redress for the scam she has suffered, which is why she asked for my help. In part, this is also why she did not save the original chat logs, unfortunately. However, I would like to put this report before steamrep about this particularly manipulative individual and what has occurred in this case, as to the best of my knowledge.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Attached Files:

  2. fmca

    fmca New User

  3. fmca

    fmca New User

    To categorise this large number of images: the first two provide evidence of the trade offer itself from Elena's trade history; "Elena testimony"1-15, with the last two images beginning in my first reply, constitute Elena's recollection of her dealing with The Pink Walrus and "pinkwalrus"/"Thepinkwalrus" 1-4 record the offer I made to PinkWalrus and the accusation I made against him, and his self-justification of his actions.
  4. fmca

    fmca New User

    I also attach the proof that the respectless rubber glove was in The PinkWalrus's backpack:

    respectless gloves ace high history.JPG
  5. fmca

    fmca New User

    Requesting this thread be closed, as it has been over 3 months since submission.
  6. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:

    I apologize for the delay in responding to this report. Unfortunately, we will be unable to proceed with the report due to the following:
    • We do not accept 3rd party reports.
    • Screenshots must be full screen, uncropped, and unedited.
    As such, this report will be marked Declined. Please read this guide: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-submission-fundamentals.169802/ and https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/screenshot-guide-requirements.157969/ prior to submitting a report.
